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Posts posted by NinjaGladiator

  1. "If Thaksin was a member of this forum , most of you lot would be banned for flaming by now"

    ...and MC2 wouldn't that be a misguided assault on free-speech

    It amazes me how important money is to Thai's, but you can guarantee this divorce is all about holding on to as much as possible. Doesn't Buddhism preach not to want material things in life, and be happy and content with the natural beauty around you, isn't greed to the route of all evil? So why are these so called Buddhists so hel_l-bent on obtaining as much material wealth as possible??

    There is a mistake in the 1st report, Taksin neither had 600mil TB nor 600bil TB, I think the reporter mis-counted the zeros (there's enough of them - so easy mistake) Taksin's wealth upon taking office (as I read in the past) was 60bil baht, it still seems to go un-noticed (and perfectly acceptable to some) that his wealth grew to 260bil during his 5 yrs in office, aren't those 2 figures alone enough to make 99% of the population detest everything he stands for. The other 1% I left for the greedy cling-ons that also got wealthy off his dirty deallings.

    If you're a Taksin supporter, why don't you wake up and smell the coffee brewing 60billion - 260billion (maybe it'll work if you say it slowly)

  2. Bard, sorry if I sound stupid, what is the snorkel, and how do you pull-it???

    Anyone know if the R9 full exhaust system can be purchased in Thailand, I've been in touch in Indonesia where they are made, the postage is the same as the product therefore double what it's worth.

    I also notice the temp gauge has a big range, I was driving in the mountains the skies opened and 10 mins later the bike was running cold. Pull up at lights around the town every few mins and the needle is 80% in the zone before the fan kicks in, such a temp range cannot be good for the little engine surely?

  3. The way UK has responded is exactly how it says it in the rule book, anyone who has commited serious fraud or even has an investigation pending should disclose on application, and on that bases they would be refused. Anyway isn't he lucky he was able to buy a property in my country (I hope it devalues) as for splitting the family up, they are adults. I however applied for a 1 yr visa to stay in Thailand after the birth of my son (the old rules allowed this) they said no you must be over 50 or go to work, but jobs for forgeiner are very limited so basically they were saying no F*K-OFF and we don't care about your 6m old kid. I have ample funds to support myself and was waving them in their face, but apparently under new rules it doesn't matter if I got a mil or two in a Thai bank account.

  4. Thaksin has not applied for asylum in UK, or if he had it wouldn't have yet been granted, the current waiting time is 2+ years. Therefore he was on a simple visitors visa, the same as most of your tgf's can get.

    It amazes me that having a direct attack on Thaksin the only thing 1 posty came up with is he quadrupled the cost of visas in Thailand during his reign, let me remind you that 2 yrs ago a fiancee/marraige visa to UK was 150 quid, the next day it was 300.

    Try this one if you want to have a dig at the scum-bag, when he came into power he was worth 60billion baht, at the time of is ousting he was worth 260billion baht, yes that's approx 5 times (that's not including the wealth his kids built-up) now I know he was prime-minister and the rate of interest was around 5% during his reign, but doing the sums, I can't quite work out where it all came from - Oh I know he was F*KIN CORRUPT

  5. Taksin and wife most definately did go to Beijing, do a google search and there are many hits on the trip. It makes perfect sence that London would revoke his visa, yes while in UK it's a messy job to extradite, that's why they would take the easy route to rid themselves of this messy situation, some of the waffle that goes onto these threads is mind-boggling.

    All the Brits reading this thread should be thanking their lucky stars, I'm pretty sure there would have been repurcutions over allowing him to stay in UK, the Thai immigration isn't the friendliest of systems at the best of times.

