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Posts posted by 2Da1

  1. To think you will attain enlightment by trying to sit like an Asian is ludicrus and borderline heresy.

    He isn't trying to sit like an Asian to attain enlightenment, he's trying to sit in the way meditation masters advise is best for meditation.

    Heresy? :o

    LOL. Keej. However. Practise is the key. Not you posture. If a posture does not feel right go to another one.

    Then : meditate!

    The theoretical side to meditation is way overrated. One needs to practice, contemplate and examine oneself to find out who or what you are.

    Funny text I found on this matter concerning Ajahn Chah :

    When Ajahn Chah went to England, to the British Buddhist Society, he met one day an old, very proper British woman who had been many years in this society and she was asking him many questions about the Abi Dharma and all of these things.

    And he looked at her and he said "Do you meditate?".

    And she said "Well, I studied so many of the texts and met these teachers ..." and so forth....

    And he asked "What is your practise?"

    And she said "Well, I've been studying and learning,..."

    And he looked at her and he said :

    "Lady, you're like a woman who keeps chickens in the yard and she's going around picking up the shit instead of the eggs. You missed the eggs. Your picking up the wrong piece. Let go of that."

    Source : Luminous Inspirations website

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