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Everything posted by madmac1

  1. You have to admire the audacity of these people. They made it so clear right from the start what they were doing. They called the company "iCon"!!! As in I con people!!! And has 555 registration on one of his car's just to rub it in.
  2. Thanks for a good answer.
  3. Is that Chonburi Immigration or a national site?
  4. Not strange, when I applied they gave 30 days and also an application number was written in my passport. They said check online before coming to make sure it is completed.
  5. I have already applied for my O married extension and got my application number. Where can I check if it is approved before going back to Immigration? Is there a website or app to check this out?
  6. Looks like the Pheu Lie party are showing their true colours in a totally expected move to grab power. Will probably unite with some of the "Old Guard" that the people of Thailand wanted and voted to get rid of.
  7. Does anyone know of a place in Pattaya that will buy second hand books. Having a clear out to create space so not interested in book exchanges or credit to buy other books.
  8. PT stated before the election that they were prepared to align with anyone to get power. Specifically they mentioned Anutin's gang.
  9. Thanks for your feedback. Seems the conflicting info I got from the DWP is repeated here. Some YES some NO.
  10. Does anyone have personal experience of this? I live in Thailand and I will hit retirement age at the end of this month. If I choose to defer claiming until after the increase in April what weekly rate will I get? Is it fixed at the rate applicable on your retirement age day or the day you start claiming. Not asking about the small percentage based on length of time deferred but about the actual weekly pension rate. I have asked the HMRC & DWP and been told 100% will get new rate and 100% will not. Very confusing!! If you have personal experience or knowledge please let me know.
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