  6. Had a dual bulb installed to the front to overcome the single light on, fed up of people telling me a bulb was out, I never understand y they do this to some bikes, it can't be as not to drain the battery, the honda click and many others work well with dual head lights


    Also replaced the front and rear indicators, the front have now been cut in (taken from a honda Icon), and rear have been replaced with LEDs


  7. So has someone got a link to all this stuff coming out of Indonisia?

    Plus - thaicbr, what's this sexy hugger from japan, I've been looking everywhere for one, was considering seeing some local guys that mould car spoilers and skirts in fibre-glass, to see if they could shape one up for me.

  8. Bard I'm confused has to how a wider tyre can make any difference to the speed of a bike, yes if the 70 profile was changed to 80 I could see your point, however what you gain in KMph you'd probably lose in power output, which brings me to another point, (forgeting you've changed your exhaust-good one!!) the stock bike struggles to hit the red-line in 6th gear, there-fore in stock guise the bike is not under-geared as so many people keep saying on this thread. if it was it would race to the red-line and be eager to go over - talking 6th gear mind!!!

    When thaicbr talked about a deposit he was refering to taking the bike away on finance not the 10k we all placed to order/hold our bikes ready for collection. Udon Thani is still offering helmet promo, I think the promo is only open to cash purchases, as for the price hike of 5k-10k nobody can say for sure this will happen it's 1. probably a marketing ploy, or 2. A future intention of kwaka once it sees sales figures or demand out does the supply

  9. A few points being missed:

    Most of us on Non O multi-entry don't exit via the airport, but border hops, there's no mention of the system being put in place at all border crossings.

    Those entering 3-5 times a year are rarely classed as tourists, and are indeed the less flavoured of the immigration, they like retirees cos (not all but a lot) throw all their money at some poor Thai family and then pop-their-clogs a few years later. They like shortstay tourists cos (apparently, but not my view) they spend more money in the short term and then leave.

    People like myself who's under 40 and married to a Thai national are not favoured, that's why the law was changed to say "be over 50 (impossible) or go to work and pay taxes" I don't need to work so I can no longer get a 1 yr visa (cos I broke the chain - those of you in the chain know what I mean), before I simply placed 400k in my bank and I was good to go.

    I also noticed when I last passed through Swampy they fast tracked me with the rest of my family (that was nice), I think someone else has hit the nail on the head with this one - it's a vetting procedure that us multi-entry guys might fall for, answer all their questions like "how do we support ourselves" and then get turned away, only to give it to those that rarely travel out of the country, like retirees.

  10. Most of the items analysed hardly count as security problems, more like human comforts, either this got lost in transalation, or it is yet another long-winded load of B0II0X. Chiang Mai talks about air quality, now that could be classed as a security factor, security=safe from harm. On another note, when has it ever been necessary to say "67 percent out of a possible 100" hasn't the % symbol always meant "out of 100" - I feel like I'm surrounded by uneducated 12 yr olds sometimes

  11. This is my fifth brand new bike to-date, the oil colour is very common on break-in due to aluminium deposits. If the coolant & oil levels are stationary, there's very little chance that one is getting to the other. I had the bike serviced that very day, I am now on 850kms, the window is showing a gold semi-transparent oil now. My point was don't wait til the service is due if your oil is dirty, BBB you may wanna take a look at yours since your weekend out.

    Onto Kawasaki, the local dealer still hasn't had a shipment of bikes yet, although they said were coming 29/8 (lie 1). When I went for oil change the misses asked have you got a filter in stock, "YES" they replied, "tell them to go ahead" I said. They drained the oil, phoned BKK to help locate the filter (HA), pulled it out and said "NOT HAB" (lie 2). Had no choice but to wash it down with thinners and blow-dry it. As soon as they're in stock I will replace the oil again.

    Bike is still going like a dream, everybody loves the look. It ain't expensive, it's 2/3 of price in UK. The US doesn't believe in taxing anything with wheels, so the americans keep harping on about the price, have you seen the price of a Harley in Thailand - base model is 1 mil.

