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Posts posted by najman

  1. I found it hard to breath easily with most kinds of masks so I ordered the Purely mask made by Xiaomi. It has 8 hour fan/battery charge. They make good quality electronics such as the POCO F1 phone.


    I will be travelling back to Australia soon so I wanted to have a mask I can comfortably wear during the long trip, breath easily and be able to recharge the 8 hour battery on the go using USB cable. It has N95 protection. I bought some for friends and family and we have about 10 left.


    If you are interested in getting 1 or more for yourself and anyone who needs them for work, travel etc, please PM me, I have to go back in a couple of weeks. Middle to end of June.

    • Like 1
  2. Masks have more benefits that seem to be missed. First of all its hard to argue the results of countries that use them. They work for the following reasons:
    1. They stop you touching your mouth and nose. These are the 2 main ways a virus gets inside your body.

    2. When everyone is wearing a mask we are doubly protected: The person coughing stops most of the particles leaving their body, and the person walking into those remaining particles gets mostly stopped by the mask they are wearing.

    3. The mask you wear reduces the number of particles landing in and around your mouth.

    Top virus doctor from South Korea sites a study that proved masks and washing hands together reduce transmission chances by around 70%.

    These lessons were learned during the SARS virus and the countries that were affected learned to right protocols. Look at the stats of Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Vietnam and Thailand. They have far fewer infections and deaths than most western countries. And Taiwan didnt lock down anywhere near as much as other countries.

  3. Embassies don't put out these warnings without good reason. I think we should take note and act accordingly.

    Back before Terriorists were used to scare people into submission only 70 people per year died through "terriorist" vilolence. Even these days the only people dying through Terrorism are those invading and occupying their countries.

    Terriorists treats are used to manipulate your thinking in so many ways. And it's working. The number of rights and freedoms you have given up over the last 10 years is amazing. The trillions of dollars lost to your ecomony through this false threat. And you are still listening to your government about terriorist threats. It's just designed to hold you in fear. Do you walk around in fear of Mosquitos? Statistics say you should be 1000x more scared of mosquitos than "terrorists". If you want to avoid all treats just dig a hole and bury yourself.

    • Like 2
  4. "about 40 per cent said |they did not believe in the Law of Karma and in doing good."

    Law of Karma ... is that like the Law of Gravity? wai.gif

    Yep, What you put out comes back to you unless to take actions to redeem yourself. Guy uses bar girl, bar girl uses guy. Guys lie to bar girls, bar girls lie to guys. Man cheats on wife, wife cheats on him (or his gik does) treat people poorly, he gets treated poorly back by others. don't take care of the environment the environment strikes back. ad infinitum.

  5. First of all predictions are possible but the timing may be off.

    Not really a prediction then, is it?

    I predict you will die.

    I predict that dam will eventually break.

    I predict your computer hard drive will quit.

    I predict the end of the world.

    All these will happen in time, won't they? dry.png

    Your predictions are correct. Except for my hard drive. It's got a 400 trillion year warranty, able to withstand "world endings".

  6. First of all predictions are possible but the timing may be off. Or it could have been averted already by actions taken over the last 37 years to re-enforce the dam. Time is in a constant flux and changes all the time.


    Surely if someone is psychic enough to predict a dam collapse, they shouldn't have any problem predicting a bit of maintenance work ...

    If it's true someone knew of the prophesy and then released water from the dam or increased it's strength then obviously it can be averted. Prophesy is not a chess game. The point is there are those that don't believe anything spiritual and those that take it too far. There are those that have a lot of spiritual awareness and those that don't think it's even possible. If you believe you will be successful then you are right. If you believe you will not be successful you are also right. Thought affects the physical universe in ways most don't understand yet.

    I recommend reading up on Noetic Science as mentioned in "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown. Science is getting to the point where it can experiment with thought, thought waves and brain waves. The US military has finally reverse engineered flight controls using brain waves coming out in the next gen of high tech helicopters and jet fighters.

  7. First of all predictions are possible but the timing may be off. Or it could have been averted already by actions taken over the last 37 years to re-enforce the dam. Time is in a constant flux and changes all the time.

    What should happen is extra attention put on the dam during regular inspections. Why would this guy be to blame if the media is the one who put the story out there.

    So what happens if the Dam breaks a year from now? Predicting dates is difficult but predicting obvious events is not so difficult.

    I predict many things due to observations and knowledge. Is the Dam strong enough to withstand an earthquake? If not then sure it could collapse during more recent instability in the Earth's crust. Look what happened to Christ Church New Zealand.

    The obvious solution would be to make all Dams earthquake proof. Then any such prophesy is automatically changed. We control our future through our actions. Earth going to blow up? Move to the moon. Sun going to explode? Move to another solar system.

