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Posts posted by hhw58

  1. Wow... talking about kamma vipaka... I googled for something totaly different, and ended up readin this post, Chownah...

    The Act Normal is exellent piece of documentary. I posted a link to it on E-sangha, but the moderators removed the post, because they don't wan't it becoming a hindrance to Dhammanandos teaching in E-sangha. I am not sure I agree... It is a good and informative documentary. Meaby they are right, I don't know...

    Dhammanando is very intelligetent monk. We have had few strong conversation regarding the Forest Traditon. I am a former monk from Wat Nanachat and I have a solid faith in Luang Por Mun and Luang Por Maha Boowa. He is trying to point out some faults in the teaching of those monks, but he is actully making the Forest Tradition more famous. This is how I look at it! :o

    Please ignore some of the more radical post by Dhammanando and focus on the good things. He's teaching on the Suttas, I mean. No need to worry to much about the other stuff.

    Luang Ta's website:


    Hi Santeri,

    Yes, an excellent documentary. Having spoken with Dhammanando privately on a couple of occasions, I whole heartedly agree that he is, as you say, a "very intelligent monk." From my estimation, I would also add that he is a very sincere and upright monk with an admirable understanding of the suttas and the adbhidhamma, obtained from not only protracted periods of study but also extended periods of practice--a rare type of monk. He's currently off-line spending the entire rains retreat in seclusion somewhere in the Chiang Mai region.

    I respect your "solid faith" in Ajahn Mun and Maha Boowa. However, even among the faithful these forest Ajahns are not beyond criticism. Ajahn Jayasaro, also has strong faith in Maha Boowa; even so, he thinks Maha Boowa was mistaken in his decision to speak openly about his final attainment. (See Jayasaro's video series on Ajahn Chah: "43.Talking about Enlightenment: http://ajahnchah.org/videos.htm ).

    Best regards,



    "Wherever there is right view, that place will be tranquil." Ajahn Chah

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