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Posts posted by petewan

  1. hi . Went to Jomtien today to do 90 day report. After10+ years i know what is needed and have everything in order. Well today was very busy and i got my ticket 183. 170 was being dealt with so i thought may be a long wait.I was wrong it was in and out like a machine gun and 10 mins later my turn.I noticed a lot of people had only the 47 form and no copies. I had passport copys house book copys arrival card copys seven pages in all as is usual but the guy dident even look at them He gave me the new 90 day slip in my passport But he kept the copys. Does this mean we no longer need copys of everything . pete

  2. Once again WHERE

    Reporting something here at Thai Visa is absolutely useless for the rest of us if the posters fail to tell us where in Thailand they had the problem

    sorry i thought i had put pattaya Jomtien. I find it a very good imigration office and have no complaints apart from this.Sighn in is quick and easy,extensions for retirement no problem if you have everything in order but i got the house book so i dident have to keep going back for confermation of address which are only valid for one month. We have to grin and bare it as we cant win which is why i posted here for anyone who is contemplating useing the house book to buy or sell a car as i did in september with no problem. I dont know if you can use it for a driving licence still but i have four years left on mine so no rush to find out as things can and do change offten and not for the benifit of ALIANS.

  3. After seven years and numerous confermation of address at 200 bht each i decided to get a yellow house book. Took about a week after jumping through all the hoops. Made licence getting ,buying and selling a car an easy process That was untill 2015. I ordered a new ford and gave my passport licence and house book for the dealer to copy and drove off in my new ford. Two week later the dealer calls me and says i have to get a confermation of address at imigration as they wont register the car with the house book. He said it is a new rule for 2015. I protested but the dealer was adament that without C O Address he could not register the car.

    So off i went to imigration with the forms and copys Passport ,Licence <House book . Imigration was heaving but i got sorted in about two hours The free confermation now costs three hundred bht no reciept . Pay or go without. peteinpatts.. disgruntelled expatt..

    • Like 1
  4. Almost 2 weeks... any updates you two?

    Huy guys, I went today monday and had a blood test, saw the doc and he said liver function normal so i am just due another scan in six month to see if the tear in my mustle has got any bigger. If not and still no pain leave it be, if bigger or painfull stitch it up. So alls well for the time being. Cheers peteinpatts..clap2.gif

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  5. Hi ,I have an audi a4 i bought in Hua Hin and i want now to sell it. The blue book and insurance is in my name at my pattaya address which was done before i drove home quick and easy in HuaHin. But i am wondering if it might be more difficult here in pattaya because the car was not regestered here. Anyone know if i might have problems with this . Any insight appreciated. pete.

  6. HI I went back yesterday for ultra sound but was told it wasent needed. was told if i waited he would write a report and i could see a doc for the results. So i waited to save going today. The problem is my belly mustle has split and when i flex it it comes up as a big lump. He said if there was no pain to leave it but if painfull then they would sew it back together. I will need to go back for a scan in six month to check on it. The scan also showed i have a syst on each of my kidneys, small stones in my gaulbladder, and somthing else i cant remember but no problem YET. He did however say i have small liesons on my liver and i have to go back for blood test in two weeks as these may be a problem. So no emergancy but no all clear either . The trouble with getting old i surpose......pete

    What you describe sounds like a small hernia.

    Cysts on the kidneys (as opposed to inside them) are common and usually need no treatment. The best management for aysmptomatic gallstones is a matter of debate/uncertainty but moist doctors would advise doing nothing until/unless symptoms develop. Liver lesions -depends entirely on what type.

    that is more or less what the doc said but he dident go into detail with the liver lesions just said to go back in two week for blood test.What these will show i dont know. The cysts stones and hernia give me no pain and unless they do i will be happy to ignor them. the liver lesions i have no idea about but the doc is not ignoring those. I have confidence in the doctors at this hospital after my hernia opp last december so no doubt i will find out next visit. pete

  7. HI I went back yesterday for ultra sound but was told it wasent needed. was told if i waited he would write a report and i could see a doc for the results. So i waited to save going today. The problem is my belly mustle has split and when i flex it it comes up as a big lump. He said if there was no pain to leave it but if painfull then they would sew it back together. I will need to go back for a scan in six month to check on it. The scan also showed i have a syst on each of my kidneys, small stones in my gaulbladder, and somthing else i cant remember but no problem YET. He did however say i have small liesons on my liver and i have to go back for blood test in two weeks as these may be a problem. So no emergancy but no all clear either . The trouble with getting old i surpose......pete

  8. I'm in a similar position. Going back for more tests Thursday. Scared, very scared (lonely).

    Hugs to you.

