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Posts posted by slim

  1. As there are no independant witnesses as to where the DNA has been taken from, what is the point of all this.

    A stupid as the Thai Police are, even they aren't going to make DNA taken from the victims available.

    They'll make the DNA taken from the scapegoats available to one and all.

    Of course the DNA from the headmans son doesn't match.

    How could it?

    The original samples from the victims would have been destroyed long ago.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 days after this murder, the Chief of Police on Khoa Tao came out with the unbelievable assertion that they were not looking for anyone from Thailand as a suspect as "a Thai couldn't have committed a crime like this".

    This is the typical "head-up-the-arse" approach to crime solving in Thailand.

    I spent 7 years in Thailand and left because of all the troubles, the hypocracy and the corruption and I've never been back..

    Thai soap opera's spew out a constant diet of ludicrous social violence that has anaesthetized the Thai public into believing that extreme violence is not only acceptable - its "normal".

    Thais were responsible for this crime.

    No-one from Thailand will be arrested for it as its bad publicity.

    Even my Thai wife is sickened by whats happening to Thailand.

    • Like 2
  3. Not keen on democracy then?

    As is blindingly evident, there is and can be no 'democracy' here in a country so polarised by the ammata versus the 'peasant' class. Where do you think you are?

    Again. The ill conceived coup was a terrible mistake from which this country shows no signs of recovery this century.

    What are they to do now? Allow Taksin back and take over again? Not even the increaslingly deluded 'red shirts' would allow this now, given Taksin's blowing his cover. And the democrats were shown to be feeble and 'business as usual' regarding the 'elite'.

    Answers on a postcard.

    Democracy is the will of the people.

    The people have decided.

    The people keep deciding.

    The Democrats refuse to accept the will of the people.

    The Democrats refuse to accept democracy.

    The Democrats are dictators.

  4. 7600 (0.04%) of the population of Thailand died in the Second World War - one of the lowest losses by country in the World.

    Education is clearly the problem here and its why I moved back to the UK last Feb. after 7 years in NE Thailand so that my daughter would have a proper education.

    I don't know what they teach in Thai schools but clearly world defining historical events are not on the curriculum.

  5. No doubt the driver will be caught, fined, and released to kill again.

    He'll absolve himself of blame and go to temple and maybe put a 100 baht note in the collection box like a good Buddhist.

    So which Thai driver was responsible for the accident?

    The truck or the dead taxi driver?

    We have no information in the above article.

    No doubt the driver will be caught, fined, and released to kill again.

    He'll absolve himself of blame and go to temple and maybe put a 100 baht note in the collection box like a good Buddhist.

    So which Thai driver was responsible for the accident?

    The truck or the dead taxi driver?

    We have no information in the above article.

    Which Thai driver was responsible? ...........Hmmmmmmmmmmm - let me think - the Thai who fled the scene possibly?

  6. I see its big headline news in the Scandinavian newspapers today .

    I think it will be better for any tourists coming here to think twice before they drive on the roads here.

    I would prefer to take the bus instead , at least you have a better chance to survive in an accident....

    If you're not being ironic which I suspect you aren't, you need to check out the safety record of a typical Thai bus company.

  7. Soak the rice over night, then cook in the micro wave , when cooked shape the rice into burger shapes and let cool, you can put egg on when you barbecue if you want and add salt

    you can also barbecue the rice straight from the micro wave and same again add egg and salt as required.

    The rice can be cooked by steaming but this process is harder

    I only ever make khao neow by steaming but making sticky rice is not the problem. There IS a technique involved in making khao neow cakes. Its not simply a matter of shaping the rice into burgers and throwing them on the barby. The street ones are soft and spongy - your method makes the cakes crisp/hard and solid - they're not the same.

  8. Does anyone have a recipe to make sticky rice cakes? These are the rice cakes you see on the streets and at all the fairs in Thailand rather than the "khanum" type?

    I know there's more to them than just sticky rice pressed into burger shapes, painted with butter and shoved on the grill as I've tried them many times and they always turn out like granite.

    Whats the secret?

    Anyone know?

    (I believe coconut milk is involved but I don't know where)

  9. Perhaps all the Thaksin haters and by implication Democrat supporters will now wake up and realize the true nature of the people they support.

    No-one who support the current government support democracy.

    The people in as free and fair election as you are ever going to have in Thailand have decided and they've come out in their millions to defeat the current administration.

    This current Democratic Party move (Democratic? - what a joke) opens the door for a return to seeing tanks on the streets of Bangkok yet again.

