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Posts posted by RouxTheDay

  1. Ok, so I know Utrogestan is really difficult to find here, but hoping somebody can point me to a specific pharmacy in Bangkok that either stocks it, or will special order it for me. Supposedly, I can get it through a major hospital like Bumrungrad, but really do not want to go through the expense and hassle of an unnecessary MD visit, as well as arguing with them about what I need, etc. Sigh.

    I take 300mg/day split dose, so in a perfect world, I'd get 90 each of the 100mg capsules and 200mg capsules. That said, I'd be thrilled to even find one month's worth of the 100mg capsules if that's all I can get.

    Please, there must be some ladies here who are using it. Info hugely appreciated. :)

    Thanks all!

  2. Agree with previous poster... select your child's school first, then decide on residence based on proximity and/or easy access to transportation. Having an alternative to driving (i.e., skytrain, etc.) is a good backup plan for the *rare* :) occasion when gridlock occurs. Also, outdoor time needn't be limited to only living in a home. I recall that when we first started looking, there were some condo buildings (including serviced ones) that had very nice tot lots on the premises. There are a few nice parks, too (the one next to Emporium comes to mind), so I personally wouldn't limit myself to the suburbs if I were you. It might end up being your best bet, but not necessarily. Good luck with your relo!

  3. It's a very old "rule" that I've only encountered in Italian cuisine... from a culinary point of view, the only real reason to avoid cheese with seafood has to do with flavor profiles. Specifically, cheese used that the table as a final garnish is usually parmagianno or romano, which are very strong, almost acrid cheeses. Most seafood has a delicate flavor that is easily overpowered by such a flavor profile. Why would you want to do that?

    From a cultural point of view, I've been told that it dates way back to the old religious rules that dictated what you could eat and when. For instance part of eating fish during lent would have related to sacrificing rich foods. In addition to giving up meat, you'd be expected to avoid dairy, too. Etc.

    Anyway. Just eat what you like. But do consider the type and amount of cheese you use with your seafood, and consider how delicate or intensely flavored your seafood is. Dishes like thermidor use very little cheese, it's always a mild melting cheese, and the liquid used to make the sauce includes a fish stock, which helps the lobster compete with the cheese.

  4. Bumrungrad's sleep unit is very good. You can get your sleep study done one night, and then return for the second part when they will determine the type of CPAP you need, help you with mask sizing (can be very complicated), write your order for pressure, etc. If you will be spending time in the USA soon, I'd recommend getting the sleep study done in BKK, but purchasing the CPAP stateside... much, much, MUCH cheaper over here. There is a website called cpap dot com that consistently has the best selection and prices for the machines and the related supplies.

    Good luck with it. You will feel SO much better if you get this taken care of...

  5. Reviving this thread... I'm wondering if anything has changed with this organization? E.g., do they still run their shuttle? Are they still looking for people to spend time with the babies? Does anybody know whether they allow teenagers to help out? My daughter is 14 and will hopefully attend school in BKK next year so I can join my husband there. How is help from men regarded? My husband is fantastic with small kids, and we might be interested in coming in as a family... thanks for any insight!

  6. Do not bother going to U-Tapao unless you have a confirmed seat on a flight out of there. The 3-hour trip will take at least five hours, and if you do finally reach the terminal, you will find that they are not equipped to handle unbooked passengers. Actually, they can barely handle the ones that are confirmed for the flights, which is why most of the outbound departures have been delayed, sometimes by hours.

    If you arrive without a reservation, they will only send you back. Line up at a Thai ticket office in Bangkok, or go to the counters they're setting up at BITEC before you even think about going to UTP.

    Best of luck to you.

  7. PAD goal was to protest at the airport, in the public areas... not shut down operations. It was the AOT that shutdown the airport.

    This is totally incorrect. The way I've understood it, the main reason the airport had to be shut down because PAD stormed the air traffic control tower and forced out the controllers. If that is so, then clearly, the PAD's explicit intent was to shut down the airport. Isn't this a no-brainer? I'm pretty sure the single most essential function in proper airport ops is air traffic control.

    It is this, coupled with the blockade of all access roads by the PAD, that has shut down the airport. Again. If the PAD had no intent of stopping airport ops, why blockade the roads at both airports?

    Not to be insulting, but it seems a person would have be very naive to believe that all the PAD wanted to do was have a peaceful, 60s-style sit-in. If the presence of peaceful protesters were the only issue, then it would certainly be inconvenient and chaotic, but there would be no real reason for the airport to completely cease ops.

    The PAD has shot itself in the foot here IMHO.

