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Posts posted by Utley

  1. There's a Big C with at least some of those items, but I suppose you are going to do more shopping at Makro if you have a Western appetite. Speaking of Big C, quite a few expats can be found there round about lunch in the lobby. I'll be back in NakWan come begining of June and if you're a rider Mbox and I (and to a lesser extent Billd) are always planning rides....

    Getting drunk in public in the middle of the day in Nakon Sawan is not the best of ideas. I have nothing against downing a few but this is the provinces, not BKK or Pattaya. I've heard a lot of bad feed back from Thais observing the drunken, uncouth farangs drinking at Big C ogling the young girls.

    If you play golf, a group of us expats tee off around 9:30 A.M. on most Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at the military Jiraprawat Golf Course just south of Nakon Sawan (gps coordinates 15°39'47.75"N 100° 7'27.51"E). And yes, we have a few beers as we play.

  2. Isn't it about time the reds got what they are propagating - violence to end their stupidity? They have set up the coral for the buffaloes, so seal them in - tear gas them and as they try to leave, remove their ID's and let them pass. Then hand them all a summons for damages to Public Property and charge them all when they come to pick up the ID's. CHarge them - jail a few and fine the rest.

    This continued violence is not going to go away. So let's just end it now to minimise the losses. 300 + dead at Songkran and 27 from these protests so far and Songkran was self inflicted. Go ahead - Make my day... :)

    Wow! Do you ever read what the other posters have to say in order to gain some insight to the current situation or are you just here to post your own babble?

  3. This is evolving into civil war. Eventually,hopefully, things will come back to normal but for the farang the game is over, I think.

    Brother is posed against brother. This intolerable situation makes people angry and I fear part of this anger will be directed against the farang. In thai people's view the average middle aged farang has come to their country seeking sex. I feel that there is a slight, imperceptible contempt behind the smiles. I fear that the political heightened passions in the country will force this negative feeling towards us to surface. I feel, paradise Thailand will be no more. An what a wonderful paradise it is! Despite the negative comments made on this forum about the various shortcomings of the country, Thailand with its superb food, superb shopping, sexual outlets and taxis which appear at the speed of thought and countless other virtues is a much desired place to relocate and settle.

    My fear is that for us things will somehow change and that we shall be viewed with more hostility. I suspect the age of 'innocense' is over and I lament for that.

    Move to the provinces my friend, move to the provinces. Life here is calm and peaceful; no conflict, no stress no violence.

  4. If I were the head of a wealthy Thai/Chinese family, my number one priority right now would be to gain control of the Thai police and military. Whoever controls the police and military when "he" is no longer with us will be able to choose the "successor". Whoever chooses the successor will guarantee that his family remains in power and wealth for generations to come. In order to control the Thai police and military in the near term, you must control the PM position in the all important month of September. Enough said.

    Does that put the “red shirt” vs. “yellow shirt” conflict into perspective for you?

  5. The PM's "road map" was far from fair. Since his party would still be in power in the all important month of September, he would be the one to win in the long run regardless of how the November elections turned out.

    It's fair considering Abhisit should be in power until Dec 2011.

    Remember, the reds are fighting for "democracy". They don't care about the army reshuffle.

    Don't be naïve; it is the police and army generals who ultimately control the Thai "democracy", not the PM and the elected MP's.

    What? Do you mean the reds want government dissolved now so they can control the army reshuffle. But they've said it was about democracy. :)

    Exactly! Thai Democracy = I have the power and you don't.

  6. The PM's "road map" was far from fair. Since his party would still be in power in the all important month of September, he would be the one to win in the long run regardless of how the November elections turned out.

    It's fair considering Abhisit should be in power until Dec 2011.

    Remember, the reds are fighting for "democracy". They don't care about the army reshuffle.

    Don’t be naïve; it is the police and army generals who ultimately control the Thai “democracy”, not the PM and the elected MP’s.

  7. THE NATION: redshirt from Khon Kaen just arrived at Chidlom.

    THE NATION: If the reds are sincere that they are not involved with the violence, they should disperse immediately.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    do shopping LOL :)

    what the h_ll they come to Bangkok ? is there any hidden agenda from the reds, their own 'peace plan' to gain negotiation ?

    I don't understand this Thai politics :-(

    It makes a lot more sense if you look at it from Thaksin's perspective. Unfortunately for him the PM's "roadmap" was far too reasoanble and was to be conducted in a far too open and inclusive fashion. That doesn't help Thaksin at all, but Reds could not be seen to dismiss such a significantly fair and peaceful proposition. Violence will confuse things and create setbacks, which of course is the intention.

    The PM's "road map" was far from fair. Since his party would still be in power in the all important month of September, he would be the one to win in the long run regardless of how the November elections turned out.

  8. Thais hate Thais but they need to live on the same land. There are no good Thais or bad Thais, there are only Thais who need A NEW POLITICAL system to live together peacefully.

