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Posts posted by who

  1. There are some unanswered questions on this:

    1) The planes planned to be used on this mission are converted spy planes. The media show pictures of a very large 4-engined plane but we are told that there is not enough room on board for a Thai observer. Why?

    2) The Nasa chap in charge of the mission said that equipment had already been transported here. This was denied by our government in the wake of the outcry. Did somebody 'mis-speak' or was this just a plain old lie?

    3) Who planted the rumor that the quid pro quo for permission to use U-Tapao was a US visa for Thaksin? Was it Yingluck, or was it someone from the Democrat camp seeking to make a cheap political gain?

    4) Why do we only hear about the temporary weather mission in the media now? What happened to the permanent loss of sovereignty from the 'humanitarian' mission...this appears to have faded into the background? Is this an intentional fading so that we have a big hue and cry about the weather mission and then parliament then approves the permanent US base?

    5) Why is U-Tapao so essential to the mission....planes are moveable things...why can't they take off from some other airport, and fly to the Asian cloud? Is it that the long runway is essential to getting the spy-planes into the air?

    I'm not someone who usually makes predictions but here is one....this is a spying on China mission by the US military using NASA as a front...as such, the request will be resurrected by the US in the not too distant future, and it will become a permanent fixture on Thai soil.

    I'll bet that this guy can't find his way to the bathroom without help.


  2. I can't offer advise on where to move to, but can on this.

    I want to buy about 4 or 5 rai of land in a quiet area so I can make my house and not have to listen to barking dogs and chickens all day long.

    Then rent, don't buy.

    Anything can change in an instant here. A friend was thinking of buying but was able to rent the property for a year first.

    Within six months there was a pig farm set up along side and behind him. Nothing the owner of the house could do about it. He couldn't open any of the windows at the beginning and then had no choice to move out and forgo the remaining rent he had paid.

    The pig farm was paying money to whoever so it had free reign. It could just as easily had been a karaoke shack, disco, anything really.

    Rent in Thailand, don't buy. smile.png

    Excelent advice. Invest your money at home and use the income in a

    foreign country.


    • Like 1
  3. Cutting corporate taxes when they should have been raised was craziness, but (hopefully) all the added revenue from increasing the minimum wage increasing in public sector wages and benefits will get Thailand back on a more fiscally responsible course.

    ----Your statement is worth just about the 2 cents you suggest. Just another left winger that can't add----


  4. I wouldn't mind weaker baht, but somehow I don't think there would be anything near 75baht for a £

    With the greater financial discipline within the UK, and the strong sense of urgency, as well as sound policies, for overcoming its current problems - far more than within the EU - there is no fundamental reason why we should not see the heady days of THB 75 to the GBP once again.

    ----Yes, but what will those 75 baht buy when super inflation kicks in ?----


  5. kurtmartens

    About half the times I return home to Thailand from work, I have only a one way ticket. I've never been refused boarding or entry into Thailand. (Even before I had my multi entry "O", and was just coming in on a tourist stamp.) Both on Thai Airways and Emirates. Never asked to show a return ticket. Never questioned by the airline/ticket counter or Thai Immigration Officer. Might depend on nationality, behavior, etc. Who knows.

    Round trip ticket, that is fully refundable? Open ended in case you use it in the future? - Those are the expensive kind !

    ----In the 50 years that I've been coming to Thailand, immigration has never asked to see an ongoing ticket. You mention customs but they currently seem to be out of business except for the bevy of captains and majors standing around chatting----


  6. ASEAN Framework Agreement on Visa Exemption

    Kuala Lumpur, 25 July 2006

    Article 1

    1. Member Countries, where applicable, shall exempt citizens of any other Member Countries holding valid national passports from visa requirement for a period of stay of up to 14 (fourteen) days from the date of entry, provided that such stay shall not be used for purposes other than visit. Citizens of Member Countries who enter another Member Countries for other purposes or for a stay exceeding the days allowed under the laws and regulations of the host countries are required to apply for appropriate visas or passes.

    2. Notwithstanding the above paragraph, Member Countries shall reserve the right to provide visa-free entry for citizens of other Member Countries for temporary visits for a period more than fourteen (14) days in accordance with their respective laws and regulations and/or bilateral protocols/arrangements.

    Article 2

    The duration of passport validity of citizens of Member Countries shall be at least six (6) months from the date of entry.


    ID cards alone (no passport) may be ok in some countries.

  7. .


    "You need to hookup with a visa run service and get a tourist visa in a neighboring country and it won't cost you 10k. A single entry will give you a total of 90 days, 60 upon entry and can be extended fro 30 days - 1900 baht."


    ----Do I understand that you are saying: go a neighboring country, visit the Thai Embassy and obtain a 60 day Tourist Visa. Then return to Thailand and at the end of 60 day go to the local immigration office and obtain an extension ?----


  8. Presumably this stipend hike will include people like the road sweepers, office cleaners lowly clerks as well as it cost them the same for a kilo of rice as it does the , ''elite'" state officials. .