  8. Does anyone know how easy it is to get a flight in to u-tapao from manila, KL, or singapore right now? Given the huge number of people needing seats to come out there must be a lot of available seats in.

    After spending nearly the entire day working on this yesterday, I hope I can give you a little insight:

    1. It is not possible to get into UTP direct from Manila. For that matter, even under *normal* conditions, it's difficult to get anywhere from MNL, so hey. My fiance has been stranded in MNL since last week, so you can rely on my information.

    2. There are flights from SIN and KUL but they are difficult to get. For instance, if you want to use THAI, you must already hold a Thai ticket. And even then, good luck. Fiance is holding a Thai ticket, and tried to get on an inbound UTP flight from SIN or KUL, but all Thai would offer him was a flight to Phuket, which did him no good.

    3. The easiest way we found into UTP was on an EVA flight from Taipei. If that connection works for you, give it a try. They are flying into UTP at least once daily, and possibly twice. You need to deal with EVA directly OR you need to get assistance from a travel agent. EVA has rescue flight information posted on its website. Note, however, that the flight times posted there are NOT accurate, and the flights cannot be booked online. If you cannot get through on the phone (extremely difficult), and if you do not have access to a reliable travel agent, try a hotel concierge. My fiance finally had great success with the assistance of a competent concierge at one of the 5-stars in Manila.

    4. Cathay Pacific is also running daily flights from HKG into UTP, so if that hub works for you, try connecting thataway. Again, you need to deal directly with the airline or a travel agent.

    5. Even if you get booked on a flight from SIN or KUL into UTP, be prepared for it to fail. Because those airports are the least distant from UTP, their flights have been getting turned away or cancelled whenever it's necessary to alleviate air traffic congestion problems. It's harder to turn away an inbound long-haul flight, so the ones from nearby get sent home first.

    6. If you have the time, I strongly encourage you to consider flying into Chiang Mai. This was fiance's backup plan. Depending where you're coming from, some of your options for direct flights into CNX are Korean Air out of Incheon, China Air out of Taipei, and SilkAir out of S'pore. But there are reports that other major airlines are diverting some of their regular BKK flights to CNX to help rescue stranded travelers, so you might find new options by dealing with the airlines or a travel agent. Once you arrive in Chiang Mai, get a ticket on the overnight express train to Bangkok (departs something like 1700 and arrives around 0600). It will save you a lot of heartache, as the traffic and chaos around UTP is so bad, that's almost as hard to get out of there as it is to get in!

    Good luck! Feel free to PM me if you want any of the specific information I was able to learn.

  9. OMG, this topic came up at exactly the right time. I was just trying to figure out the best place to have some clothing custom made for myself.

    My fiance just had some suits and shirts made by Jesse and Victor, and he has just been going on and on and on about how beautiful they are, how they fit so well, how nice the fabric is... and on, and on, and on... blah, blah, blah. Such a clothes horse.

    I am so envious, and although I'm stuck over here for now, I'll be in need of some skirts and blouses the next time I'm over there. And, MORE IMPORTANTLY, it will be time to have my wedding dress made. It will be non-Asian style, but it won't be a debutantesque white satin ballgown, if you know what I mean. It's a second marriage, and I'm no young, blushing bride. I want something different, and with some color, probably made from Thai silk. I'd be thrilled if it were something I could use again for other formal events. (too practical for my own good)

    Anyway. I'm rambling. Has anybody else used this dressmaker? Does anybody have any other recommendations?

  10. In America every man, woman, minority, land owner or not has the right to vote and the majority will rule. With this kind of democracy we have a very stable government that people will invest in and have become the worlds #1 economy.

    Although the United States relies upon certain democratic processes and principles, it most certainly is not a democracy. It is a constitutional republic, and was explicitly designed as such by the "founding fathers" in an effort to specifically protect its citizens from the dangers of democracy (i.e., tyranny of the majority, mob rule, etc.).

    I've only been following the current political issues in LOS for about a year, so I'm no expert. That said, I'm certainly no supporter of the current "regime", but it's fairly clear the PAD is not the answer, and is not truly interested in a democracy. At least not in the sense that most people mean when using that word. However, those dangers of democracy our unruly Americans feared do seem to be something of a concern in this case... What's that saying about out of the skillet, into the fire?

  11. My preference is and always has been Ms., whether I've been single, married, separated or divorced (I've been all of those).