    "No bad Thais" what do you actually have to do to qualify for that ? These seem to be bad enough to me !

    there is certainly some bad Thai - whom attack soldiers, polices and civilians with weapons ! I just don't care they are reds, yellows and any colour, they are cold-blooded :):D:D

    IMHO, Thailand is still in the aftermaith of Vietnam war; smuggling of weapons in North West with Burmese tribes, strong Vietnam war veteran community, Armed forces still parly organised as per the past threats, base for some foreign Intelligences surveying neighbouring Countries, militias.... Thailand has not yet fully turned the page of Vietnam war. It explains why militias, nearly open circulation of weapons, violences are still the normalcy in this Country

    To the best of my knowledge, the Thai military saw little to no combat in Vietnam itself. They did see combat fighting the "communist" insurgency in Northeast Thailand on the border with Laos.

  9. Sounds like a yellow shirt sponsored thing to me, they stand to lose the most in a November election, because the people will vote for the PPP as usual. It's a good deal for the redshirts so I can't see them being daft enough to scupper it.

    I'm sorry but I believe that you are wrong. A November election does the "red shirt" faction no good what so ever. They need to be in control prior to September.

  10. Get Thaksin out of the equation and progress will ensue.

    It is much more complex than that; Thaksin is only one of the variables in the equation.

    Thaksin is the prime factor. He obviously doesn't like the PM's peace plan, makes Abhisit come out of this in a positive light.

    The real movement is the blackshirt thugs, run by a military officer and equipped with real weapons of war.

    The redshirt movement is there to give it human empathy, women and children as part of what is supposed to be a peaceful demonstration. Then there's some of the reds riled up and hungry for blood, brandish bamboo pikes. All these are the images you are supposed to see.

    After April 10th when the blackshirts became visible both sides pulled a "who farted?" as if no one knew who these guys are.

    Without Thaksin there would be none of this mess in the streets. This may be one of the grandest displays of cynical self-serving in these parts in decades, on a level above Mugabe. The PM should do what is necessary to have him branded a sponsor of international terrorism. FAST! Someone will clip his wings soon enough, but them I fear he'll be able to buy his way out. Unfortunately, maybe it is best to handle this Israeli style, shut his yap one and for all. I don't think the Thais have such an intelligence/tactical section to handle this, though.

    Your view on this tragedy is very parochial and narrow. The prize for winning this chess game is the ability to choose the “successor”. Thaksin has little to do with it.

    What we might be seeing however is the situation slipping out of the control of the power brokers. If that is true, this mess might be the beginning of an undeclared but protracted civil war.

    My advice to fellow farangs is to get out of the cities and into the provinces where “it just doesn’t matter”.

  11. I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

    This power struggle is not about "red shirts" vs. "yellow shirts". It is about the power brokers behind the scenes who are pulling the strings. Think "chess game" not "class struggle".

    Think chess game where people cheat, lie, make up their own rules, invite others to play for them..... a crappy, uninteresting game.

    Perhaps, but it has been played for ages.

  12. I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

    This power struggle is not about "red shirts" vs. "yellow shirts". It is about the power brokers behind the scenes who are pulling the strings. Think "chess game" not "class struggle".

  13. As with most political struggles, the masses (this time its red shirts and yellow shirts) are pawns in a power chess game to determine who controls the bribes, kickbacks and government graft in Thailand. As in a real chess game, pawns are sacrificed in order to win.

    While the red shirts have real grievances as they have been disenfranchised by Thai Society, if you think this “opera” is about them you are sadly mistaken.

    Look closely at Abihist’s recent compromise; he has proposed elections in November; however most people know that September is the key date. Whoever controls the Thai government is September will be able to appoint their own people in the annual police and military top level appointment shuffle. That is what the current demonstrations are about; to determine who will be in control in September.

    While it is the minions on the ground that suffer, don’t blame them for this tragedy that has engulfed Thailand; blame the power brokers who behind the scenes pull the strings.

    This whole thing could have been avoided had Thaksin shared his profits on the sale of Shin Corporation with the Privy Council as they expected. But he didn’t, he kept the profits for himself and started the current chess game.

  14. Location of Lop Buri Thai Immigration

    The location of the Lop Buri Thai Immigration office is Latitude: 14°47'55.49"N Longitude: 100°39'4.35"E.

    It is located in the Lop Buri Police Department compound with an entrance off of one the round-abouts. As you enter the compound, you will see the fairly new 4 story Police Department Building directly in front of you; the older 2 story Thai Immigration building is to the right and slightly to the rear (large sign on the front of the building). Go up to the second floor and turn right.

    Their phone number is 036-424686.

    Its a little hard to locate the first time but Google Earth and the latitude and longitude location should do the trick.

  15. I want to buy a decent sized refrigerator in Nakhon Sawan for domestic use.

    Big C seem to have a reasonable range but nothing really big with a separate freezer

    and auto defrost.

    Are there any other specialist shops where I might find something better?

    Go to the 4th floor at Ferryland; they have a HUGE selection.

