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Posts posted by shrewsyj

  1. thanks for all the replies! this has really set my mind at rest. it's been so long since i've flown anywhere that i've forgotten everything about it, heh

    to answer your question, i will be heading on to chiang rai by plane from bangkok - i'll be spending most of my time up north and only coming to see bangkok towards the end of my stay.

    cheers :o

  2. Scott - by 'visa status' do you mean whether you're in thailand on the right visa (ie a non-imm as opposed to tourist visa or other) or whether your visa has expired and you're on overstay?

    sorry if this is an obvious question- i'm new to all this!


  3. Hi there,

    I'm coming to Thailand (from the UK) for the first time, and I'm feeling a bit nervous about travelling so far on my own.

    I was just wondering, does anybody have any advice on what to expect at airports with regard to visas etc? I will be applying for a 60-day tourist visa in the UK before I leave. Will they want to check my visa and all my documents etc? Does it take long?

    I've also heard that you need to prove how much money you've got to sustain yourself whilst in Thailand and you need to show your return ticket. Is this the case?

    Many thanks

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