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Posts posted by happyending

  1. but im sure theres enough grey matter on this forum to sort it out once and for all

    If the greatest minds in human history couldn't come to a definite conclusion, I doubt thaivisa members will do any better.

    According to the Pali Canon, the Buddha taught at two levels. To his serious followers (the monks) he taught a system of mental cultivation that led to a state of being without suffering in this lifetime. For the rest, he taught an easier path that could be followed over more than one lifetime but which didn't include continuation of personal identity. So if we look at the real focus of his teaching, it was all about the here and now.

    The Level 1 teaching didn't require blind faith, Level 2 teaching did. Perhaps the Buddha got it wrong in the Level 2 teaching, or perhaps it was inserted into the scriptures later by monks who wanted to make everything easier for the laity. We'll never know. The one thing we do know is that the primary teachings were essentially atheistic and required no blind faith.

    well said

    teaching on 2 levels

    like sunday school or the parables


    level 1 = quieten the mind to the state of no mind to attain peace, of mind [1%]

    level 2 = follow the teachings and youll escape any further bad luck/karma [99%]


    level 1 = do the right things and you will be at peace within yourself [1%]

    level 2 = do good and you will go to a wonderful place [99%]

    sad that the authorities/churches jumped on the level 2 bandwaggon

    and keep on milking it for all its worth

    but with 99% of willing donors - its a good money/power maker

    no buttons in the plate, please

  2. google sky adventure chiang mai

    thanks sunrise

    did the search

    sent off 2 separate emails to sky adventures - got no reply

    later phoned the school

    all i got was - 'yes, we got your emails ,ha ha ha.'

    'send us an email and we will answer your questions, goodbye'


    what universe is this

    doesnt give you alot of confidence

    maybe there are others

    anyone know?

  3. dear chaing maians

    i want to learn to fly microlights

    ive heard chiang mai is the place

    has anyone trained here before or know of any schools offering good training

    thanks in advance for any leads

  4. To happyending

    Instead of going to the bars as you stated where these girls go. why not try and meet girls who dont sell themselves as you might get a better chance of meeting a genuine one, not bar girsl with 10 bfs.


    thanks for the tip

    i agree with what you say

    i myself dont go to bars to meet girlfriends

    im refering to friends i know who have been told by family [mamma]

    to go and find a farang to milk

    most of them dont want to go but feel obligated due to the eastern cultural differences

    these are good, genuine people

    but their culture tells them to obey their parents

    some get lucky and find a good man

    some learn the game and take on 10 bf

    others are sad and feel guilty for not providing for their family

    see it from their side

    its not an easy life

  5. Why do people feel the need to escape the West to come live in Thailand, but when they get here constantly find fault with things because they are different from the West? :o

    its a good question

    those who whinge about their old country

    will whinge about this one - and the next...

    its their nature

    unhappy with themsleves wherever they go and blaming it on everyone/everywhere else

    [they will whinge about this comment as well]

    you can change locations

    but you cant run away from yourself

    you are always there, waiting

    a trip back to the old country is a good tonic

    check your smile when you get your passport back with that thai visa in it

    what flashes thru your mind then - beaches, bars, warm nights, girls, food, smiles,

    then see how much you complain

    nowhere is perfect

    no-one either

    be thankful youre one of the lucky few who can get on a plane

    and go live in another country

  6. riding down the wrong side of the road at night

    no helmet, no light, no license

    and the bib waves and says hello

    where else but thailand


    You don't need a license, you need a psychiatrist. :o

    Back on topic;

    The food, the girls, the islands andmy nieces and nephews.

    Not necessarily in that order... :D

    hey pepe

    my turnoff is a nightmare

    easier to crawl down the bike lane on the right, then turn right

    my psychiatrist tells me not to conform

    go against the flow was the advice

    i applied it to traffic

    Back on topic

    yes, the food and girls are sweet and available

    7 / 11 if you want

  7. i also like the fact you can go away

    then come back here

    and in an hour you have your life set up again

    accommodation, food, entertainment

    its all available

    you can feel at home again in an afternoon

    walk down the street and people remember you - say hello

    try that in most other countries

    too much red tape and regulations

  8. its an east / west thing

    in the west

    the most down and out busted arse poet will find a girl who loves him for who he is

    he can get a student allowance / unemployment benefit / family allowance

    they can live the bohemian life style in a dump somewhere

    in the east

    theres no benefits or allowances

    the money flows up from child to parent

    not down from parent/state to child - the key difference

    so when daughters are sent to resorts and bars

    the intention is to find a farang to end the poverty cycle

    then channel that money back to mamma


    the test for new players is to play poor

    just enough money to support yourself or you and her


    see who runs and see who stays

    its the acid test


    be prepared for a long wait

  9. I like the timelessness of Thailand, and my life in that timelessness. However, if I were you, I would have changed my name before asking a question like that. Here in Thailand, particularly. Maybe you should add a picture, so people can see why you chose that particular name.

    i chose that name because

    when i set out on anything, i anticipate a happy ending


    back to the topic ...

    beer in a supermarket

    cant get it my old country

    riding down the wrong side of the road at night

    no helmet, no light, no license

    and the bib waves and says hello

    where else but thailand

  10. ok, a topic that looks on the bright side

    [whingers need not apply - save it for another topic]

    we are all here because thailand holds an interest of some sort

    so what is it?

    what do you like about this place ???

    for me

    i like the way you can go to the markets or the beach

    leave everything in your bikes basket

    and when you come back - its all still there - including the bike

    i once saw money left in a bikes basket and no-one went near it

    wouldnt happen in most countries around the world

    a certain respect there

    over to you...