  16. Ryladie99, Thanks for your heart for the thai.

    Pierrot, i do agree with most of your comment.

    As I (and many more thais) always said to my fellow thais in another web forum when the yellow just start out their campaign, that we can not ask for a social correctness by the social incorrectness methods.

    As thai s nature, they don't listen, they just want to do whatever they want.

    I recall when thaksin was during his first 6 months, thais in bkk also went out and pressure the justice department to let thanksin getaway for his taxes wrongful conduct.

    I said the same. If he was wrong then let him go, but you know...Thai!

    Next the very same people came back warring yellow try to get thaksin out for his taxes matter again!

    i really hate thaksin since he took part in the government that bankruptcy thailand, but from what i see thai's(the yellow) way of doing thing, fixing problem… I really have little left for my country. We can not blame anyone but ourself. We have done it wrong all the way from start to now and still many people keep repeating the same mistake.

    now it seem hopeless for thailand to me.

    Fighting tyranny is never a hopeless cause but rather a never ending one.

    Hang in there and follow your beliefs.

  17. Hi there.

    I don't know about you but i am personally fed up with these red shirted idiots. While PAD's activities were somewhat legitimate (because they were against a government that came into power by vote buying and did only exist to serve a single person, Thaksin, instead to run a country) the similar activities of the red shirts are certainly NOT legitimate in any way - as they go against a government that indeed is 100% legit, tries to run the country and has yet to show signs of self-serving.

    Also the red shirts have from the very beginning shown their violent roots - smashing car windows and personally attacking people in those cars, something the PAD has not done. "Peaceful" is not a word the reds have ever learned and probably never will. And now they use a gas tanker to hide behind? Cowards they are, and here they show it!

    So, as much as i am against violence, in order to restore normality in this country the army really needs to get out the heavy stuff and mow down this mob, maybe after the first 100 are ex the rest will see that 500 Baht from Thaksin's wallet (which were robbed from those same people while Thaksin was in power!) aren't worth the risk.

    Sorry for coming through so violent, but as stated i am simply fed up with Thaksin remotely controlling the destruction of the country i chose to live in (if he had the guts to fight among them - fine, but he's too coward for that, too! A coward leads his army of cowards from afar).



    This is a joke – right? All political parties in Thailand buy votes including the Democrats who are currently in power.

    The yellow shirts were hardly a peaceful lot brandishing clubs, knives and even guns by the mob security forces. Correct me if I am mistaken but didn’t the yellow shirts kill several people during their months of demonstrations including a few at the airport?

  18. I have asked about this before too and got no good answers... now I order things off of eBay.

    Hi Girl X, which Ebay sight? from the states?

    I also order things, clothes, from Ebay but found shipping from HK and UK sights was much cheaper then the US.

    THanks for teh info.

    I purchase all of my dietary supplements from Puritans Pride in the U.S. http://www.puritan.com/

    They have good prices, deliver to Thailand and their quality is rated very high by Consumer Reports Magazine.

    A good digestive aid is Bromelain. Taken with food it acts as a digestive aid; taken without food it acts as an anti-inflamitory.

  19. Which immigration office You are using while staying in Nakhon Sawan? Which is nearest?

    Was just wondering when somebody will respond to this question... :D:o

    I am on a retirement visa and presumed the only choice for 90 day reporting was Maesot?? :D

    I just used the new Thai Immigration Office in Ayutthaya for my 90 day reporting. It took all of 2 minutes only because the officer had difficulty locating one the required stamps. Annual visa renewal can also be done at this office.

    If you have Google Earth, the GPS coordinates of the office are 14°20'53.64"N 100°35'52.54"E. It is located within the stadium grounds across the street from a 3 story building on the south side of the stadium field. No signs other than on the building itself.

    Bloody excellent information..Thanks..Any idea of office opening times???

    I really didn't pay any attention to office hours but I would think it would be the normal Thai government office times of 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. with 8 hours off for lunch and breaks. :D

  20. Formaldehyde is a protein preservative and commonly found in many beers in trace amounts to extend their shelf life.

    There is a new beer on the market by the name of Fedderbrau. VERY good, much better than Heineken in my opinion, tastes more like an ale than a lager. I found it at Lotus in Chainart.

    I found that having some food in the stomach first to say hello to the beer as it came down greatly reduced my hangovers. Even a hand full of potato chips will do but it has to be there first, not even a close second!

  21. I used Ipstar satellite for about 1 ½ years until just recently. It is marketed by TOT with free installation. Monthly fees run about 2,200 baht per month.

    About 2 months ago I started to have great difficulty connecting to the Ipstar satellite so I switched to Edge via AIS using an external USB modem made by Huawei (purchased at the AIS outlet on the ground floor of the Big C complex). Although there is an AIS tower close to my home the connection speed is very slow (40 kps) and I lose it about 5 times per hour.

    I am now researching a faster modem C-Motech CCU-680 sold by CAT Telecom with CDMA rather than Edge. I’ll let you know how it works out.

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