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Posts posted by fredlk

  1. An addition. As you can see in the photo I also have an ex-soi dog as a pet. She was born on site just before I moved in and she was pretty dim to say the least but over time the 2 Jacks have taught her to hunt and to kill and she is like a surrogate Jack Russell. When one of the little ones is busy in some field somewhere she will stay and watch out for them until they are ready to come home together. When I got the Jack Russells as puppies she was a little resentful at first but with a bit of care learnt to share food and to see them as friends and not enemies. What I have learnt though, is that you can have only one male with as many females as you like. Females don't fight, but 2 males will.

  2. No negatives at all. They don't overheat in the summer, they don't get too cold in the winter. Their hunting instinct keeps them fit and healthy (and me as well with a minimum of three 2-kilometre walks per day).

    There are no snakes in or around the house, the rats that ate 25,000 Baht's worth of electrics from my car's engine 3 years ago, no longer bother to visit.

    I love their intelligence, energy and their size. There is still space for me in bed and I can carry 2 times 8 kilo in my arms if necessary.

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  3. I also had a hard time finding any at the time and in 2011 I succeeded. 6,000 Baht for the female and 7,500 for the male.

    I had them neutered because I didn't want to have the same problem of finding good homes for puppies.

    They deal with all snakes from cobras and vipers to pythons and tree snakes and any rat or squirrel within reach is done away with.

    They can be quite aggressive to other dogs and will even attack dogs 5 times their size if necessary but so far they have gained the respect of all the dogs around here.




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  4. "International plates[edit]


    As of 2008, International plates for private cars are available from the DLT upon request, for a fee. The prefix characters are translated via code-matching into two alphanumeric Roman characters. The country name THAILAND is displayed in capital letters below the registration number, and the numerical provincial code is shown in the bottom right. The plates are black on white. They are required for transport into Burma, Cambodia, Southern China, Laos, Vietnam and Malaysia. However, they are not legal inside Thailand, and must be removed upon re-entering the country."

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  5. I described what type of Jack I wanted and Eddy the white guy was exactly right while Patsy the female wasn't. I was also horrified that she had been mutilated but she was there in the pet shop and so scared and so small that I had to take her. She has turned into the most wonderful little lady, fearless and energetic and very loving. Both of them are excellent hunters (and killers) and have cleared out most of the snakes and rats in the neighbourhood plus a number of squirrels who dared to nest underground.

  6. Don't post any photos online or else I'll be forced to go and have a look and then suffer the consequences when I bring some puppies back home. laugh.png

    Eddy (my male) does not like having to share his space and only does so begrudgingly because the other 2 dogs here are female.

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  7. I got my 2 through a pet shop in Sattahip. I asked them to let me know if and when they found any and within a few hours I had 2 from 2 different homes. I never asked where they came from but they were in excellent health and good breed. I wanted them 6 to 8 weeks old minimum and I suspect they were only 4 to 5 weeks but the pet shop obviously saw a quick sale.



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  8. The prices were in their quote to me on enquiry. When I said it was for a Suzuki they mentioned a special offer in conjunction with Suzuki.

    Then I did the same for my Mazda and was offered a special deal in conjunction with the Mazda dealer.

    It means that if the car is towed it will be towed to your dealer.

    I haven't seen many 2004 4x4's here of any make for that low a price. Thai used car prices are pretty high. Checkout bahtsold.com to get an idea.

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