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Posts posted by Ozziman04

  1. Australia is a democratic country and the last time I looked the majority of Australian are behind the Howard government, Now I may not agree with everything they do but as long as they have tha majority of votes I must ethier put up with it or get out,

    and where do i go

    To The USA ha ha ha ha

    Our papers are full of these dear old yanks coming to Australia

    If you don't like what Howard does and your Australia then you can have your say at the next up coming election which is just weeks away

    If your note an Australian and can not vote, then I may tell you where to go

    and leave Australia to Australians

    Sorry just an opinion

    Does not make it right

    But at least my vote counts

  2. Well Murphies law struck again, while in Thailand pattaya I went to the Pattaya park Tower and took a few photos of the view from the top tower, downloaded them onto my lap top and you can imagine all photos lost when my hard drive crashed

    Does any one have an good quality photos of this view they can send me.

    How can I exlain what it is like to see the sourrounding districts

    Please help if you can


  3. But what about the countless numbers of thai females that are educated overseas ,have careers in the west ,are more worldly in their mentality,have farang friends,know the difference between spagehtti and fettucine ...haha ??They can flick in and out of western and thai environments easily

    Very few of those girls will consider marrying a foreigner!!

    Better to plan that you both live here.

    Take a few trips abroad and see how it goes, before you take the Big one.

    Penelope I think after attending a few of these function these Thai people who do no need help are the ones who are offering it to those that do

    Remember life is a balance, there can not be a teacher if there is not a student

    So to call a spade a spade have you ever noticed that farang go to bars to drink with their own kind when in Thailand

    So then why are Thai ladies who need Thai friendship any worse?

    Sorry but to me it seems natural, but I guess there will always be those who try and see the bad side of something that is good

    Just my opinion

  4. I have been reading this site for over 12 months and find it most interesting, one point that always passes my mind is Western guys who think they can find a Thai lady take her home to his country and live happily ever after.

    They get a big shock when they deprive her of her Thai ways and friends

    The solution is before this happens join a Thai group, their are many all over the world, here they will find and mix with other Western men who have Thai wives and children, go to Thai picnics eat genuine Thai food and best of ll she can chatter away in Thai to her hearts content,

    In Australia they even have Thai temples with monks etc, so a bit of Thailand in their new country, if you do not know where to start try this web site


    Hope this helps someone


  5. I will be in Pattaya in early june and looking for a place to stay for a few week

    Require some where in South Pattaya closer to the action the better

    As its so hot a swimming pool is a hig advantage

    also is a safe in the room

    Budget up to 1000 baht a day

    advice please


  6. Not a worry to me ols chap, I already have what I want.

    But I thought it was an interesting subject that would be wanted information for any one planning to go to the area.

    I think it would make good reading on a day to day basis ......... of

    How the bar fines are ?

    Are the girls increasing their prices

    Are they after the girls in the club, bars or on the beach

    Any one who owns a bar has your weekly intake increased

    Just an interesting topic when everybody is talking doom and gloom

  7. This is my second thread on this subject , the first was hi jacked by otheres bearing a different idea but if any one is in pattay at this moment can you please let over visitors who are thinking of going there what is the situation

    I have been reading rumors that bar fines are double or in some places triple the normal charge

    Short time is also 2 to 3 time higher

    The reaon US Troops on R & R

    As I said can people who are actually there confirm or deny these rumors

    The question is also when will this be over ?

    Are the Us troops using condoms ?

    (Sorry I guess a hard question to answer unless your watching)

    Or will they be leaving behind the tale tale signs of other activities in Asian ports

    This is a great web chat site for needed information

    So how about keeping up the great info for other who read this site

    and who are not intrested in your personal opinions on who likes who

  8. Hey guys I know you like your digs and party games but can we get back to the reason for this thread

    For those of us who want to visit Pataya and are a bit worried about the present tourists dressed in military uniforms

    when will they be gone and safe for the average Joe Blow to come back to Pattaya ?

    Surely the "Long stay" "Short stay" prices must double while they are in town

    and the chance of VD double after thay have left

    Just wondering

  9. Just a thought

    I read in Stickmans column that US troop are starting to have their R&R in Pattaya now, and they have already been seen in the bars

    Can any one put further details to this

    How many are expected?

    During what time?

    Will this not increase the risk of problems in Pattaya from terrorists with US Forces in town

    Just a thought, open for comment

  10. About a month a go I was invited to oprn an email account here at Thai expats which i did and they said that soon they would be introduing free thai SMS calls from this site

    Does any one know any thing about this and has it started or not

    Ozzie man

    If not does any one know of a site, where i can send free SMS's within Thaiand from the web?

  11. I am based on the Gold Coast and am in and out of Bangkok just about every other month, happy to bring you a couple of bottles, but what can you offer in fair trade?

    Now lets see the mind boggle

    What is a fair trade for the nectar of the gods

  12. The following is a letter from a Thai girl honme to he parents, for you convinience it has been translated into English

    Dear Mother Father,

    It has been three months since I left you on the farm. I have been late in writing this and I am very sorry for my thoughtlessness in not having written before. I will bring you up to date now, but before you read on, please sit down.


    Well then, I am getting along pretty well now. The skull fracture and the concussion I got when I jumped out of the window from the upstairs bar when it caught fire shortly after my arrival are pretty well healed now. I only get those sick headaches once a day.

    Fortunately the fire in the bar and my jump were witnessed by aold man passing by, and he was the one who called the fire brigade and the ambulance. He also visited me at the hospital and since I had nowhere to work, he was kind enough to invite me to share his hotel room and pay me 1000 baht a day to stay with him. It’s really a big room, and it’s kind of cute. with chains and leather on the walls. He is a very fine man and we have fallen deeply in love and are planning to be married. We haven’t set the exact date yet, but it will be before my pregnancy begins to show.