    False prophets don't disprove all prophecy. Sometimes I have weird dreams and then forget. The next day I run into the thing I dreamt about. Recently I dreamt of being with my gf and seeing a strange shoe I'd never seen before. Why was a dreaming of this shoe? I've never dreamt about them and didnt have any plans to look at them. I woke up and told myself I have to remember this shoe for some reason. I was going to run into it soon. The next day we suddenly decided to eat at a shopping mall on the way home. I saw this shoe shop next to the restaurant and felt ill at ease. I walked into the shoe shop and found the exact strange shoe I had dreamt about the night before. I didnt even know shoes could have light blue soles and white and black spotted leather but there it was.

    so that's why I believe some prophesy is real. We all have this ability to some degree. Doesn't mean you have to believe every prophesy made. But you can inspect it for yourself.

    As for the Mayan Calendar the real researchers point out it's the end of an Era, not the end of the world. It's the media and chaos merchants that turn it into the end of the world.

  8. Let's keep it really really simple.

    Practice makes perfect.

    Most Thai's do not have perfect english

    Therefore they need more practice.

    End of story. Learning from books and "studying" grammar is not practice. If all they did was talk English 50% of the time in English class their English would be far far better. No qualified teacher can outdo practice no matter where they went to school or what books they bring to the class room. The best English teacher in the world would be one that made them practice, practice practice.

    Any new program that doesn't implement a lot of practice will fail.

  9. He would have gotten the death penalty anyway. No wonder he popped himself. Don't people ever think of what really happens to them after they die. Like what was this guy thinking before he killed himself? The pain with just all go away?? No,no,no,no. I'm sure the pain has just started for him. Get a clue, come back.

    Feeling bad for the families though.

    You're not seriously suggesting that he's burning in Hades now, are you?

    If you were looking for hell and found Earth, it would certainly serve. He's gonna have quite some issues in the next life.

  10. I think for most they pay according to the social group they met.

    Anyway I forgot to mention the bloody smell, deep fried fish, chicken, bananas, som tam, pla rat, cat piss, stale cigarette smoke, empty whisky beer and lao kao bottles littering the stairwells, exhaust fumes from Somchais beat up motorcycle, surprised the infant mortality rate isnt higher.

    Then in the evening, just as the sun goes down, the street theatre begins, watch the locals knock back the whisky then knock shit out of each other, security guards getting an earful because someone has lost their "personal" parking slot, bargirls who have been b/fined bringing their latest beau back for a meet and greet with the locals, waiing and buying drink for everyone in sight thinking he is getting an insight into Thai culture whilst the locals piss themselves laughing at him.

    I could go on but I think you know the drill.

    Wow, that's sounds inviting - NOT!. Glad I don't live there. I live at a nice apartment building 300 meters from On-nut BTS. Renting. Nice restaurant downstairs. Popular with the Japanese. Costs around 8000 per month. Nice surroundings. For that kind of environment I think the price are over 2 mil for a 45sqm place in bkk. Keep looking. Be prepared to be further away to the BTS. You can still get nice places for people who have cars and are decent neighbors. Not like the above description.

  11. Thawatchai Arunyik, deputy TAT governor for domestic marketing, said the authority and seven golf courses in Bangkok and nearby provinces would host "Amazing Swing Paradise Thailand" this Friday.

    Just rolls right off your tongue, doesn't it?

    Couldn't squeeze a Miracle or two in there anywhere?

    Really, TAT, swallow your pride and hire a few English speaking Westerners.

    Maybe we should all pitch in and come up with some suggestions. Go for it fellas. Let's hear some good ones.

    "Thailand... Asia's Golf Paradise".

    "Golf Paradise - Destination Thailand"


    "Amazing holes in Thailand" :ph34r:

    "Super size my golfing meal deal" :jap: :blink:

  12. Now that I think about it.. Another option might be voyage panorama.. I think they offer some good promotions, and I've heard wonderful things about their course..

    Yes, Panorama Golf and Country Club has been under new western management for the last couple of years and had a name adjustment and new clubhouse, bringing back the quality of the well designed golf course in the hills. apparently the course is in great shape and was voted one of the best golf courses in Thailand from what I read in Thailand Tatler. It's around 2.5 hours north of Bangkok.

  13. Yes definitely a different class of car, I dont see us ever needing 4+ people (5 thais) in the car plus luggage, but we will need to transport big boxes sometimes, I hope they fit on the back seat. I wanted the cheaper car for city driving and carrying big boxes with the back seats down, But I wont be complaining 95% of the time on thai roads and highways with the Altis, which from all my test drives had the best ride of the small-medium city cars. However the Honda Jazz would be my next pick anyday.

  14. Must be a troll, how do you get around with your baby and wife if not by driving? Prefer to take the baby on a scooter? And what do you do during the raining season? I've driven in KK for over 6 months and yes sometimes thai drivers do crazy things from the western view but once you learn there patterns you can predict their behavior. Perhaps you are just accident prone.

