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Posts posted by bigfella

  1. Exactly, I know nothing of the circumstances, therefore I do not judge him! What on earth are you on about? You people on this site are so FuXXing uppity and holier than thou, you are so quick to condemn people at the first whiff of an accusation, you are well placed to be on the Spanish Inquisition!

    Where I come from, everyone was presumed innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers not by a fuc_king youtube video, and a bunch of cretins with nothing better to do than try and explain away their sad lives by trying to make others look worse than yourselves!

    I pity you.

    In fact, I would suggest to the MODS that this entire forum should have all comments disabled, and simply bullet the news, it gets filled up with crap like mine and so many others that end up in a shouting match about differing opinions rather than the original topic...BAN COMMENTS!

    If people want to discuss the story, take it to another forum.

    Every news article ends up as page upon page of worthless personal opinions.

    And LOOK AT THE TOPIC TITLE "KILLER BRIT" you should be ashamed!!!!!!! Worse than the bloody Nation!

    You sound like the guy the police are looking for !!! Thailand wouldn't be Thailand without you people or maybe it should be !!

  2. It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

    A message to the good people of Thailand.

    I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

    And how would you know"the vast majority" of foreigners support Abbisit? And with confidence? Have you personally polled all foreigners living in thailand? What a dumb post that is

    Totally agree !!

    There you go , a majority poll.

  3. This is just a note of thanks to Dr. Pat and others for their info on NOT trying to bring a motorcyle into the country. I did bring alot of personnal items with me from Aust. and had a ###### of a time with official Beau. Could not have done it without the help of local friends, even then it took 1 1/2 days before i could take my gear off the docks ( and quite a few bht later ) Was still worth the effort with what i brought and the cost to replace here. But without local help i would advise others against trying the same. I did learn alot about the way gov. works in respect of importation here. I'm now living in San Sai, just outside of Chaing Mai, nice place ! Thanks to all on a great site.

  4. Can anyone help with info. re importing 750cc motorcycle in disassembled state. ( box of spare parts, but able to rebuild as complete bike ) I live in Aus. moving to thai to get married to thai lady and stay atleast 3 years. Any input greatly appreciated, thanks.

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