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Everything posted by Garry

  1. And make it a public spectacle. And what's the story on the wife that fled with him?
  2. Found this guideline article What Does Tax Residence Mean in Thailand? Whether you incur a tax liability in Thailand depends on residence and source rules regarding taxable income. You are considered a Thai tax resident by the tax authorities in Thailand if you are present in the country for a total of at least 180 days in a given tax year. Your assessable income is Thai-sourced income, as in income derived from sources in Thailand. You are also subject to Thai taxation on foreign-sourced income, but only if this income derived from abroad is remitted to Thailand in the same year it is received. Personal income tax must be filed by March 31. According to the Thai Revenue Code, individual taxpayers are classified into five categories, and assessable income is into eight categories. When it comes to such income as employment income, all tax benefits are assessable unless expressly exempt by law. These include bonuses, bounties, directors’ fees, gratuities, house rent allowances, salaries, and wages https://nomadcapitalist.com/global-citizen/establishing-thai-tax-residence/#:~:text=affordable living standards.-,What Does Tax Residence Mean in Thailand%3F,in a given tax year.
  3. Look up the costs for a medical flight lease jet with trained triage staff for 8 hrs or so and you'll get an idea why.
  4. And here I was assuming that compliance of road rules in Thailand was at the total discretion of the rider / driver. Yes I'm being sarcastic ????????????
  5. Others have had a similar experience to me.
  6. @puchooay: thanks for the support. I shared this from personal experience, but as per usual this forum gets its normal collection of obnoxious know-it-alls who stand on their pedestals and think they know better.
  7. I am not saying that he if doesn't have to the 400K BUT the IO has not need for him to have it rotting away in an account for months at a time. As long as he can show proof of the money on-hand for a very brief period of time (week or less) then it should be smooth sailing with the IO.
  8. Hi John, I know you mentioned regular servicing and I have a couple of initial simple checks you can do for yourself with minor tools without any need to disconnect the sensors from the wiring harness. Okay, have a look at the MAF sensor (in or near the airbox) for cleanliness (try not to touch the metal of the exposed sensor with your fingers or tools). Non residual circuit board cleaner is ideal for cleaning the sensor and 2-3 squirts is normally all you need to have it sparkling again (note: sometimes contamination is not always visible, which doesn't mean the sensor is clean). The other sensor to check is the MAP sensor on the inlet manifold to ensure it is not clogged. With EGR valves common these days, the inlet manifold can get a wet deposit buildup. You can clean the sensor orifice with the same circuit board spray (CRC is a good brand). With both sensors be careful not to nick or damage the sealing o-rings for an air-tight seal. Speaking of air-tight seals, check your EVRV Vacuum Regulator Valve Solenoid (this solenoid helps controls boost). I had a crack in one of the EVRV nipples that managed the turbocharger actuator which more than likely diminished response in the turbocharger. I have no doubts that this specific issue effected my fuel economy somewhat. I successfully repaired the EVRV even though I have a brand new one as a backup spare. The attached photos are part of a recent service I did on my SUV. I have plenty more to share if you're interested Regards, Garry
  9. Do you have children together? Immigration is a lot more lenient for an extension of stay based on support of your children and you can still be married.
  10. Now now don't be logical. The dimwits will cry foul ????
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