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Posts posted by daak

  1. I lived there 3 years ago and wow this is an ongoing racket for most.

    No police in many areas, no forestry personnel who have time to do anything about it.

    It's all that's left and there ( the drug addicted> drunk locals) are all in on it.

    The village head was a woman who's husband owned the timber mill > I'm sure everyone can see

    Just how things work in a law less area.

  2. Ever thought about how much fertilizers and herbicides went down into the rice field ? How would you filter out all the pesticides that have collected in the ground water over the many years ? Are you planning to poison yourself ?

    We in the Daeng Raek area have the same situation . .. there is always water underneath the rice field, even after 5 dry months, but I would never think of tapping it for drinking & consuming purposes, only for crop irrigation.

    I buy AURA by the liter bottles when we are in the town . . . . one of the best bottled waters available in Thailand.

    Saves us to pay electricity for a deep water well pump plus the weekly maintenance in cleaning the pump filters. Plus your pumps will clog on you faster than you can count to five. There will be nobody who will do maintenance on pumps. Thais are used to use them until they stop working. I bet all those costs are about equally to buying bottled drinking .water.


    I'm on top of one of the highest mountains, in Om-koi ( 7 hours drive to Chiangmai City)

    I thought about the issue of fertilizers and herbicides but I'm on top here, it can only be the residue left in this lot.

    Anyway I'd also like to catch the water to water fruit trees and livestock.

    At present we drink the rain water up here ( although not tested) it tastes fine.( some times it's worth it)

    Thanks for reply though

  3. What is going on with blood services in Thailand,

    I have O- blood and I'm happy to donate it but as I've found out that only giving at main RedCross in Bkk can it be sent to any province.

    If it's needed any quicker I'm prepared to help.

    Also no register exists, so ppl can contact Doners.

  4. Just an idea... I have O- Rhesus blood but I'm in Ubon Ratchathani and thus too far away. I have read this many times here on Thaivisa, people urgently needing O-Neg blood and can't find any.

    I give when I go to Bangkok at the Red Cross as I was told only blood given there can be sent to any provincial hospital that needs it.

  5. Mr Phronesis

    Obviously you have not been in Thailand long and to ridicule the Bhikkhu Sangha with words like "other freeloading monks"

    And as the story said "they could not verify if Mr Sawaeng was a real monk". (or not)

    They are freeloading. All of them. Take food off the poor so they can sit in the shade all day reading books under the pretence that the poor hardworking public will come back to the next life as a slug or a sewer rat if they don't. Its a despicable practice.

    Mr Kananga,

    You read a story of a guy going around wearing a monks robes trying to scam people and then with one swoop of your key board you accuse all monks of scamming? or am I reading your post wrong?

    The one point missed out is::

    that if giving a monk some food (alms) brings those people happiness and contentment who are you to judge because of your lack of understanding what monks are required to do.

    Fact:: Most westerners in Thailalnd no NOTHING of the true teachings of Buddhism!!

    • Like 2
  6. Hi ended up living in J.Kalasin with little to no cellular coverage, i see most houses have an antenna on there roofs. When asked they all say brought it second hand.

    Can someone share where to purchSe one of these booster antenna for



  7. This monk makes us all look bad. But of course it happens. The Buddha always cautioned his monks about their dealings with women, saying that women were the #1 problem monks will have in their practice. This Phra Kru isn't the first and most definitly won't be the last to fall due to lust.

    Not the monk, it's the religion that makes you look bad.


    Much (Baap) negative energy to you who blames this on the religion and not the monk for his actions

  8. Read my earlier posts... I pointed out that ALL religions are the same - Thai Buddhism is just more obvious in their belief that paying money somehow absolves all sins.

    Edit - I've no time for any religion, but had thought Buddhism was probably better than the rest - before moving here... Hopefully though, there are still other Buddhist countries that actually follow the Buddah's beliefs.

    Nowhere in Buddhism (Thai or otherwise) does it say that paying money absolves all sins. Where did you hear that?