    I dont know what the scan is looking for realy but i went today was scaned and went home . Later i got a call from the hospital .My wife spoke to them and i have to go back tomorow for an aidio scan as the laser scan dident show anything. Its quite big which is confusing as the scan today dident see it. 12.000 bht and it couldent see anything. Ah well back tomorow then next day to see doc . I tend to look on the bright side but as you get older you find it harder because you are more vunerable. I hope yours goes well plus thursdays tests .try to look on the bright side. pete

  9. Hi. I noticed a lump on my belly when getting out of bed,rather large so looked online at hernia s and that seemed the most likely.

    dec 2013 i had a groin hernia opp at the navel hospital in sattahip and so off i went to see the doctor. However the reaction of the doc got me worried, she went and got another doc and the result is i am going for a scan . So it could be something other than a hernia and not so straight forward as i thought. My last opp was not expensive and i was looked after well . This time the scan

    is expensive 12.000 bht and will have to wait for the results before i will know the treatment and cost. Insurance i could not get due to age and past ailments so i have to hope for the best. At least its not painfull and if its something nasty i have got it checked early but then again i dont know how long its been in there.

    cant win em all can you..

  10. As the OP, it appears that citing my own limited experience might be useful to anyone suffering the same problem, (geckos false-alarming IR-based security systems.)

    Geckos are territorial little critters, and a favorite hangout is behind corner-mounted motion-detector sensors, because there is usually nothing else nearby to hide behind. I've observed them defending these territories vigorously. The problem occurs when they run across the lens of the sensor. Though unusual, I have experienced as many as four false alarms in one night from the same sensor. On average, I was having 6-10 false alarms per week. Now I have maybe one per month. I can live with that.

    My solution was common mothballs, (naphthalene), dropped down behind each sensor. I have been doing this successfully for well over a year now.

    The testosterone-soaked gecko's first response was defiance. I saw no change in false alarm frequency at all, maybe it was even worse. Then, after a week or so the frequency began to decline. They were actually learning, and training themselves to avoid the stink. And the new young learn even quicker. The amusing result of all this is that I can now tell when a new gecko has made it into the house, because they head straight for that appealing, unoccupied new territory -- and then set off the alarm.

    So the reader may well wonder why I started this thread in the first place if my results have been so satisfactory(?) The answer is simply that it is a bit of a nuisance to have to go retrieve and set up the ladder at each sensor, every 6-7 weeks, to deposit a mothball behind each sensor. I was just hoping that someone might have discovered a longer-lasting more maintenance-free solution.

    I will still gladly entertain any suggestions. Thank you,


    How about buying some of those big rubber spotted Gecko,s put one behind each sensor just a thought, At least they dont crapp on the walls.

  11. peteinpatts ... classic.

    I have a son and a daughter and nine grand kids with three greatgrand kids.

    I also have a six year old son here in Thailand. ... respect ... wai.gif

    No need realy, i found it very easy and engoyable. In fact i had the snip when my boy was born as one is all i can afford on my pension..

  12. Your son can travel on an expired passport to the UK but as you have plenty of time before you travel you may aswell just renew it while you are in Thailand

    The reason i havent renewed my boys passport is the fact that you have to visit trendy to apply then visit trendy to collect and as i value my time spent with my family i dont want the hastle of bangkok and trendy if i can avoid it. my boy has school and swimming lessons six days a week so i have to go alone .i ts not a long way i know but at my age one way is enough with the mad thai traffic espesially when you get to bangkok. I am just looking for the alternatives but will do what ever i have to.The post to hong kong was far easier but then the UK in its wisdom came up with the new safer way . I feel for those who live where a plane trip needed twice to renew the passport and hope that things will eventually change with ex patts in mind.. peteinpatts..

