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Posts posted by foxyhooper

  1. If he goes to a Consulate he can get a 60 day double entry tourist visa for FREE until the end of March. (Birmingham or Hull will turn the application around in about 4-5 days according to recent reports). After 60 days he can either extend for another 30 giving 90 in total, then he would need to go outside the Kingdom and start again, so with a double entry TV he can get nearly six months

    Alternatively.if he wants to stay longer than that he can apply for a 1 yr Multi "O" visa which will give 90 days before needing to exit/re-enter the Kingdom to start another 90 day period. (assuming he has someone from Thailand to give a letter to say he is vising them).

    Thanks does that mean he can only leave the Kingdom twice by road say Mae sai,if he goes out with 30 days remaining will he re enter and just get the 15 days?

  2. Regarding Steve, the funeral has not been set yet as his brother is due to arrive here either today or tomorrow.I expect the service will be wednesday or thursday certainly before the weekend.They was no hit a run driver if any one wants more detail p.m me as i was there.I am gratefull for the kind messages and will let his wife know so she can go though them.Re donations or helping towards the incoming costs i am sure it would be appreciated.

  3. Wow big crime doing some drugs.. come on the guy did not harm anyone to pay for his habit.

    But ok this is Thailand and drugs are bad.

    Hope he enjoys he 20+ years in BKK Hilton or is there dual punishment one for rich and famous and then for Mr average. He is a druggie and no room for him on earth.

    I wonder why i bother to read this nonsense and stupid veiws from arsewipes.

  4. It is so easy stay away from prositude or just dont bring them with you and stay away from drugs. Drugs fuc_k up lifes for so meny people and will only make the mafia ore rich and stronger. So just kill al 4 of them.......

    Drug money and being used to buy weapen in the 3 world, so people who buy drung are guilty of all the killing in the 3 world.

    So why dont al the farang that use drugs just go and fuc_k out of thailand back to there own country. All the farang how do stupid things in thailand make it more difficult for all of us who just want a normale life here.

    Well you have and very good insight in the drug and arms dealings in what you call the 3 world.Can you tell what you class as a normal life in Thailand you hero.

  5. :)

    The UK must be looking pretty empty, the number of Brits who've 'bailed-out', although not all are lucky enough to discover Chiang Mai straight-away. :D

    The U.K is running out of mental West Ham United fans :D

  6. Thanks for the replies and of course I'm not a whinging Brit, that was just a joke. :)

    I'm not a Burnley fan, I'm a West Ham supporter, same colours as Burnley. I am pleased to see Burnley back in the top flight after so long and judging by the way Man U played the other night, I don't think Burnley have anything to be unduly worried about. :D .

    Seriously, I am a little bit familiar with the medical services in Chiangmai, but was wondering if anyone knows of a neuro specialist that I might contact when I arrive? Nothing to do with my brain (though some may question that) rather some ongoing problems with a trapped nerve that could require surgery I'm told. I don't feel I'm getting anywhere with the good old NHS and everything needs a referral and referrals can take ages here!

    Any advice on this and general medical services will be much appreciated. Thanks.


    You are coming to the right place there are 3-4 neuro hospitals hear and they have many patients.

  7. We have a 2 year old but unfortunately we are way over in Hang Dong. Near Kad Farang. If there is anyone out this way that might have some interest in this same type of situation please PM me or post here. We are looking for an alternative to what we have seen so far.
    I live in Sansai Noi and I would be interested for my 8 year old and my 15 month old but I would have to knowand have proof of the teachers qualifications and fees must be in line.


  8. Not normal as far as I have experienced in the past 6 years, but very nice just the same. Clean air, heat, cooled off in the evenings and every 4-5 days some rain. Amazing sunsets sometimes with a beautiful backdrop of rain clouds in the distance. Should be caring a camera...

    the last thing you should worry about

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