  12. Those driving new bikes and gone for the fast break-in, check the colour of your oil in the level window, I'm at 700kms and it's milky grey. They advice to change the oil sooner with this break-in method, mine will be in the dealers 2morrow. I doubt there are many people driving these machines and able to keep the revs low, they beg to be wound up. Getting upto 160kph with the missus riding pilion (only 45kms). Someone asked how my ass was after the trip back to Udon, it really wasn't sore at all, I have arthur in the Knees and needed to stop every 1.5 hrs to stretch the legs, but really I was amazed that I was able to travel the distance with such little discomfort, it really is a nice bike to ride, although I think I am the max weight and height it is probably suited for, esp. if you intend it for long journeys. I'll also be loading it up with my tank bag and throw-over panniers, probably another 20kgs once the missus starts emptying the wardrobe.

  13. Dotcom, and anyone else who keeps harping on about the CBR, you're barking up the wrong tree, you cannot compare these bikes and most definately cannot work the base price for a ninja 250 because of the retail price of a CBR150. We've said it b4, in US. the price is 110k, in UK the price is 210K. The price dif is determined by the government's taxation system not kawasaki. The CBR150 is a steel in my mind at 70-75k, that's because the gov. favours small bikes, do you know a comparison (OK-125cc) of the Yam mio in UK is around 90k? But on another note, and this is only my opinion, at 178cm and 82kg I would look f****** stupid on a CBR150 so they really have never been an option for me, large legal sports bikes are just to expensive (not cos someones asking too much but because of the taxes), so this 250 ninja has been a real gap filler for me, plus the power is sensible enough for these road conditions and my aging joints. Kawasaki has been sensible to mount it on a large frame, men are normally fully grown by 18 so I've never understood y they build small bikes just cos they're marketed at young riders, I know there's the weight to consider but that is minimal these days, with high-strenght, light weight materials available.

    So if you love your CBR have no need or interest in the ninja 250, why don't you go to the CBR150 thread and post there :o lol

  14. Picked my machine up on 26th, drove 570km back to Udon, didn't miss a beat, the haddling is almost on par with my old zx6r, just minus the power. Sitting at 170 it feels safe on the open roads anymore speed would be a gamble with the untrained drivers of Thailand. The braking is awsome considering there's only a single disk and 4 pot caliper up front, after all it's only 15kg lighter than my last zx6r and I'm carrying an extra 5kg since those days. I'm 82kg and 178cm to get the top end you gotta really tuck in, (the big screen is very warranted). The handle bars are higher than a typical sports bike, but the seat slopes forward forcing you lay down rather than sit up right, this gives your lower arms an upward travel, so there was no tingling in the fingers, surprising as I haven't travelled long distances in 7yrs. Found out I could reg in Udon, went to the dealer here 27th and found out they are having bikes in today, BKK told me it would be a month+. Now I like driving but for 3 days I could have waited, so if you are living north, see your local dealer, the wait may not be that long.

    One last interesting piece of info, I asked the dealer how many had gone to date, answer 50+, how many falang? You are the 4th.


  15. Importing a bike from UK is not as simple as chucking in a shipping container and driving out the other end. The duty you have to pay + registration costs normally doubles the cost of the bike. When you see a CBR600r '06 for sale here in LOS it'll have a price tag around 300-350,000bt yet I could pick that up in the UK for half the price, so some idiots may be thinking "that dealers making a shit load, I'll import my own", Duh - he's an expert at it, he also speaks/reads thai, he's probably marked the bike up an extra 50k, and he'd be due every penny, good luck anybody who takes on the challenge to safe 50K. LivinLos - the figures you quoted is that legal or illegal.

    One other point to mention, big bike taxation is moving here in LOS, making it more viable/interesting for manufacturers to setup dealerships, yamaha, duke, triumph, all have good ranges available now, kawasaki have a couple and some in pipe-line, honda are in the planning stage. Once this happens grey imports & illegals are gonna have a hard time, illegal bikes will become worthless.

