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Posts posted by sauvagecheri

  1. Sounds like a conspiracy theory. The only thing unusual is that the investigating officer in charge committed suicide. The terrorists killed many of the witnesses and the police killed the terrorists. How unusual is that?

    Not unusual to kill the terrorists so that ALL the truth doesn't come out ... best way to silence them and not expose the realities

    And ...what is ALL THE TRUTH in your opinion?

  2. Erdogan - "The hypocrisy of the West is plain to see," he said. "We as Muslims never sided with terrorism, we never sided with massacres. What lies behind these massacres is racism, hate speech and Islamophobia."


    Remember this incident in Turkey by 'hypernationalists'? Turkey freed the 12 radical nationalist protesters without questioning or charges.


    I fervently hope Turkey is never admitted to the EU ,that would be catastrophic !

    • Like 1
  3. "We still have some very difficult missions around the world — including in Iraq,"

    Obama said. But, he added, "the world is better, it's safer, it's more peaceful, it's more prosperous and our homeland protected

    whistling.gif Someone change this diaper it is full of crap

    "We are safer. It's not going to be a source of terrorist attacks again."

    What a stupid fool !

    Wait till Isis hears this ..

    I bet they are waiting for the troops to leave ,and seize the weapons we left there, wash rinse repeat ..

    I give it hmmm six months ....All for nothing !

  4. If the request is denied then it must beg the question why, and in addition to that it would also seriously cast some doubt about the fairness of the whole thing.

    Must also add that it is despicable that these guys are wearing leg irons, it's utterly barbaric as they are as of this present moment innocent of all charges. Hope the boys' legal team get at the very least the chance to prove their innocence

    Are you kidding ?

    In the US they chain teenagers on their court appearance ,just for truancy violations or for some very minor things .

    I was scandalized when I saw my daughter shackled on a court appearance ,just because she was deemed a" Stubborn" child and violated some judge appointed court curfew .

  5. In my home country I can get hauled off to jail for driving with an expired license, whereas here we can take care of it for 200b. Do you expect to live in a militant nanny state and still enjoy the freedoms of Thailand?

    Hauled off to jail. Where do you live North Korea?.

    Also, the 200 baht is tea money, not a fine so you are supporting corruption.

    North Korea ?

    I was arrested and thrown in jail for driving with a license that had been suspended because of an unpaid parking ticket ,right in North America near Boston the home of the free ,ridiculous police state ..

    • Like 1
  6. wow it just looks to me as if they are getting serious about things,, not the way we are used to, i'm sitting on the fence now,, which way was better the old way or the new way, LOS has always been known for it's money talks, easy way of doing things does it mean now we have to do things the way most western countries do things your dirty money is no good here any more probably why another post reads,,, Russian tourists down 30% in Pattaya, it will take time to rid corruption in LOS but how will the new country function i wonder,,, maybe clearing all the dead wood might be good for the country after all,, by the way Cambodia is right next door, let's go.

    " Clearing out the dead wood "maybe a good idea to start doing the same thing in Western countries as well and clear our " Dead wood " ..way to go Thailand !

    I'm beginning to like the military rule LoL

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    Strange that something like that is not seen as a war crime. It did end the war of course.


    I am sure they did see the bombing of London as a war crime and not the fire bombing of Dresden.


    In war there is no good side.. the Brits, Germans Russians French Americans all executed POW's  But when I was young in war movies it was always the Germans doing it until I saw some good documentaries that showed both sides did it.


    Strange that you ignored the execution of POW's by the Japanese who killed more than the rest combined!



    What about the sacking of Nanking ,in China ,and the taking of Manilla ,and the genocide of Chinese by the Japanese ..Check it on youtube    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanking_Massacre


    Six million Chinese massacred at the hands of the Japanese plus wholesale rape .I don't know how many Philipinos ..Not pretty .

    They needed to be stopped fast .


  8. Sounds like Khao San road in BKK would be more to your liking ,lol,plenty of backpackers and young people's activities there and no " Old people" walking hand in hand with Thai girls .. ,

    Hua Hin is a great little town but not for everyone ,however there is plenty of good fun there for whomever has an open and inquisitive mind .

    Once you go away from the town center there are many many great beaches to go to ,

    Younger people ,they are there too ..

    • Like 1
  9. Looking at the photo of all those Navy Boys with riffles, looks like they are "using a sledge hammer to crack a nut".


    As for the umbrellas encroaching on the beach, wait until the next big holiday and calculate just what is the maximum usage, I would estimate even on a busy day most are never used.


    The simple answer is only 50% of the beach given over to commercial use, and that should only be the strip between the promenaded and halfway to the high water mark, allow one umbrella per 4x4M2  and charge the operators a licence fee per umbrella which goes to funding the cleaning of the beach.


    Other commercial operations should also be regulated to ensure they they use minimal amount of the beach in the appropriate areas.  


    Most likely the Navy Boys with rifles are there to remind mafia types that this is not business as usual,armed soldiers are always a bit intimidating ..Lol

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  10. You won't take any harm to build now. You could consider changing the plan to 2 apartments, 1 up, 1 down. This should produce more rent. (with the option to keep 1 empty for your own use)

    On the other hand you could use your 2.5m to buy 2 or 3 brick built detached houses in the Detroit suburbs. You would have 100% ownership of house and land. Using a property management co. to rent them out should produce a net monthly rent in the region of $500 each.

    A lot of Detroit bashing will now ensue from those who are ignorant of what's happening in Detroit these days.

    Trade living in Thailand for Detroit ? Ughhhhh ! Buy two houses and land for 75 000 $ ?Hmmmm and how much to renovate them ?Another 75 000?

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