    Reason for my preference? In this day and age, when females are no longer chattle (in my western world), and when a female's marital status no longer determines her social status, or lack thereof (again, in my western world), how on earth is my marital status in way, shape or form relevant? The abbreviated form of address Ms. can mean Miss (single) or Missus (married). Either way, it's a variation on the old-fashioned "mistress" (feminine equivalent of "master" for males). I think the infamous "they" should decide that all females will be addressed as either Miss or Missus exclusively, with the other term being dropped from usage entirely as obsolete, antiquated, whatever.

    As a slightly off-topic aside, I've also used both my husband's surname and my family surname (aka "maiden" name, another outdated term), interchangeably, according to need and situation. And, I see nothing wrong with a male choosing to do the same.

    Oh. And I love the Thai unisex term of address "khun" -- awesome.

  12. As for Milk Thistle, it's a herbal plant extract that helps liver regeneration, ie. it's very good for your liver - it's scientifically proven as well....
    Here's a good link to a site about Milk Thistle:


    Here are a few sites that may be even better, as they give much more detailed information, including an overview of the various studies, including how well-structured they were, whether they scientifically proved anything meaningful, etc.:

    Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality

    NCAM at NIH

    Mayo Clinic

    In a nutshell, the jury seems to still be out on milk thistle. The potential is there, but it's apparently far from proven. The information suggests only that (1) milk thistle is possibly useful in treating certain liver diseases but that studies have been poorly structured and have not conclusively found a benefit, and (2) is generally safe to consume, although it can cause certain medication interactions, and some people are allergic. There appears to be no indication that milk thistle is useful for prevention or health maintenance in people with healthy livers, but I admittedly may have overlooked such a reference.

    As for pure lemon juice - it's a well known fact it helps cleanse your liver - just do a search on liver cleansing using lemon juice or something like that on www.google.com

    I don't think this is entirely accurate. First, I think in calling this claim "well-known" or a "fact" you need to provide some concrete substantiation (although clearly, drinking fresh lemon juice seems to be risk-free for most people). Second, and probably more importantly, it is my understanding that the liver cannot be "cleansed" per se, and, in fact, requires no such thing. A google search produces a plethora of sites that appear to be far from medically reliable.

  13. Maybe not be the precise area you had in mind, but check out the various Centre Point properties. I think some may have rates in line with your budget, but not positive.

    Edit: Please disregard. I misread your post to say 4500 per day... oops! Sorry...

  14. Price was a dentist who died a half century ago! So why (referencing your post on another thread regarding Barrett) do you find people like Price more reliable than quackwatch? I'm not suggesting that Price has nothing of value to offer -- clearly, some of the theories and advice are sound and based on good common sense. In fact, I myself take cod liver oil as advocated by Price (although not as a result of his advocation). But a whole lot of the information is extremely questionable, and some of it may be downright dangerous.

  15. OP has said the card has only been used for one purpose at one location -- no online purchases, etc. Since the charges all originated in the US, sounds like one of two things: either the card data was compromised at the CU level, or the charges were misposted (i.e., charges from another customer's account were incorrectly posted to your account, which is not unheard of).

    I'd definitely be on the phone with the CU and approach the problem with the assumption that in all likelihood the problem originated at their end, and not at the ATM in LOS.

    Luckily for you it's a credit union account. The vast majority of CUs are a real pleasure to do business with, and you'll undoubtedly have it all fixed quick as sh*t.

    Good luck!

  16. Okay. Sorry this topic is so shallow, but I'm can't be the only one who has found this to be one of life's major issues... Background:

    I have fine, wavy hair. Not quite curly. But almost. Not curly enough (or straight enough) to let it dry naturally (unless I want to look like an ungroomed spaniel). When I'm stateside, I blow dry it straight. The climate here in So Calif is seldom very humid, so this works fine for the most part. However, when I'm in a tropical, rainy, or foggy climate, or when I'm doing something sweaty, my style is gone in a flash. And, into a ponytail it goes. Whenever I'm in London, SE Asia, Paris, the southern US, my only option is to pull it back. It doesn't matter whether it's tropical humidity or cold fog, my hair simply will not stay styled in a moist climate.

    I'd like to avoid the perpetual ponytail plastered to my scalp by half a can of hairspray. Especially when I attend formal business events. (The look just doesn't work with my gowns :o ). Plus, it's just too d*mned hot to use a blow dryer in climates like BKK.

    So I've been toying with the idea of having it chemically straightened. My questions:

    Have any of you done it?

    If so... which method?

    Benefits of straightening?

    Drawbacks of no wave whatsoever?

    Can this service be readily obtained in BKK?

    Other ideas, suggestions, advice, tried-and-true solutions, etc.???

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