    Very True for a lay person to offer money to a Monk he commits a big sin and the lay person receives little benefit.
  9. Buddhist Monks may go on Alms Round from aprox 6am to 12 midday (according or the Monks Vinaya (rules))

    The time of day that a monk is allowed to eat isn't specified in the Vinaya. I believe the rule about only eating before noon is a tradition among Theravada Buddhist monks in Southeast Asia. For example, Cha'an Buddhist monks in China can eat in the evening, and they also follow the Vinaya code (although a slightly different version).

    There are, however, an extra set of austerities called tudong (dhutanga in Pali) which are taken by some monks, and one of these austerities includes eating only one meal per day. It isn't specified what time of day the meal can be eaten, but there are many rules about the way in which monks can receive food, and the way in which they can eat a meal.

    * The time of day that a monk is allowed to eat isn't specified in the Vinaya.

    A) wrong as we Theravadin Monks (SE Asia) follow the Orthodox teachings (the original) the Vinaya clearly states Monks may eat any time between dawn (when one can see the lines on ones hand) and when the sun is at its Zenith (in Thailand 12pm)

    * eating only one meal per day. It isn't specified what time of day the meal can be eaten,

    yes its stated the Monk can eat at any time one chooses between the above times (dawn and Zenith)

    I'm obviously missing something again...

    What the hell has the time a person eats have to do with being a 'good' and exemplar person to their followers??

    There are today in Thailand "Forest Monks" who live according to the rules and regulations laid down by the Lord Buddha. Who live simply and spend most of there day in meditation (not studying in schools) Living without money.
  10. Buddhist Monks may go on Alms Round from aprox 6am to 12 midday (according or the Monks Vinaya (rules))

    The time of day that a monk is allowed to eat isn't specified in the Vinaya. I believe the rule about only eating before noon is a tradition among Theravada Buddhist monks in Southeast Asia. For example, Cha'an Buddhist monks in China can eat in the evening, and they also follow the Vinaya code (although a slightly different version).

    There are, however, an extra set of austerities called tudong (dhutanga in Pali) which are taken by some monks, and one of these austerities includes eating only one meal per day. It isn't specified what time of day the meal can be eaten, but there are many rules about the way in which monks can receive food, and the way in which they can eat a meal.

    * The time of day that a monk is allowed to eat isn't specified in the Vinaya.

    A) wrong as we Theravadin Monks (SE Asia) follow the Orthodox teachings (the original) the Vinaya clearly states Monks may eat any time between dawn (when one can see the lines on ones hand) and when the sun is at its Zenith (in Thailand 12pm)

    * eating only one meal per day. It isn't specified what time of day the meal can be eaten,

    yes its stated the Monk can eat at any time one chooses between the above times (dawn and Zenith)

  11. i met one in Hau-Hin in December, at a coffee shop using his ipad.coffee1.gif

    i met one in Hau-Hin in December, at a coffee shop using his ipad.coffee1.gif

    It could have easily been a real 1.......seen many real monks with fancy cameras, ipad, smoking.......

    after 8 am?

    Buddhist Monks may go on Alms Round from aprox 6am to 12 midday (according or the Monks Vinaya (rules))
  12. i met one in Hau-Hin in December, at a coffee shop using his ipad.coffee1.gif

    i met one in Hau-Hin in December, at a coffee shop using his ipad.coffee1.gif

    It could have easily been a real 1.......seen many real monks with fancy cameras, ipad, smoking.......

    By that definition then, not real monks.

    I've been living here for quite a few years now, and I don't think I have met a real one yet.

    Sorry as the world becomes more and more computer savy so dose our Sangha (Monks) for good and bad,

    This in no way determins who out of the Buddhist Monks is real / not real monks.

  13. O- RH negative blood

    I have O RH negative blood and always donate when the need arises.

    But this time I'm in Ubon and departing to Singapore tommorrow.

    Although transit at Sawanapumi Airport for 3.5 hours.

    As I'v asked before ThaiVisa needs a registry where our information can be kept and do accessed at time of need.


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