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Posts posted by NaaKap

  1. On 5/21/2024 at 4:39 PM, roo860 said:

    The Aussie lads I knock around with never stop slagging Australia off, especially the ones that are going to have to go back for 2 years to qualify for their pension. 

    If an Aussie is not slagging you off you know that you are not liked. Walk into an Aussie pub and start hating on Australians or Australia and see how that works out for you. 555 

  2. 4 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    What you are referring to is the informal meaning of the word. That has been created because people have made it popular, or a trend, of using the word that way. It was never the intention or the original meaning. Below you have the original meaning of the word, that still rules and are right.


    sick (adjective) · sicker (comparative adjective) · sickest (superlative adjective)
    1. affected by physical or mental illness:
      "nursing very sick children" · "half my staff were off sick" · "visiting the sick and the elderly"
      • relating to those who are ill:
        "the company organized a sick fund for its workers"
      • (of an organization, system, or society) suffering from serious problems:
        "the British economy remains sick"
    2. feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit:
      "he was starting to feel sick" · "Mark felt sick with fear"
      • (of an emotion) so intense as to cause one to feel unwell or nauseous:
        "he had a sick fear of returning"

        However, I did not expect any other comment from you, as posts of this kind are your highest standard.

    Sick explanation dude. keep up the good work 

    • Haha 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, Hamus Yaigh said:

    How does it reflect badly on you? Have you been prone to similar antics?

    Meaning the behaviour tends to sway people's views on farangs in general. It is not a stretch to understand the views held by some reinforced by this behaviour gives a biased outlook where some will judge negatively based on incidents such as this. As you have so competently displayed 

  4. 7 minutes ago, stoner said:


    do airlines need to start making a bad boy chair for special ones like this. 


    tazer and restrained to the seat until the flight is over. upon landing arrested and taken into custody to clean his panties he soiled when he got tazed and have him charged with aggravated assault. public disturbance. also some sort of charge for disrupting the flight. 


  5. Filthy Animal. Just a disgusting excuse for a human being. There is no excuse for this filth... None... If you are taken that short it is not hard to seek out some secluded bushes and dig a hole if you must. But to deficate in such a public place where we all have to walk is just a mongrel act. What a filthy moron. Name and shame him. His disgusting behaviour has no excuse. Sickening excuse for a human being!!!! 

  6. On 11/29/2023 at 4:17 PM, caughtintheact said:

    This smells like a project of the World Economic Forum (WEF) (C40.org) and it will end up being a death trap where people are forced to eat bugs and live in mud based "homes", banned from eating meat or dairy, unable to travel, unable to own private transportation and only allowed to purchase 3 items of new clothing a year. Right now the WEF, UN, IMF and the EU are developing mandatory digital IDs, ESG scoring, and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) like communist China to control every aspect of everyone's life. If people fall for this, they will end up slaves until they are no longer useful, then disposed of. 

    Sir. You are an awake person. This is not a wacky conspiracy theory. Carl Schwab of the big money and power crew and others of his ilk, the organisation he fronts has convinced governments of many countries that "smart city's are the way to go. So many upgrading infrastructure and encouraging hi density living. To the tune of multiple billions. It is all a ruse for when the bulk of the population will be constrained to area the live in.  20 minute area people are not allowed to travel outside the zone. Smart cards. Social credit scores. AI facial recognition. All the Orwellian scenarios thrown around over the years are now fact and about to get a whole lot worse. It is all about control. People may think that they have rights but these are and will be eroded away by some manufaced crisis that enables governments to fast track laws to enable the elites to be have control. People need to wake up and be aware of what is happening in the world and why. That's my two bobs worth. I just wanted to say that your summation is spot on and I hope that it encourages people to have a peek behind the curtain. Good job 🤔🙏


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