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Posts posted by Bjorn

  1. I guess it is possible to find out the phone number to the taxi company he is working for. Then for sure I will book him next time I need a taxi AND make sure he get a good tip!! Can Thai Visa help out and find the phone number? Or someone else may know?

    Apart from that, we could all donate, let's say 500 Baht each. That will add up to a good sum!! Anyone know how to do? Again, maybe Thai Visa can help out since TV has quite a few local thais working for them and can more easily get this done.....

  2. But I think this government is more like "controlled" by the army as opposed to just "backed" by it. IMHO, the US army (like many around the world) are controlled by the government and do what they are told...well, mostly. 3rd world countries, like here, are basically run by the military. Sad. No wonder there are so many rich generals. And here, a career in the military is highly sought after. Unlike the US, where most try to avoid it.

    What it is,"IMHO"?

  3. Abhisit has no interest in reconciliation and the road map. All this is going to do is cause more friction between the already divided country. If he is going to look into the past how about looking at the terrorists that took control of the airport? Oh no he cant because they are part of his Government. The double standards that this man has:bah: makes me sick!

    Fully agree, you could not have said it better!!

  4. I don't think the police have extorted any money from these guys. It's just another guy complaining about the Thai Police. I think the Thai police is doing a great job in finding criminals etc etc. Maybe (very) few cops are extorting money from people, but 99% (at least) are good and honest guys just protecting their fellow citizens. We all have to have faith in them, right?

  5. p

    Nice to know this woman is happy that poor people in Bangkok (many of whom actually come from the same kind of background as her) have lost their jobs thanks to all the burning she is happy about. Seems nobody is picking up on all the poor that are suffering because of the red arson and violence. There is a big irony in that albeit a sad one. Bnagkok is not full; of only rich people and it is the poor who are suffering most from the attacks through lost work.

    I don't understand all the hatred amongs the farangs here (hatred against the red shirts). I know that most of them got very low education and they have jobs that you farangs are looking down at. But they still have feelings.....What they did in Bangkok was ok, or at least 99% of them. (1% screw it up with stupid violence, I admit). I do mean that the demonstrations were justified, the demonstrations should just have been more in control. I live in the "poor" area of Thailand, and have done so for many years, and I can say they are suffering. They can see that their very hard work, for pennies, give them nothing in return.

    So, try to understand these people and their anger. Don't just blame them all of them for what happened (some stupid idiots burning down shopping malls etc). I know many of the poor people up north, and they have a real struggle to to even get food for the day even though they are working very hard. You farangs living in Bangkok don't see this, but if you did, you should understand more.

    I still hope that it will be, one day, some understanding between "red shirts" and "yellow shirts".

    So, before you blame the "red shirts", think about yourself in the same situation, wouldn't you, yourself, be a bit upset with the situation?

    NB! Sorry for my English, vut I do believe you all got my point

  6. The US has lost their creditibility, so who cares? With the USA bombing of Iraq (remember, it was because of Weapons of Mass Destruction, now according to Fox News it is because of the terrorists!) which has ruined the infrastructure and stability of Iraq (true, it was no picnic under Sadam but according to the Iraqi's their life style is worse off today); and with their negligence of their financial institutions (banks and wall street) taking advantage of "loop holes" in order to make profit, ...and with China being the growing economic machine in this region, I don't think the USA has as much influence any more. (Maybe the old Vietnam Vets reading this can set me straight)

    PS-- The next time the US miltarty comea to Thailand to do their annual "War Games" with the Thai military, I hope they skip the out dated war games and teach the army how to deal with mobs of violent people, terrorists, and thugs in demonstrations. I think this would be more beneficial.

    Good point there. Whereever USA get involved it ends up in a mess. So they better stay away from Thai politics. If they get invilved just slightly, they will mess things up again.

  7. "Only" 199 jews in Thailand? Well, I do think there are more of them. Anyway, I do think that 199 jews are 199 too many. They should stay where they belong, and that is in Israel (If we are talking about Israeli jews presently in Thailand). Thailand is such a good place/good people, so why should Thailand have the jews coming? Some may think I'm a racist, but that is totally wrong. The jews always creates problems in the world........

    You're right, snookums, you are a racist. Back in your hole, please. Like I said before, a portion of expats are antisemitic, but you will find that everywhere, so no special reason to avoid Thailand.

    As I said, I am not a racist and I will never be! I just came up withfacts that the jews have been creating problems (continously) and they will never stop (until something really drastic happen to them :) ). The only support they get is from USA (where else?). Thailand is a country that do not deserve to have them coming. Keep Thailand happy as it is, do not pollute it.

  8. "Only" 199 jews in Thailand? Well, I do think there are more of them. Anyway, I do think that 199 jews are 199 too many. They should stay where they belong, and that is in Israel (If we are talking about Israeli jews presently in Thailand). Thailand is such a good place/good people, so why should Thailand have the jews coming? Some may think I'm a racist, but that is totally wrong. The jews always creates problems in the world........

