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Posts posted by Dutchy

  1. In my years in Asia what I have learned (the hard way) it is not my mission in life to change the business culture in Asia.


    It's somehow sad but that is the way most people will see it after many years in Asia. We are required to have a good education background to 'contribute to Thai society' but on the other hand, they really prefer we keep our mouths shut....


  2. Anyone know what happened to Boo? The spice is gone from this thread, I honestly admit that I miss her. What can we do to get her back here? Her views were so unique on this board... The online community needs some balance, without her no one will bring those other unique opinions... I want her back!!! Pleasssssssssse!! :o

  3. 400 baht for those interested, the add in can unprotect workbooks and sheets. It can not open files that are protected with a password, it doesn't recover passwords from sheets and workbooks but it removes them... quite usefull

    Contact me if interested


  4. Yeah, they love dogs so much in the Kingdom but as usual there's something wrong about it. My overseas visitor always complain about the cruelty of the Thai people, they take solely care of their own or soi dogs when they're alive, when they're lying dead on the road noone will bother removing them... TIT


  5. even the farangs company's resort to this dispicable "thai nationals only " stuff :o .

    Maybe youy could just put " work at minimal wage ", at least farang shouldn't bother reading to the bottom every time to the thai national crap.

    Good luck in finding a GOOD thai .net programmer by the way.

    why despicable, if you'd be a business owner would you hire foreigners that require higher salaries, work permits, visas, etc? these foreigners also would want you to pay for it.... :D

  6. Don't be surprised if women act fed up with farang men,and end up with a thai guy.

    and thai men suddenly become very very attractive( even with skirts and handbags!!)...

    Hmm lady, fat chance....

    And with regards to your second point, I guess a minority of readers here will find Thai man with skirts and handbags very attractive. That might be more something for your hubby when you're a weekend out of town...


  7. I am twice married, each time to Thai graduates of European universities. (I also lived for six years with another graduate.)

    Each of my wives and my girlfriend were not bothered about reading when our relationship started. However when I introduced them to quality western literature, translated into Thai it had the effect of opening the floodgates and they all now devour an6ything they can get their hands on, in Thai or English.

    Hmm they left you after you introduced them to literature... scary! :D

    What's the learning experience for the readers at this forum? :o

  8. Talking about scams, two of my former collegues applied in Nigeria for a job at a major Oil company. The salary would be over one million bath a month, they only had to transfer $800 for the visa application. One of those collegues resigned because of this consultancy project... They both never left Bangkok but lost $800, dreams of a life without debt and a job here....


  9. Thus, personal loan interest rates are generally higher than credit card loan rates at around 20-26 per cent per annum. This is considered high compared with the 8 to 10 per cent for mortgage loans.

    In the Thailand America Free Trade Area talks Thailand stated it didn't want to give American banks full freedom in Thailand; this makes sense considering the outrageous interest rates the Thai banks charge. There is a real risk that foreign banks would charge less and the Thai people would benefit from that, we wouldn't want that to happen in Thailand...


  10. BUT there are two other “wise sayings” that I try to live by and I would hope are applied to me and anyone else for that matter should the need arise:


    How many innocents are doing time? Estimates on the “fair and equitable” USA penal system say about 17% of those currently incarcerated are innocent and wrongly accused.

    Hitler has never been in court but I would not consider him innocent...I guess 'innocent until proven guilty' is not always valid; why are some people granted bail and some not for instance? The verdict is not there at that time but there appears to be some wild guesses about the chances on a guilty verdict and chances of skipping bail..


  11. TH, I would very much doubt wether Duchty has any personal experience with Siam Superbike as I have had for the last 2 years. They run a credible and reliable shop. Before they came on the scene I had 9 years of suffering through crappy work and 2 tier pricing for Thai / Westerners. Since Siam have been on the scene my motorcycle days have been much happier. Its strange how the two best run and most sucessful shops in Bangkok ( Power House and Siam Super ) get these "allegations" of one someone else has said.

    Competitors feeling the pinch maybe?

    Hmm a newby with two posts... that's interesting... :o

  12. Try this farang owned shop

    Siam Super Bike


    check out the comments about this shop on www.geocities.com/bkkriders/

    many unhappy customers...


    I cannot get your URL to work. Could you check and make sure it is correct?



    I do not consider Siam Superbike one of the most succesful shops in bangkok, check out the Red Baron on sukapibaan saam and you might change your mind. This is THE motorbike shop in Bangkok and has the largest second hand parts department. No arguing about that, labor is also cheaper, no arguing about that neither...


  13. As of Citizenship, for me that is very far in the Horizon and holy knows if I will ever learn THE language alone as one of the requirements. So, for me I will forget that part. Permanent Residency is still a ways off but it is a viable option for me depending on what Thailand does within the near future to us expats.

    Daveyo :o

    If you're interested in Citizinship you'd better learn another language.... :D

  14. can be applied for after five years of having a long stay permit, one doesn't need to live in the Netherlands and can apply at any embassy. Thirty to fourty thousand people apply for PR in the Netherlands on a yearly basis.

    They changed the long term stay rules last year by the way, one has to earn 120% of the national minium wage now in order to get a dependent visa for a partner. It's still all very reasonable,

    I can't imagine myself applying at the Thai embassy in the Hague for Thai residency.. :o


  15. Paying bribes to the police, its a general way of life in Thailand.

    I never ever paid any bride to the traffic police.

    I'm a very, very patient guy.

    And they always give up before me,...

    he he, I never paid anything neither but had severe difficulties. They confiscated my driver's license once but I managed to get it back without paying.

    I always carry a photocopy with me now, they will not accept it but what can they do? If they want me to go to the station, that's fine... but they won't... too much work for one farang...

  16. What about when the driver of a tour bus crashes and 30 passengers die. He runs off.

    Does the owner of the tour bus not know who was driving at the time and what obligation is he under to give up that information.?

    I know in a lot of Western countries if the license plate is taken the OWNER cops for all unless they prove someone else is the driver...by giving them up.


    I remember an article from the Bangkok Post a couple of months ago, it was about a farang guy killed by a bus in front of the British embassy. The article said litterally: "The driver remained at the scene"

    It's somehow sad that this is regarded as news in Thailand....


  17. Do the owners of condos really only pay 2 baht a unit? I'm suddenly not thrilled with paying 5 baht a unit. That's ridiculous. Does it work this way in the West? You rent my place and I decide what your electricity costs and I'll up it by 150% if I want.

    I run 1 air con 12 hours a night. Another 6 hours a day. My bill for last month was 5,100 baht.

    Are you telling me that the actual amount due to the electricity company is only 2000 baht???

    It's not relevant what you pay in the west. This is Thailand, you will also pay more for your telephone, they will up it by whatever people are willing or not willing to pay. Don't expect logic here, the Thais will ripp you off in every possible way because it's Thailand. That seems logical.

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