  16. PeaceBlondie, you've forgotten one important aspect of a 250, they are for young (17-21) untrained riders (generally) and that is the largest market segment in most countries for motorbikes, you know how it goes after that, sports cars, family, mortgage. Therefore the older guys buying the big bikes are fewer in numbers. But why do people have to sound off all matcho, there are umpteen reasons to buy a small bike, they're economical, the top speed is fast enough when you're up against unlicenced/untrained,15yr olds coming up the wrong side of the carriage-way. They'll still beat the fastest harley (top-end). Or like me your joints have been pounded by commuting 50 miles a day, rain and snow on sports bikes, that you can no longer adopt the position or stick your neck out at 150+mph. "Americans do not ride teensy little bikes". Stop trying to sound all macho guys, it's only cos your not content with the size of your manhood.

    By-the-way, for those that don't mind driving teensy little bikes, Kawasaki is now taking orders, the price is 139,990. Mine is suppose to arrive 25/8

  17. "Also, informers who prove themselves as having excellent powers of observation, good memories and a concise, accurate reporting style are now issued an ID card that enables them to quickly report a suspicious foreigner and have the case taken seriously by Immigration".

    A typically racist move/statement, why can't they just be...

    "informers who prove themselves as having excellent powers of observation, good memories and a concise, accurate reporting style are now issued an ID card that enables them to quickly report a suspicious person".

    After all, are foreigners the cause of the main problems of this country? NO. Try looking at your own road users, education system, law enforcement, gun/knife packing youths, gold muggers, prostitution/pimps, which may I add is big business here with or without foreigners.

    Sort this out, join all the western countries that allow foreigners to buy houses/land/cars as easy as their own citizens, then you might see foreign investment returning. They should stop treating us like second class citizens, Thais are not treated this way on arrival in Oz, USA, UK or any other part of Europe.

    My wife arrived in UK, got a licence, car, house in her name all within weeks, once we were married she applied for NI number and started work. Beat that Thailand!!

  18. Screws was right to pick up that point, there is no such thing as cubic litre as a litre is already a measurement of volume and therefore renders the cube unecessary.

    We are missing the big point though, if they did actually mean 50m3 then that is a wasteful amount of water, my household of 4 uses 7-8m3 per month. Have you seen the villagers washing clothes, dishes, etc. hose pipe constantly flowing, rinsing plates 3-4 times, what's that about. I can't imagine they meant 50 litres cos that wouldn't last a day.

    50m3 per month get real!!

  19. Main dealers are still saying August with no date specified. The price never changes so I think we'll definately be looking at 150k.

    But there is some nonsence on this thread. For those that have stated otherwise: The Ninja 250r was already the best selling bike in the USA, it's probably gonna have much higher sales this year. Rayong is making bikes for both US and EU markets, the EU pices are all fuel-injection because of higher emission standards, the US don't have the same standard so they decided on the carbs to keep the cost down. The Fuel-Inj models will probably give around another 5kph and the Thai bike should be able to touch 180kph.

    For all the wingers out there, you can't compare the price of this bike with the USA, it's nothing to do with Kawi, it's the taxation system, we're actually lucky it's gonna be as cheap as this. In the UK it's retailing for 3,299 quid, nearly double that of the USA and approx 50,000bt higher than Thailand. However larger bikes like the Yam R6 are higher in Thailand by 33% more than UK prices.

    150k that's the price of it, if you're from the states it sounds expensive if your from Europe it sounds a bargain.

    People keep harping on about Thais can't afford things like this, your all seeing the wrong things. There's a lot of rich Thais, and a lot of well off Thais, there are a lot of young spoilt Thais with well-off mummies and daddies. There's a lot of Thais with easy credit at their disposal. Remember Thais prefer anything that others can see, eg. a big house from the outside, no furniture on the inside, no money in the bank but 5bt of gold round the neck. A bmw 3 series, with bald tyres, no insurance and no service, getting the picture. Thais will buy these bikes, believe it, and they will be in demand and people will be waiting a long time for them.


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