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Posts posted by popsicle

  1. thanks for your responses!

    chrgrims, i mean Kan as in Kanchanburi, apologies for not being clear.

    mhm, would really appreciate if you can let me know where you get your raw materials from.

    i droppped by tesco, and looked for bread flour, but made peace that it was.... more lotus than a tesco...

    or would i need to get flour from bangkok? any online resources ?

    i guess i will take the plunge and try to make my brioche... if successful, i can break out my gruyere and melt it all over... mmmmm

    thanks for the steak house recommendation, i' think i've passed it before (i live by ladya)

    best regards, popsicle

  2. sorry, another food question. i feel a little bit deprived and would like to not cook for once!

    searching for good steak. like good quality beef, i can sink my teeth into while it's about medium rare.

    none of that overcooked beef drowned in sauce? or perhaps a bbq place?

    makro and tesco beef is just not cutting it, i bring beef back from bangkok, but would be awesome if there was a local butcher.

    marbled meat. mmmmmmmm.

    the whole backpacker strip is not my scene.

    oh and bread. i miss good bread. gardenia and farmhouse loaves depress me.

    thinking of making my own ciabatta and brioche. anybody do their own baking here?

  3. I'm Thai and I run a small consultancy in Bangkok. I have no other Thai staff.

    I have two Americans that work with me, and would like to offer them visas so they don't have to do anymore border runs.

    I heard that there are consultant visas, anybody know the details?

    Or how i should go about to get Visas?


  4. just moved to the ladya area in kanchanaburi.

    is there a good place that i can take some yoga classes? doesn't have to be in ladya, but within Kan would be great.

    also are there any public swimming pools? it's so very hot!

    good eats: any restaurant that's worth checking out that serves good western food? like GOOD western food, not stuff that's just passable because we're way out in the boonies.

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