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Everything posted by featography

  1. And if Lazada, Shopee, call?
  2. I read up on that subject a few years back and its the cans that most likely carry the disease. Bottles are better protected.
  3. Real men chug a lug straight from the bottle. The glass is for the babe sitting with the man.
  4. Latest admission of guilt in the nutrition sites state that thought to be mistaken. They have the healthy fat and medical sites say go for it. Google it.
  5. The only vegetables I buy out of Lotus, Rimping are onions and tomatoes due to their exposure to outside temps shortens their life. The onions in particular, decay from the in side first. You dont know that you've got until you cut them in half. Rimpings tomatoes are the best. Indeed, In US friends and family tell me food prices and I just shudder.
  6. I believe the bulk of Haas avocados sold in the grocery stores are imported from Australia. The local talads sell local grown and taste just great.
  7. Don't waste money buying avocados from Lotus, Tops, Big C, Makro, or Yok. They mark up the prices too high. Buy from the talads. There are multitude of varieties in almost all talads. Here are the best varieties I have found, sold in Chiang Mai talads, and some are better than Haas. Table 1. Fruit Characteristics of Some Avocado Cultivars in Thailand Buccaneer pear shaped Booth7 round Booth8 pear shape Russell #034 long oval Fuerta pear Haas oval Peterson round Ruehle pear shape. Personally my favorites are Buccanner and Russell034.
  8. Incorrect. Google it, or scroll down to my response.
  9. Elephant's Foot. Elephantopus scaber https://tropical.theferns.info/viewtropical.php?id=Elephantopus+scaber Edible Uses Young leaves - cooked and eaten like spinach A powder made from the plant is added to 'marcha', a fermentation cake used in the preparation of local alcoholic drinks. Medicinal The plant is widely used as a medicinal herb in the tropics. It is anthelmintic, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, emollient, febrifuge and tonic[310. It is used to treat conditions such as asthma, coughs and pulmonary diseases; dyspepsia, diarrhoea and dysentery; oedema; urethral discharges and venereal diseasesA decoction is used to treat fungal skin diseases The roots are diuretic, febrifuge and tonic They are used fresh to arrest vomiting Either pounded or in decoction, they are also used as a remedy for leucorrhoea, anaemia, cough, malaria and as a tonic during parturit The leaves are recommended for application to the abdomen to treat dropsy[ They are also used as an anthelmintic and aphrodisiac, and to treat cough, sprue and diarrhoea The plant contains deoxyelephantopine, an antitumoral sesquiterpene lactone[ 348
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