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Posts posted by stevehaigh

  1. I've just started watching Spotless a Series about a crime scene cleaner that gets caught up with UK and French gangsters. It's starting off decent.

    thanks for the tip, i'm enjoying it

  2. ok, not a tv show, a movie, but check out the Big Short, wow, what a movie, i never thought i could be so entertained learning about synthetic CDOs. makes you want to go out and kick a banker, awesome movie, best of the year.

  3. legends season 2 is pretty good but to get the story you need to start from S1 E1. it stars Sean 'king of the north' Bean who is always brilliant

    i want to like expanse but i'm finding it a bit boring, hard to get too excited about it.

  4. i just heard that the husband of my wife's friend in Lamai was killed in a dog attack. it happened about 1 month ago and he had been in the hospital since the attack and apparently just died from his injuries. His wife owns the Happy bar in the lady boxing gym thing in the middle of Lamai. he was there most nights. i'm not sure if i should post his name here but i'm sure some of you know him, English guy from Leeds i think.

    anyhow, the dog was a stray and i saw some picks and it looks like it really ripped into him. very very sad, and as far as anyone knows, the dog is still on the loose.

    apologies if this has been reported here already, i don't usually read the Samui forum.

  5. i would look into getting direct from china via alibaba. everything is 2 to 3x the chinese price here and shipping isn't that expensive (but customs is)

    but for a bigger installation, i think you would save a lot.

    when i was in the US last summer i staying in a place with a big solar array. it worked well but only from about 10am to 3pm. if it had a simple sun tracker to rotate it into the sun it could eaily have got another 3-4hrs of power out i think. i'd look into a tracker too. i think here you could get 10hrs/day with that on.

  6. Why is there monsoon rain right now in mid-December???

    I have a hotel full of very wet Chinese, all moaning at me because it is raining cats and dogs....

    they should be happy since they eat cats and dogs

  7. Getting blasted in Kamala. Rain that is.

    i just almost got blasted, a huge lighting bolt just touched down about 50m from me, zero time between that and the thunder, vary scary

  8. You can't always trust bottled water! I've been drinking my hotel brand drinking water since I arrived in Bangkok two weeks ago and have been buying 5 L. bottles of mineral water for brushing my teeth and washing fruit and vegetables. Until today, I had been feeling progressively more weak and listless each day with blurry vision. This afternoon, I read an article in the NYT about the puzzling medical case of a young woman who was admitted to the Yale-New Haven Hospital barely able to move with very low electrolyte levels. The light bulb went off! I came back to the hotel and drank several glasses of the mineral water. I recovered in two hours and have felt sharp and well since. The pain in my shoulders went away and I feel MUCH better. I am guessing that the process that some companies use to make drinking water here (probably reverse osmosis) strips the minerals from the water and they are not added back in, perhaps to lower costs. As a result, the drinking water that we are left with is similar to distilled water. I can't believe my dramatic recovery. I'm very pleased but I recommend that TV posters be careful about the water that they choose to drink! Make sure that it contains the minerals that your body needs to run well.

    i've been drinking RO water for 12 years or so and no ill effects so it obviously doesn't effect everyone the same as you.

    all the local bottled water comes from their own well and is RO filtered. ther problem i have with the big reusable bottles is the cleaning is pretty sloppy. i've seen green slime in the bottom of them many times. but having said that, i still drink it since i moved out of my house with my own RO filter.

  9. thanks for a useful informed answer GOM

    in response to the 1st two answers, no chance of anything dead in there as its covered and no sewers anywhere close.

    i've been using it for about a month and haven't noticed any effects, but maybe it takes time to build up

    i guess i need to use the bottled water

  10. i've been using water from my well to make coffee and tea because i can't be bothered buying bottled water all the time.

    because its boiled i'm not worried about bacteria etc, and the water looks very clean and tastes fine. but i do wonder if there might me any nasty chemicals from underground, like maybe tin or something.

    i'm in rawai, just at the foot of the hills that run between rawai and kata

    anyone every tested ground water around here?


  11. A friend of mine that has a rain gauge said there was only 5 cm in October. Good thing August and September made up for October's shortfall.

    really, seems to me Rawai has a few good downpours in Oct. maybe different where your friend is.

  12. Just about to give this a spin too.

    Dark Matter: The six-person crew of a derelict spaceship awakens from stasis in the farthest reaches of space. Their memories wiped clean, they have no recollection of who they are or how they got on board. The only clue to their identities is a cargo bay full of weaponry and a destination: a remote mining colony that is about to become a war zone. With no idea whose side they are on, they face a deadly decision. Will these amnesiacs turn their backs on history, or will their pasts catch up with them?

    Haven't seen it, but, have heard the actors are all unknowns (not a bad thing) with crap acting skills.

    Will give it a go when I run out of other stuff.

    7.1 at IMDB but I pulled the plug on it after three episodes just did not find it entertaining . sad.png

    As a long suffering Sci Fi fan I was dissapointed with Dark Matter although it did get going a bit as it went on. I must confess that if it wasn't for Melissa O'Neil (super hot) AKA #2 I would have given up early.

    apparently, Melissa O'Neil was a Canadian Idol winner who got into acting. i checked out some of her old youtube singing vid and she looked butt ugly back then. they did a hell of an awesome makeover on her for the TV show.

  13. beach road between leam promthep, ya nui and nai han is very nice for a walk in the morning, very little traffic, more walkers than cars/bikes. and around nai harn lake is a footpath.

  14. want to be depressed, ISIS isn't enough? check out 'The Man in the High Castle'. its actually really good but very very dark. its set in the 50's after WW2 but here's the catch, the Nazis won after dropping an A bomb on Washington DC. So the Nazis have the eastern US and the Japanese have the west. Hitler is still alive but sick and will die soon, then whoever takes over will probably nuke the Japanese.

    anyhow, its shocking to see how easily the US population has taken to their new Nazi overlords, maybe even a little prophetic about how the US might turn under a President Trump or Carson.

    this is not your fun, satirical romp like 'The Brink' but HIGHLY recommended.

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