    Oooh , " sorry I forgot that the P.T.P. ( Personal Thaksin Property) are anti elite aren't they whistling.gif?

    Public debt at the end of July was Bt4.3 trillion, equivalent to 40.57 per cent of gross domestic product. The figure rose by Bt16.46 billion from the month before, he said.

    Critics blame the government's populist policies for the spiralling public debt, including the wage hike and the first-car buyer and first-home-buyer schemes, tax cuts for which will lead to higher public debt. The critics say fiscal sustainability is under threat, amid the sovereign-debt crises in Europe and the United States.

    Take note. "The financial storm cones are already being hoisted."


    ---- Don't have your money in Thai Baht. Hyper-inflation is right around the corner ----



  9. .

    ---- a few minor corrections: ----

    Is Thailand's central bank, the Bank of Thailand, a private for-profit institution like the Federal Reserve of the U.S.A.? ---- The U.S. Federal Reserve is not a "for-profit institution"

    The Federal Reserve is owned by shareholders who are international commercial banks ---- The FRB is owned by it's members who need not be "international" nor "commercial" such as Chase Manhattan, J.P. Morgan and Citibank, and these banks are in turn largely owned by a few of the ultra-wealthy ---- The large banks that you list are "largely owned" not by individuals but by pension funds etc. such as the Rothchilds (who are said to be ---- said by whom ---- worth around 100T USD) and Rockefellers (who are said ---- by whom said? ---- to be worth around 10T USD). The government of the U.S.A., since 1913, has basically allowed a commercial bank to profit ---- how do they profit ---- from creating (out of nothing) and issuing the country's currency ("Federal Reserve notes"). ---- obviously, only the Federal Reserve issues "Federal Reserve Notes ----

    Other than the few minor errors your post was excellent ----


  10. Sorry ,why do you need a certificate to prove that you are alive?I am on an old age pension, have never heard of such a document, if indeed that is what it is.I have to go to my Embassy ,to get Stat .Dec. certifying my monthly income,which I then present to Immigration, and then they issue me with a 1 year extension.I have to do this every year. There is NO document that can be issued by your Amphur, that is accepted by Immigration.That has been the law for many,many years. I repeat ,there is NO document issued by your Amphur ,that is acceptable to them. They need ,and will only accept a Stat ,Dec. , from your Embassy, certifying your monthly income,that is of a minimum of B 65,000 per month, or if you have B 800,000 lodged for a minimum of 3? months in a Thai bank account


    ---- What is a Stat .Dec. ? Should everyone be familiar with you abbreviations ? If that's what it is. ----


  11. Currently, the two biggest rice-exporting countries in the world are Thailand and Vietnam. They also both do a lot of business with the US. A couple more dams on the Mekong might greatly reduce Vietnam's rice output.

    In the not-to-distant future, food production will be a major concern. Hungry people tend to be a politically destabilizing force! As the world biggest superpower, the US is more interested in stability than instability. So anything that threatens the production of oil or food is going to be something that the US will be meddling in.

    I'm not saying that this is right or wrong, just the reality of the situation.


    ---- "A couple more dams on the Mekong might greatly reduce Vietnam's rice output" Just how would this happen ? ----


  12. Hate to change the subject from American bashing but I wonder if the proposed dam_n will have negative consequences to the food supply of downstream nations.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mekong, The Mekong River Commission, a panel of the region's nations, has accused China of blatantly disregarding the nations downstream in its plans to dam the river in an effort to stop the dams, but to no avail. Cambodia is by far the most exposed, depending on a fine balance of water flow, fearing scenarios of mass famine and devastating floods, the likes of which destroyed the Angkor kingdom 700 years ago.

    When China builds all the damns and Vietnam and Cambodia go into starvation mode who you all going to ask to get China to stop? Australia.


    ---- Re: "mass famine and devastating floods, the likes of which destroyed the Angkor kingdom 700 years ago." Where can I get further info on this subject? I would like to know more about it. ----


  13. To logic in Thailand. One of the problems in Thailand is, they can;t think logic!!

    Why would they make it public that they know who it is, wouldn't that just make the other 2 likely to 'disappear' quicker?

    Perhaps they could have said they have no idea who is the mastermind, until they arrest him/her.

    Chefku, you're a newbie to this forum (welcome!) but most importantly, you seem to be a newbie to Thailand.

    They do think logically, and it makes sense. The problem is that you don't understand their logic, as you come from a different cultural background. My suggestion is to learn the Thai culture and language, and try to understand their logic, before posting any judgemental opinions.

    "............ learn the Thai culture and language, and try to understand their logic, before posting any judgemental opinions"

    ---- What pompous bullshit ----

    and learn to spell while your at it.

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