  9. I have experienced the same when living in Bangkok. I lived there 5 years. Left Bangkok 1998 and returned to Thailand 2002, but this time I moved to the NorthEast of Thailand. Good move!! Thais here are very different from the ones i Bangkok, more helpful and friendly. Apart from that fact, the cost of living is just a fraction of the costs in Bangkok. Also, no traffic problems, less pollution, less noise, etc etc

    I can understand that some people do like Bangkok and can't live a more "rural" life, but for me personally, the life here is better. Why don't you just try and move? If that sucks as well, then maybe consider Vietnam or Malaysia

  10. You are correct we are not civilized in Canada. Immigrants can come to Canada and get everything free, but every try to get a tax break, argue with Rev.Can., or try to get a higher Canada Pension than $125.00 a month and they will tell you well it was your wife that collected social assistance when you were divorced because she sat at home while your daughter was in school and so she can get a better pension that the man who tried to work and make an honest living. My taxes pay for all the immigrants who come to Canada and get free health care, welfare and the hole nine yards. That is why I refuse to live in the country where I was born, I have less rights than someone who does not speak English who arrived yesterday. Welcome to my country. Have a good life there and don't complain that you can't bring your 14 brothers and sisters.

    Excellent reply on the topic. Regarding immigrants, we have the same PROBLEM in most countries in Western Europe. Most of the population thinks the same as me, but still, the politicians keep on treating the immigrants better than the natives.

  11. Anyone know if there is a place that lists all places with dual pricing in Thailand ? (That can be reached via internet), It would be very helpful for all Farangs, including tourists.

    It doesn't matter if the price difference is just 1 Baht, it's still wrong. In the civilized and developed world it is illeagal with dual pricing.

  12. Don't go to the Czech embassy for a visa. The staff there is just crazy! I was there about a year ago applying for a visa to Czech for my Thai wife. They came up with a lot of "necessary" documents needed. I'm sure the Czech people are still communists with a lot of love of Russia.

    I believe they simply don't like Thai people. Best would be to get them out of EU.

    If you need a visa to schengen countries (which Czech belongs to), then go to another schengen country and get your schengen visa. With a schengen visa you can travel within all schengen countries.

  13. Hi Ferd, I have always though cute Chinese girl's where some of the best in Asia, but if they come with the icy chill of winter I'll pass thanks! :)

    Hi......glad you like China. I have been living there on and off for several years (also have a place in Thailand where I am currently spending most of my time) and know it well--both the north and south.

    Your impressions are right on target.....at least from my perspective. Here is my take:

    Public Transport:

    Better than Thailand in some large cities, but can get bad in the hinterlands (same as Thailand).


    On balance, I would say most places are not as noisy as Thailand.


    Some stunningly beautiful girls in China..........and light years smarter than the girls in Thailand (can say the same for Chinese people in general).

    Cost of living:

    It is very cheap to live in China in some places and expensive in others..........hard to compare which is better.


    Completely disagree with you about the food.........I think there is no question that Chinese food is infinitely better than Thai food, and the variety of food is immense (also inexpensive).


    I think housing is the same.......concrete coffins for the most part (can find nice houses), but like you said the infrastructure seems better with almost no black outs.


    I love the weather in the north in particular.........it is nice to have the seasons change and not have to suffer intolerable heat every month of the year. I also like the different plants, more similar to what you see in the USA (also the mountains, ocean, etc., can be stunning in China).


    About 1 million times better than the police in Thailand......treat foreigners with respect and you don't get the feeling that the Gestapo is watching you.


    I have a problem with extreme authority, but I have never really felt it in China. The govt. in Thailand seems far more oppressive to me.


    Agree with you, the visa system is simple and sane. Thailand's system must be the worst on the planet.......stupid beyond imagination.

    Biggest upsides in China:

    Better infrastructure, more opportunity, sane business rules (not easy, just sane), smart people, far less violence, great food, nice people

    Biggest downsides:

    Too many people and BIG BROTHER........but as stated, I have never really had a problem with the latter.


    For expats who are looking for an alternative to Thailand-Titanic, there is a place adjacent to Macau that is sort of a retirement destination for well-to-do Chinese. It even has a small "walking street." It is on the ocean, has malls, all the Western food place, and lots of parks.......it is also an extremely clean city.......well managed. Now it is not too big; not too small, but it is growing (unfortunately).

    Were exactly is this place near Macau? I'm living in Thailand but is looking for alternatives.

  14. A tattoo is often, but not always, a sign of a person with low status in life and often connected to poor education. We all know that. Do you see many doctors, lawers, civil engineers and other university graduated etc tattooed? Well, some may have gotten their tattoos when they were young and not so thoughtful......but a tattoo can be removed.

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