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Posts posted by lisalazarrus

  1. thank you very much.

    i'm at a loss.

    it's not as easy as you think to walk away from a seven year relationship.

    i stil love him very much.

    to answer the question, we lived in Dorset most of the time.

    in poole.

    he always drank heavily but it has gotten out of control.

    i rarely see him anymore, he isn't home now.

    i know i should leave him but he is realoly lovely when he wants to be.

  2. i married young.

    i was 22 at the time, very much in love.

    he's quite a bit older than me, in his early 40's now.

    he used to make me feel loved, be responsible and helpful, we moved to thailand about 7 months ago and things have gotten worse.

    he drinks heavily, though he says otherwise.

    he rarely comes home before 2 am and when he does he is too wasted to talk to, it will serve him right when he one day kills himself on his ridiculous little motorcycle.

    he has never abused me physically but i don't like him at all anymore.

    he works and makes money and i struggle as a teacher and make enough to get by on.

    i don't love him very much anymore and i know he is screwing around on me.

    i can' seem to find it in myself to get rid of him, he smiles in the morning.

  3. Just explain to the shop your requirements,include some extra ram and you should get a good pc at the right money.


    i have noticed that a lot of people use 2 gig of rams these days.

    i was told this would be unnecessary for what I'm doing with my pc.

    do you think i might as well get 2 gigs in case for the future?

  4. My system is getting quite old now.

    I have upgraded it with a bigger hard drive and installed a gig of ram, but my husband downloads all the time and I would like my own machine.

    it needn't be anything fancy as i really only use the pc for browsing the internet and word processing.

    I don't understand the differences between mother boards and processors.

    could i pick something up for around 15,00 baht including a monitor?

  5. thank you for that jandajoy.

    i was mistaken, ithought you were here.

    sorry for any confusion.

    No worries. One thing you might consider in your concern for your husband.

    Heavy drinking is often an externalisation of pent up fears and frustrations. It might be the case with your husband.

    Points to consider;

    Does he have a pony tail?

    Does he wear pink shirts a lot?

    Does he enjoy the company of men, preferably younger than him.

    Think carefully and you may begin to understand him. Through understanding we can achieve acceptance.

    Good luck.

    i don't understand any of that.

    the answer is no to the questions, but why would you ask them?

  6. I have never seen the man referred to, but i have often seen a very thin short man with short hair, a white t.shirt and always unshaven wandering around the north end of the moat with a plastic bag.

    i often wonder what he is doing here.

    He is the victim of a thai girl and lost everthing my wife knew him when he was fairly wealthy now she says he walks around insulting bar girls and the like and who can blame him when one cleaned him out and now he only has the plastic bag. she says he not all there now a broken man

    thank you for that.

    i wondered how he could still be here though.

    some friends have told me he has been doing the same thing for many years.

    does he have a visa?

    in any case, a very sad story.

  7. hi all, I'm lisa.

    i have been in thailand for just 7 months but a friend told me about this site.

    i am married, sometimes happily.

    no children yet.

    based in chiang mai.

    feel a bit homesick sometimes.

    i am from swanage, dorset originally, but am starting to get a handle on the place.

    i'm sure i'll have aq milliuon questions for you long timers.

    for a start, how can i get an avatar?

  8. this is all rather interesting.

    my husband drinks everyday.

    rarely, if ever gets stupidly drunk but is unable to go a day without a lot of booze.

    i suspect he is a functioning alcoholic of some kind and i think he knows it, some of the time.

    glad to have found this forum btw.

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