  11. im working on one right now

    a combination job

    first, the moneys running low - business is not so good

    bring this one on over time

    also, must go back home to check on business status

    tie this one in with a visa finishing

    [vanish on visa trip]

    family illness is a good backup

    nana/mother/sister is sick - may die soon

    must go back to see her one more time

    [exit to next resort town]

    if in real doubt

    listen to neil simons '50 ways to leave your lover'

    'just slip out the back jack'

    'make a new plan stan'

    'no need to be coy roy'

    just listen to me

    'hop on the bus gus'

    'no need to to discuss much'

    'just drop off the key lee'

    and get yourself free

  12. http://phuketdir.com/pktimmigration/index.htm

    I'm not sure, but it is a little chance, that the Imm-office at the beachroad in Patong (Number at link bottom) , between Bangla and Sawadirak, may have opening hours at the weekend!

    Or the Immigration at Chalong, if this one is offering extension service!


    thank you, thank you, thank you

    your link says it all

    for those interested ...

    Phuket Immigration Offices are located in Phuket Town and Patong Beach.


    Monday - Friday


    Saturday, Sunday & Holidays


    8.30 A.M - 4.30 P.M

  13. just wondering if someone might know if i can extend a single entry visa by 1 or 2 weeks instead of 30 days at a lower cost.

    or is it fixed at 30 days and 1900 baht


    Every extension is 1,900 Baht be it 7 days or 1 year.

    A single entry Tourist Visa will be extended for 30 days.

    An entry stamp without a Visa will only be extended for 7 days.

    thanks lite beer

    ok - to extend my SETV for 1 or 2 or 4 weeks cost 1900 baht regardless

    so i am, in fact, being encouraged to stay longer to get my moneys worth!

    this is new for me

    i feel so warm inside

    no wonder everyone smiles at me all the time

    they love me here

  14. sorry palusa

    i was in the old 'thai bashing' groove


    you may be onto something here

    strong consensus from 'outside' that the bib are incompetent and corrupt

    'evidence' that its not done this way in the real world may just force an about face, save face, response

    perhaps an entry from 'my learned friend' on all matters legal in the us or europe,

    quoted at length, might have effect.

    i rest my case

    right hon. happyending

  15. lots of people recommending south america

    especially argentina

    must be something in it

    sri lanka?

    or south africa - dirt cheap at the moment

    lots of saudi / mid east money pouring into malaysia these days

    cant help thinking it will go sharia one day

    [didnt they jail the opp. leader on suspicion of being gay]

    then on down to indonesia

    and sth thailand?

    nth thailand

    pressure from communist china?

    will be an interesting next 5 years

    plan b sounds sensible

  16. You may want to think about relocating/retiring to Lake Chapala which is located close to Guadalajara Mexico. There are throngs of US and Canadian retirees there but not so many that it dilutes the local Mexican culture and customs. The cost of living there is very reasonable and the locals are very warm and friendly. Good luck


    mexico sounds good

    must be some nice beach towns there as well

    must be cheap now too with the usd tanking

    maybe s/where in the south


    navy pilot?

  17. heres my story

    travelled thru here and liked it - as a backpacker

    came back on holiday for 2 months some years later

    returned home, saved for a year and sold everything

    invested all my capital in shares

    moved back here with a carry on travel bag and a laptop

    2 years here now and havent looked back

    i can live well on 1000 baht a day

    thats a beachside bungalow and seafood every night if you want

    its surprising how little you need in asia

    if you invest wisely your income can fund you travels forever

    better go

    got to finish this beer and these prawns before i head down to play some pool

  18. I'm about six years out from retirement and the big move. Sometimes I look in my garage at the boxes of "stuff" and wonder what I'm going to do with it all. I guess I'll sell what I can, see if my kids want anything, and eventually put the stuff on the street with a "free" sign. I hope to to have a nice chunk of cash from the sale of my home to help with the transition. It's still a fairly long way off but I'm sure it will be here before I know it!!


    we meet again

    get over here

    sell the house - ditch the junk

    come over and play - golf among other things

    things change fast

    do it now while you still believe you can

    [sitting over a putt doesnt make it go in]

  19. I live in Aus 6 months and Thai 6 months , i dont think i would like to live in Thai or Aus for more than 6 months at a time but there are a lot of faults in both countrys.

    But one thing for sure i can work in aus 3 months which pays for my 6 months in thai try doing that the other way around .



    sounds like a nice setup

    what do you in oz

    where do you go in thailand

    make $$$ in the rich countries

    spend it in the others

    helps everyone out

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