  15. I wouldnt choose either. There are much better options from the competitors, make sure to test drive the other options too. Both those cars are made in Korea to my knowledge on behalf of GM, The cruze is heavy and slow, An upgraded Altis or Honda Civic is a superior car to the cruze. The Captiva is sold in Australia and most Japanese competitors beat it for quality and reliability as well as resale. Just test drive before you buy.

  16. I've seen both and test drove the Mazda 2 last week. Nice car, absolutely would choose Mazda over Ford for Quality, Mazda 2 also has a varity of body kits and other features you can add. Also check out Honda Jazz for more space and versatility. There really is an amazing amount of space in the Jazz and beats all cars in this class hands down, and is probably equal to most cars in the next bigger class. Not to mention the Jazz's great ride quailty and interior. Really, i would test drive those 3 then choose.

  17. Honda Jazz is definitely the way to go, I've driven the other options and would choose Honda Jazz for the following reasons: Better quality interior, much roomier interior, better ride quailty, more fun, higher quality throughout,

    Ford: Cheap ford fiesta plastics and harsher ride over thailand roads. Lower resale value, not sure where its made but if its like the focus made in philippines the quality of interior is nasty compared to Jazz. Also Jazz's reliability and customer satifaction is proven over the long term, ford doesnt have this up its sleave either.

    Honda city: is basically a honda jazz but without the versatility.

    Theres excellent resale value of the Honda jazz, Also there is high demand - a waiting list at the moment of 2 months for the colour white, black is the only option available this month.

    I wanted a Honda Jazz but my gf wants the Toyota Altis, since its her bank loan - up to her. Altis is great too but 200,000 baht more than Jazz. The 1.8 litre altis G with sports kit is a very nice car to drive in the city and highway but lacks the loading ability of the Honda Jazz.

  18. Based on my education, I would sumise that this poor couple died of CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING..... it would fit every piece of this seemingly unidentifiable puzzle. Carbon monoxide is odourless, slow acting ,and has the efect of putting people into a sleep followed by coma, then death. Perhaps the police should concentrate on items removed and professional/business interests and monetary gains by possible competitors. RIP to these poor people.

    Glad you agree with me on this as it makes the most sense but we will see unless it gets buried in the information black hole

    Of course this make sense, but providing 'monetary gains' also includes investigating authorities who may 'benefit' from shutting up, or simply inventing 'evidence'.

    How does this make sense? CO2 in their rooms? thailand doesnt have the same issues with heaters killing people from CO2 as they do in the US. There is no CO2 producing equipment in the rooms. It make more sense that the woman died in bed and them the man decided to drop his body. Doesnt it get tiring from comments by those continuously complaining about thailand and its ways. Just go home and be quiet. It makes the forum so boring to read even when there is something interesting on here. perhaps the forum should be split up into 2 parts. the jokers and complainers - and the positive contributors. in the real world thats usually the kind of people who hang out with each other.

  19. There is no negative aspect to the ED visa. You get to learn the language of the country you are in. Who doesnt need that?

    So many westerns complain when a chnese or other person living in western country doesnt bother to learn the language. So its good for farangs to speak thai.

    I study at Khon Kaen Uni and im lucky enough to get private lessons as not enough students to make up a class.

    Would recommend it to anyone. I do 4 hours a week also. Next year i want to learn to read and write thai characters. This year im just learning to speak thai.

    Pom rian pasa thai nai mahawittalalai khon kaen. (I am studying thai at khon kaen uni)

    Now how would i learn that outside of thai study?

  20. ...A thread about tits...

    Maybe covering anything makes it more desirable. I lived in Saudi for a couple of years and teen aged boys got sexually aroused by high-heeled shoes or the site of an ankle.

    LOL, i can just imagine that. Perhaps, if its hard for a man to get turned on anymore then they should reset his sexual threshold by living in Saudi for a while. After living in Pattaya/Phuket for a while i'm sure there is quite a few men there that need some resetting.

  21. Since 99.9% of thais dont like the sun or going to the beach then it shouldnt really be an issue if the topless tourists stick to beach. Walking around stalls and streets is another story.

    Any western beach will have a few woman tanning their breasts. Thats part of the reason to go to the beach. Not many like white breasts with brown skin and the girls know it.

    I think its not enforced because most keep it on the beaches where very few thais go.

    A bit of common sense from female tourists should make them realise not to go topless outside the beaches. I very much doubt the police will ever patrol the actual sand beaches for topless woman. It would damage tourism. But if it gets out of hand on the streets near stalls the police may have to get involved due to complaints from the local... females

    However i do object to sagging or wrinkled breasts anywhere in public view ;)

  22. Strange the 150w pump isnt enough for the shower upstairs.Per the Mitsubishi brochure it should be sufficient. We use a 105w for a 1 level house and the shower is strong. 150w should be enough. Unless your shower head is restricting flow such as some stainless steal taps and heads are designed for high pressure western systems. Can you unplug the shower water heater from the tap and see how strong it is?

    Its worth checking these points first if you dont want to fork out the money for a new 250w pump.

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