  13. Hi .I have decided to visit family in UK as i am not getting any younger. I have a son and a daughter and nine grand kids with three greatgrand kids. I also have a six year old son here in thailand. I want to take him with me ,the wife has been when my boy was a baby and she will be staying at home. .My son has a thai passport and an expired in june 2014 english passport. Do i have to renew his UK passport before i go or can i go and renew while in uk and if i go will i need a visa for him as his passport has expired.Anybody been there done that .I am not going till it summer 555555555555 in uk so plenty of time to get sorted before i go Any feedback appreciated .... peteinpatts...

  14. Hi mobi, No business is stress free and a bar with girls must be the most stressfull business there is . I wish you luck with selling up as that can also be stressfull .At 68 and not in good health you need to enjoy life to prolong it. At 58 i had the same heart opp and decided what time i have left i wont waste. been here ten years have a son age six not a lot of money but a stress free life and plans for the next twenty years or so.I worry about nothing which is the recipy for a long life, best of luck. peteinpatts.

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  15. Hi, I now have a new passport from trendy and september is new permision to stay for ritirement . Do i need a letter from the UK embassy with regard to my new passport. I have a copy of the form from trendy they give to collect your new passport and the envolope in which the passport was delivered from UK. Some i have read want the letter some dont. Anyone know if Jomtien wants this.They have in the past always been about such things as this . Any info please from someone who has done it....Regards peteinpatts......

  16. hi, Well organised ten year expatt. Everything marked on callender,extensions of stay ,90 day , passport renewell .dentist appointment, car insurance and road tax. What can go wrong ?  I only marked the wrong MONTH for my 90 day And so by wednesday when imigration open i will be 23 days late. I havent done this before so am i in for a good snack and a fine no

    doubht .Can i blame old age senillity and get away with it. Any experience?? Peteinpatts..

  17. HI old timers living here on uk pension, I read (Cant remember where) that uk is concidering stopping personall allowences for those of us who have decided to become resident in other than UK. I live well here for the last ten years and hoped to end my days here but if this is brought in and my meager pension is taxed

    for each pound i will have to return to uk where i have no house no transport and no money and live on benifits. The money i have the house and car i will leave here for my wife and child hopeing it will be enough as i cant see my pension going far in the uk and being able to send any money here to thailand.I new the amount i recieved in pension would not rise with inflation and making sure i was covered for the long term but this was not in my callculations. I dont believe we are a burdon on the uk as we dont get any of the benifits we could claim as residents and i have no desire to go back but it may be forced on me if this gets put on the agenda. There must be lots of expatts here in the same boat as i know a few who have nothing other than the state pension here to live on. I hope this is just a flash in the pan and not up for serios debate in the house, worrying all the same. happy ex patt in thailand.....

  18. The only advice i can give is if you can afford the retirement visa dont change, its not worth the hasstle . i changed and found a quick extention turned into a nightmare. the next extention was back to the retirement visa and i have been here ten years. I found the officer for married extention to be offensive and unhelpfull .If i had been in uk i would have been near to punching her and i am not a violent man. if you have no option then keep your cool. best of luck.. pete in patts...

  19. I bought a new car in bangkok because the waiting list in patts was a year . I paid cash which included everything plates insurance extras ,i was told the car would be registered in about two month. Well i bought it 8th march 2013 and i still have red number plates also i never recieved an insurance policy or a renewel letter.

    I have asked till i am blue in the face when will the car be registered to no avail. So i sent an E Mail and got a reply (we will try to fix) so i made copys and am now in the process of waiting for the dealer head office to sort this out.. If no joy then i will try consumer protection . the insurance is a worry as i wonder if i have been driving for a year with no cover. I have the reciept for the cash i paid and insurance is included. The car is exelent and no problems but i have learnt a lesson which is buy local in case of problems so you can harass them till its sorted because here the customer is always wrong and once you pay your on your own.

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