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Posts posted by alfieconn

  1. We are a better team without him i reckon,we play more like a team now,rather than it being the ronaldo show and having to play players out of position to accomadate him.

    I don't recall you saying that half way through the season, it's great how peoples mindset can change after a few good performances :) .

    So are you saying that you would have less points if Ronaldo was still there :D

  2. Well Mr Carmine and others, i'd like to see Kranjar play in the middle along Sergeant Wilson while Hudd is out for the following reasons :

    Nothing to do with Modric not being able to defend but at times i felt he was too far forward when things were breaking down last week and i feel Kranjar could play the same sort of game as Huddlestone.

    Not having having Modric on the left meant that Bale had 2 players marking him which made him not as effective as recent weeks.

    Only a couple of small points and i have e-mailed Harry to let him know, mind you i still don't know who we can play on the right of midfield.

    Yes, i would be very disappointed if Harry did'nt see this too. I've been very impressed with Kranjar this season..2.5 million was a steal

    It must be time for a scammers "the cracks are beginning to show" post, isn't it Alfie :)

    If the cracks are beginning to show for us then it must be a complete re-plaster job for them :D

  3. I just ate a bunch of sausages

    Now i have heard of a bunch of flowers, bunch of bananas but never a bunch of sausages, is this the correct collective noun and if not what is :D

    The correct descriptive would be "sh^tload of sausages "

    Of course :) now why didn't i think of that :D

  4. Well Mr Carmine and others, i'd like to see Kranjar play in the middle along Sergeant Wilson while Hudd is out for the following reasons :

    Nothing to do with Modric not being able to defend but at times i felt he was too far forward when things were breaking down last week and i feel Kranjar could play the same sort of game as Huddlestone.

    Not having having Modric on the left meant that Bale had 2 players marking him which made him not as effective as recent weeks.

    Only a couple of small points and i have e-mailed Harry to let him know, mind you i still don't know who we can play on the right of midfield.

  5. I just ate a bunch of sausages

    Now i have heard of a bunch of flowers, bunch of bananas but never a bunch of sausages, is this the correct collective noun and if not what is :)

    And if you can eat a bunch of sausages (must be at least 4 i imagine) you will heading the way of a lot of other posters on here ( being as we are on a sausage thread in the Chiang Mai forum perhaps we should call them the Chiang Mai Porkies :D ).

  6. There's a phonebox in Sukhumvit that doesn't get used :) could probaly get the two of you and a TV in there :D .

    lol, I'll bear that one in mind....

    don't worry, if you are a west ham fan (not sure judging by the avatar), you will soon be the laughing stock of the prem with Gollivan in control...

    I take it that you mean our beloved saviour :D

  7. do you mean fourth place alfie? because if mcmahon is genuinely saying that liverpool can still win the league he wants sectioning.

    i'm beginning to lose faith that we will finish top four anyway, and frankly if we don't we'll have got what we deserved. too many players have performed poorly this season and the manager's had a bad one too. if we don't secure some sort of significant investment it could be the start of a very slippery slope.

    Yeah sori meant 4th don't know what came over me :)

  8. What is Steve McMahon on ? he ses Villa won't win the league as they have extra games in the FA cup, which is a maximum of 2, and then ses Liverpool will win the league but fails to mention that they have a possible 8 games in the Europa league :)

  9. Dont know why im responding to you Alfie as ive got your card marked as some little scruffy mockney wannabee vagabond who aint that bright but ...

    :D:D:D Think i have hit a raw nerve :D:D:D

    Atletico were in it this season you told me the same 4 teams from Spain and Italy are always in it ive shown you otherwise.

    Where have i said "the same 4 teams from Spain and Italy are always in it" ? i actually said , ''barcelona, real,valencia and sevilla are always there or there abouts and the same in italy, the 2 milan clubs ,roma and juventus''.

    No im not involved in kids football i just drive my mates kids and i see its the same as ever, anyway doesnt that list youre on mean you cant go near these kind of places.

    Is that your mates from down the Pub :) , and whats the same as ever, come on enlighten me :D .

    "posh frock and no knickers" applies to these football acadamies

    I will ask you again, on what do you base the above comment on ?

  10. Word from the hood is that Ludo has reisgned/been sacked..

    I know that he has had a very bad back this Year & hasn't been working a great deal so it's a shame as i love the old Boy..

    However, the INTERESTING part is his proposed replacement, someone right out of my manor, Plaistow/Canning Town, West Ham Boy & joined at the hip with a certain Ex Manchester City Manager which makes it all very nervy for a certain Italian Chimpanzee me thinks..

    Kevin Hitchcock !!

    Too much of a coincidence surely ??

    Inspector Clouseau has nothing on you Singhy, in fact put a moustache and a hat on you and you even look like him :) .


  11. Another good result for the Lanna Tigers yesterday winning 2-1 away at Lampang. 4 wins out of 4 now. Pity im not around for the home game next week, but I'll be there on the 28th.

    I'm a bit confuuused as next weeks game is on Saturday 13 Mar and last weeks game was on a Sunday, is this normal to change the days :D .

    Don't worry about not being able to attend next week Mr Miller just send the dog in your place, perhaps we will give him a bone at half time :) .

    Looking at the fixtures alfie it looks like they swap days, some weeks on a saturday some on a sunday. The dogs a good goal keeper, you can never get the ball off him when he's laid on it anyway :D

    The problem with the thai league website is that sometimes it is incorrect, last weeks game was down as 5pm kick off at the 700 year stadium when it was in fact it was a 6pm kick off at the tessabahn stadium, so at the moment we have a choice of 2 different stadia,2 different times and 2 different days so a 1 in 6 chance of being at the right place at the right time :D the chaing mai fc website is in thai, so i'm wondering where the best place is to get the correct info :D .

    I see this as being a big problem for the football club because if the farangs don't turn up then how can the farangs tell them where they are going wrong :D .

  12. Another good result for the Lanna Tigers yesterday winning 2-1 away at Lampang. 4 wins out of 4 now. Pity im not around for the home game next week, but I'll be there on the 28th.

    I'm a bit confuuused as next weeks game is on Saturday 13 Mar and last weeks game was on a Sunday, is this normal to change the days :D .

    Don't worry about not being able to attend next week Mr Miller just send the dog in your place, perhaps we will give him a bone at half time :) .

  13. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/t...utd/8553124.stm

    SAF blames Rooney for injury.

    Well i have to agree it was a major surprise how much game time he was given for England. Thought for sure he would be off at half time. A player can only go for so long before their luck runs out re injuries. Things are getting so critical. Rooney has to learn there are limits, even for him.

    Well not too worry one man doesn't make a team :D .

    ENLAND without ROONEY? :)

    Sorry i forgot we have Crouch and Defoe !! :D

    Your laughing, they could be our front two if Rooney gets injured :D

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