    Yes Mother and Dad, I am pregnant. I know how much you are looking forward to being grandparents and I know you will welcome the baby and give it the love, devotion and tender care you gave me when I was a child. The reason for the delay in our marriage is that my man has some minor infection from other bar girl which prevents us from passing our pre-marital blood tests and I carelessly caught it from him. This will soon clear up with the penicillin injections I am taking daily.

    I know you will welcome him into our family with open arms. He is kind and well educated, he is ambitious. Although he is of a different race and religion than ours, I know your oft expressed tolerance will not permit you to be bothered by the fact that his skin colour is somewhat whiter than ours, I am sure you will love him as I do. His family background is good too, for I am told that his father is an imports a white poweder from his home that makes people happy.

    Now that I have brought you up to date, I want to tell you that there was no bar fire, I did not have a concussion or a skull fracture. I was not in the hospital, I am not pregnant. I am not engaged. I do not have syphillis and there is no white man in my life. However,

    I am getting a “D” in History and an “F” in Science and I wanted you to see those marks in the proper perspective.

    Yours -

    Your Loving Daughter

  13. A little old lady walked into the head branch of the Bank of Bangkok holding a large paper bag in her hand. She told the young man at the window that she wished to deposit the $3 million she had in the bag and open an account with the bank. She said that first, though, she wished to meet the manager of Bank due to the large amount of money involved. The teller seemed to think that this was a reasonable request, and after opening the paper bag and seeing bundles of $1,000 bills which amounted to about $3 million, telephoned the bank president’s secretary to obtain an appointment for the lady.

    The lady was escorted upstairs and ushered into the managers office. Introductions were made and she stated that she liked to get to know the people she did business with on a more personal level. The bank manager then asked her how she came into such a large sum of money. “Was it an inheritance?” he asked.

    “No,” she replied. He was quiet for a minute, trying to think where this little old lady could possibly have come into $3 million.

    “I bet,” she stated.

    “You bet?” repeated the bank president. “As in horses?”

    “No,” she replied. “I bet on people.” Seeing his confusion, she explained that she just bet different things with people.

    All of a sudden she said, “I’ll bet you $25,000 that by 10:00 AM tomorrow your balls will be square.”

    The bank manager being Thait figured that she must be off her rocker and decided to take her up on the bet. He didn’t see how he could lose. For the rest of the day, the bank manager was very careful. He decided to stay home that evening and take no chances — there was $25,000 at stake.

    When he got up in the morning and took his shower, he checked to make sure that everything was OK. There was no difference. He looked the same as he always had. He went to work and waited for the little old lady to come in at 10:00 AM, humming as he went. He knew that this would be a good day — how often do you get handed $25,000 for doing nothing?

    At 10:00 AM sharp the little old lady was shown into his office. With her was a younger man. When asked the man’s purpose for being there, she informed him that he was her lawyer and that she always took him along whenever there was this much money involved. “Well,” she asked, “What about our bet?”

    “I don’t know how to tell you this,” he replied, “but I’m the same as I’ve always been, only $25,000 richer!”

    The lady seemed to accept this, but requested that she be able to see for herself. The bank president thought that this was reasonable and dropped his trousers. She instructed him to bend over and then she grabbed hold of him. Sure enough, everything was fine. The bank president then looked up and saw her lawyer standing across the room banging his head against the wall.

    “What’s wrong with him?” he asked.

    “Oh, him,” she replied. “I bet him $100,000 that by 10:00 AM today I’d have the president of the Bangkok Bank by the balls.”

  14. My comments wher how easy it would be if they wanted to stop the commercial dvd pirates in places like Panthrip Plaza who are asking 150 - 250 baht per dvd, You can still pick them up at 120 if you know who to talk to, this was never meant to stop pirating at a private level

    The $6 was just an example and started the first dy of Trading in all KMart stores in Australia

  15. Three American women die together in an car accident in Thailand and go to heaven.

    When they get there, St. Peter says, "We only have one rule here in heaven...don't step on the ducks." So they entered heaven, and sure enough, there are ducks all over the place. It is almost impossible not to step on a duck, and although hey try their best to avoid them, the first woman accidentally steps on one.

    Along comes St. Peter with the Thai ugliest man she ever saw. St.Peter chains them together and says, "Your punishment for stepping on a duck is to spend eternity chained to this ugly Thai man!"

    The next day, the second woman steps accidentally on a duck, and along comes St. Peter, who doesn't miss a thing, and with him is another extremely ugly Thai man. He chains them together with the same admonishment as for the first woman.

    The third woman has observed all this and not wanting to be chained for all eternity to an ugly Thai man, is very, VERY careful where she steps. She manages to go months without stepping on any ducks, but one day St. Peter comes up to her with the most handsome aussi man she has ever laid eyes on very tall, tanned and muscular. St. Peter chains them together and leaves without saying a word.

    The woman remarks, "I wonder what I did to deserve being chained to you for all of eternity?"

    The guy says, "I don't know about you, but I stepped on a duck."

  16. Well the Thai Government try to ban them

    and the police tried to close them down

    But the pirate DVD industry still survives

    But it seems they still can not beat the commercial industry if they really want to put them out of business

    Here in Australia Kmart is selling genuine dvd's for 175 baht on the current exchange rate, with a money back gaurantee..

    4 Major players in The US are ready to release self destuctive dvd all the latest titles for just over 100 baht, Like a buy it but you rent it system.

    So it seems the best way to beat them is undercut them, and I can say with out a joke they can produce then cheaper than thai pirates

    MMMMhh just a thought

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