    I dont suppose it will be long.

    Mmmm why does anyone that critisises the Red or any associated party have to be Thaksin haters??? Its peruile trash like that which casues every discussion here to fall into meaningless reguritation of recycled pamphlet propoganda - please use your own intelligence and arguements rather than jumping on the "red under the bed" type of hysterior.

    "No-one who support the current government support democracy." erm do you switch sides in alternative sentences??? You DO realise that the current government is not a Democrat one??? Or was that a copy and Paste from earlier drivel?

    I would hope that Thailand can muster the ability to include all voters next time and not, through incompetance and silly rules, miss out a million votes (not saying the result would be any diffwerent - just that the latest vote can hardly be called 'the most free and fair as you are ever going to have'[sic].

    It is interesting to mention tanks on streets with relation to the Democrats to - I am sure they will deny that one - the coup was the last time tanks rolled through the streets and the Democrats were not in power at that point - and the Army did what the amry does - you don't think the Democrat party ordered it, surely. Or perhaps you mean the soldiers on the streets during the Bangkok riots - I wonder which country would not in such a scenario - I guaratee you Thaksin would have if it had happened to him - he certainly did order flowers to be thrown in the South.

    I too believe this could be a silly move by the Democrats, but I don't think it justifies a sillier post in response. Oh, and before you accuse me of being a Thaksin hater, I am not - I have argued before in his defense (when equally silly posts were made) and have stated severalo times that many of the ideals of the Red's (though not necessarily the PTP - and certainly not all their policies) are good ideas. Political debate should be just that, a debate, not babies throwing dumbies at each other.

    "Mmmm why does anyone that critisises the Red or any associated party have to be Thaksin haters???" - they dont have to be but having read all the bolox talked about Thaksin on Thaivisa for the last 7 years by people who are clueless about what Thaksin has done for the rural people of Thailand - they nearly always are.

    The Democrats "right to rule" (yes - we'll have elections as long as we win) was destroyed when Thaksin won the Jan 2001 General Election by winning 248 of the 500 seats taking 40.6% of the vote. The Democrats won 128 seats with 26.6%

    The February 2005 election was won by T.R.T. with the highest voter turnout in Thai history - Thaksin's party winning 375 of the 500 seats with 60.7% of the electorate voting for him.

    The election of April 2006 where Thai Ruk Thai was unopposed saw Thaksin win 460 seats winning 61% of the valid votes.

    Following the declaration that this election was illegal, intervention by the military, the enforced disbanding of T.R.T. and Thaksins self imposed exile the December 2007 general election with the T.R.T. now standing as the P.P.P. saw the P.P.P. win 233 of the 500 seats with the Democrats behind (again) with 165.

    These results speak for themselves. The voice of the people of Thailand is NOT being heard. The current government has NO mandate from the people to govern even though their right to govern is legitimate (with coalitions).

    Even now having been defeated yet again by a landslide they refuse to accept defeat.

    Every word I posted was legitimate and fair.

    You are clearly not mature enough to understand particularly the last reference about the Army when the head of the Army in Thailand is a sworn Democrat and even urged the People to "do the right thing" and not vote Pheu Thai.

  10. Perhaps all the Thaksin haters and by implication Democrat supporters will now wake up and realize the true nature of the people they support.

    No-one who support the current government support democracy.

    The people in as free and fair election as you are ever going to have in Thailand have decided and they've come out in their millions to defeat the current administration.

    This current Democratic Party move (Democratic? - what a joke) opens the door for a return to seeing tanks on the streets of Bangkok yet again.

    I dont suppose it will be long.

  11. There are few (if any) economists who think the USD will be weaker at the end of this year than stronger. The dollar is trading at historic lows against the AUD, NZD, Swiss France and Japanese Yen.

    Should better and better news come out of the US over the next quarter or two (lower unemployment rate, better non-farm payrolls, stronger GDP etc) its inevitable the baht will weaken against the USD irrespective of what the BOT does.

    Regrettably as a Brit I can see the exchange rate going in one direction for GBP/THB and thats down. More so in the case of the Euro.

    As a result after 7 years of living here I'm off back to the UK as I can't justify the expense of living here any more when you consider the UK has free schools, free hospitals, family allowance - non of which Thailand has. A retirement visa that used to cost me less than £12,000 now works out at nearly £18,000 and I have to have that money locked in a Thai bank for 3 months so I'd need in excess of £20,000 in effect.

    This wouldn't be too bad with a rising exchange rate but its not rising - its falling with little long term prospect of change.

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