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Posts posted by mataleo

  1. <script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

    "In the film, Hitler is not portrayed positively or admiringly," he said

    Which he should be of course??? Right??

    It is because all the people who don't speak Thai thought he was. Take a look at the posts in this thread. Most of the posters think Hitler was portrayed in a positive manner. He wasn't and anyone who speaks Thai and watched the video knows that but to no avail.

    For the last time , from me anyway. The issue is not whether he was portrayed in a Good or bad way. The issue is his image was shown in a Government film And if you want to re read the original thread again that is the opinion of the Majority of objectors. We kept going through this yesterday, you need to accept that people dislike the man so intensely that his image in a Government film for kids is unacceptable.

    You 'precious' people are talking about a PICTURE of a PICTURE !

    Do you want it so that nobody in the future has any idea of who Hitler was ?

    And of course Israel is hurt and upset ... they are trying to keep people preoccupied with what happened 70 years ago so that they dont notice the Israeli government evicting their Palestinian people from their land and otherwise treating those citizens like WW2 Jews.

    You are the same types who would mock Islamists for their outrage at some Dane drawing an image of Allah.

    This is not the thread for antisemitic Israel demonizing rhetoric. Israeli government policies are not equivalent to Nazi Germany. To assert that is an established form of antisemitism. Israel of course is not perfect, the same as any country. Deserving of RATIONAL CRITICISM as any country. I suggest if you want to post Jew hating filth as you just did, it has become socially acceptable now so it would on topic on a thread about Israel/Palestine (we have many often here).

    Interesting isn't it

    Even Jesus throw away jews, must be antisemite. ..




    • Like 1
  2. Pushing the propaganda big lie that modern Israel is equivalent to Nazi Germany is an established form of antisemitism. Antisemitism is Jew hatred and I consider that filthy, thus Jew hating filth.

    Jews do worst to palestinians what hitler did to them.

    Victims become opressors.

    Jews after faking ww2 facts and nicking palestine, came up with antisemitism term to shut critics.

    They set up Jewish Defence League and put harsh laws to anyone questioning jewish truths...

    So criticize jew and u antisemite.

    U just gave good exame how it works

    • Like 1
  3. Well it feels like in nazi germany already with all this stop and search and pee tests and where you go questions...

    Oh for F sake... Don't compare Thailand with Nazi Germany. That makes you even worse than the director all are bashing on...

    It would be more fair to compare it with the police in NYC raiding people for no obvious reason more than etnicity in most cases, all to keep up the quota, not necessarily to defeat crimes...

    But you have to be extremely ignorant to compare the two like you just did... I'm sure you lived in Nazi Germany in those days...

    In NYC they don't wear swastikas do they. And gov don't makes nazi movies...
  4. I think the Great General needs to start a history lessons so Thais can stop making these "hitler" mistakes and sensitiviies regarding to it.

    They made a video with a negative image of Hitler chic. What is the mistake about that? The news media and history channel do it every day.

    Oh sorry, did you think it was a positive image? Maybe you should actually watch the video.

    watched the video and I speak and write Thai, my statement was just a general statement. How many folks do you think will go and watch the short film? Maybe you need to take a chill pill.

    Post link to it please
  5. Lol - I had the same migrating a sin to Dtac . Since it was a spare phone , just got a new number - no big deal

    If want same number for pre paid sim, will need to register at AIS first, and then go back to true to MNP again

    Screw it. I just bought new sim 4G

    Even if migrate they give old blank sims that 4G now working so then u have to fight with them to migrate again to updated sim.

    All takes forever.

    I just got new sim It will be quicker to change number in my bank fb and give to family... Sorted

  6. Donor has one day to make you an offer .... Or to reject if they can find an error

    Strange. As they said in true 7 days.

    And when I filled up form online i got sms says 7 days

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