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Posts posted by TLDave

  1. I went to the 90 day report centre to make the in-person report now required if you did a report by mail later than 90 days after the previous report.  The amnesty was only good for missing a fine.

    The Google maps for the report location takes you to a pot-holed track apparently closed at present.

    There is a health check before entry, some arrivals were issued with queuing tickets and the office is located on level 2.  I am not able to climb steps unaided (and no handrail) but the assistant willingly helped me mount those steps.  It took about 15 minutes to obtain a new printed slip confirming a new date for the next report (19 November).  They now seem to want those reporting by mail to send it back 15 days before that date.  There are ramps to leave the building avoiding the steps (after the toilets).


    90 day_location.jpg

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  2. I do my 90 day reports by mail (for many years).  Mine was due not later than 30 June but I waited to take advantage of the amnesty.  Mailed the new one on 14 July.  All the paperwork has been returned to me today (August 6th) with a slip stating "In case of ... appointment date 26th March to 31st July as did not make the notification on schedule (late)

    Foreigners have to make the notification in person or authorize another person do it only, in conformity with Notification ... dated 7th, 23rd April

    Because Immigration officers have to consider related information and need to stamp the TM47 form and the passport" .


    Seems the amnesty not very useful and a round trip to Immigration a waste of time and money


    90 day denial.jpg

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  3. Yes, HSBC Bangkok are fully au fait with documentation requirements for Retirement Visa, and I have used their letters twice without any problem. (I have also had the funds on fixed deposit for three months prior), as opposed to them being in a savings account, and this has been acceptable to Immigration.

    Many thanks to you and to Lopburi for prompt and helpful replies

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