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Posts posted by Rudey

  1. 5 hours ago, chang1 said:

    Pointless war?

    So drugs of all kinds are totally safe and should be freely available to anyone who wants them?

    People should be allowed to give school kids whatever they want to get them hooked?

    Just look at the harm legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco cause. 

    Personally I don't care if someone wants to ruin their lives with drugs but unfortunately it's not just the users who suffer. Families, road users, work colleagues, hospital and first responders are just some of those that get impacted. The war will never be won as there will always be weak people needing a high and low life's willing to supply drugs no matter how risky.

    Better education and more emphasis on the effects of drugs on other people may help. Things like 10 year driving bans for those found driving with illegal drugs. People who neglect their children or commit crimes due to drugs should be forced to go cold turkey and then get help to stay off them. Fines and prisons are certainly not much of a deterrent. 

    If your drug of choice doesn't cause you to affect other people in any way and you have it under control then I see little point in taking any action against you but as soon as you start a car engine or forget to feed your kid then you deserve all you get. 

    Joe deserves to loose all his wealth and spend at least 20 years locked up. As for his subordinates, they are probably too scared to stand up against the system but still need to spend a good time behind bars. As for the victim, if he was involved with the drug trade, I am not too worried about him and his death will send out a warning signal to others. 

    You may think the war is pointless but I would much rather police were stopping scumbags giving my kid drugs through the school railings than me having to stop them.


    I agree with most of what you’ve written. 
    But the biggest problem here is, the cops and army are the main “dealers”. 
    This guy’s death is not a deterrent to selling drugs, it’s only a warning the small dealers must share with the “big dealers” (police and army). 
    Yes sad, but true. 
    What is also sad in this country is, many people have no other way to “get ahead”, other than selling drugs.  
    Zero help from the government for the unemployed, due to Covid doesn’t doesn’t help!!!

    • Like 1
  2. Opening up to foreign tourists who are fully vaccinated, will not cause a spike in cases. 
    Opening up (no restrictions) the country may or most likely will cause a spike. 
    Everyone keeps bringing up the % of fully vaccinated people here being low, let’s not forget that all who have been infected and recovered, have an even stronger immunity then those vaccinated. 
    I truly believe a huge % of the Thai population has had it with mild symptoms, without knowing it. Remember which country reported the first case, outside of China lol

    • Like 2
  3. Live near Udon Thani. 
    We had a lady representative from our area come to our house and asked for copies of our passports (my wife has dual citizenship Canada and Thailand) and our house book. 
    The next day we received a call from a doctor telling us to go register at the Udon Provincial Health Office. 
    I registered and we tried to register my wife, but at that time they told her “foreigners only”. I was vaccinated the next day with Pfizer and will have my 2nd on September 13th. 
    My wife called back the next day to plead her case and talked directly with the doctor in charge, she was then able to register and received her first Pfizer shot 2 days after me. 
    I found the whole process pretty well organized, even though mine was the first day for foreigners (took a bit of time as, I think, they hadn’t thought of an “extra form” that would be needed to present at the second appointment). My vaccination took about 90-120min from start to finish. 2 days later my wife’s took less than 60min to complete. 
    We have also registered and paid for Moderna at Bangkok Hospital in Udon Thani, but have been told we can “give” that to someone else. Of course the appointment time is between October and January 2022, so who knows how that will all turn out lol


    Not easy to say most days, but have to say “Thank You Thai government” ????



    • Like 1
  4. YAY time to try to rewrite things to suit yet again....

    If you cant win ... cheat

    Or to stop cheaters continually winning by cheating. There should be section in the new constitution in which should be clearly stated whoever is caught bullying political opponents, bribing and cheating their way into politics should be automatically banned for life. I guess that leaves current red side of the political spectrum without a single suitable candidate. If this country is ever to move forward now is the time for complete and exhaustive cleaning.

    Not only "Red" my dear fellow. Not disagreeing with what you are saying.

    Just if what you say should happen, well that would mean both colours would lose all "Their People", so NO Politicians to vote for. Then what?

    • Like 1
  5. YAY time to try to rewrite things to suit yet again....

    If you cant win ... cheat

    Or to stop cheaters continually winning by cheating. There should be section in the new constitution in which should be clearly stated whoever is caught bullying political opponents, bribing and cheating their way into politics should be automatically banned for life. I guess that leaves current red side of the political spectrum without a single suitable candidate. If this country is ever to move forward now is the time for complete and exhaustive cleaning.

  6. bullduram52, if you haven't already, you will need to get a visa in advance, online to enter Vietnam. Or as a Canadian I had too.

    If travelling by air (coming back from Myanmar and Cambodia) you will receive a 30 day stamp each time. Did a similar trip, but went to Laos rather than Myanmar, so not sure what you need to enter there. You should have no issues, as long as you don't overstay more then 30 days between entering and departing.

  7. I think the article has nailed it with "lower middle" - after our petrol experience yesterday my wife concluded the supporters appeared to people who hadn't obtained a degree (of course there'll be exceptions).

    Speaking of which, this movement is lacking in an area of support every other political movement seems to have featured which has lead to political upheaval - widespread support from the students. Will be interesting to see if they achieve it without them.

    "People who hadn't obtained a degree"??????

    Degree of what? If you/she were referring to education, what does that have to do with anything. A person does not need a degree, to have a voice and/or intelligence.

    In a lot of cases, they only need money to get that "degree" and with enough money they don't even need the intelligence.

  8. No you don't need a translation. Just take your license, letter of residency, health certificate and photocopies of passport pages to the department of land transportation.

    I will be in Thailand for 2 months (Jan and Feb) mostly on Phuket. What is the best way to get a license without a "letter of residency"? Also I am assuming the health certificate must be from a local doctor. What is the best way to obtain it, do they have walk in clients that could provide me with one?

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