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Posts posted by SgtPepper

  1. Every country has it's immigration rules. Just because an illegal immigrant is spending money in a country, it doesn't give him/her a right to stay. For instance; just because an illegal immigrant Nigerian is spending money in a local Costcutter in South London they do not have a right to remain in the UK for that reason alone. I am sure many other examples can be contributed.

  2. "Dear OBEC, OHEC, WHATEVER you call yourselves, this is an insult to youth's intelligence....

    , I think the problem with you is, that your various old-fashioned and out-dated way of emphasizing and anguishing MORE AND MORE ROTE LEARNING EXAMINATION BARRAGE, is so dam_n BORING AND FRUSTRATING AND SUCH A WASTE OF THE TIME AND ENERGY for the majority of students nation wide, that it is no wonder, that students shut themselves off from Thailand's rigid education system.

    When students don't see the benefits in going through those strenuous tests that encourage pure memorizing, why should they WASTE their precious time??

    I think the problem starts with you, dear OBEC, OHEC, WHATEVER you may call yourselves, AND THAI EDUCATION MINISTRY, for creating an outdated education system that is a**** boring, too useless and doesn't engage any student into any benefitting activities that will really engage their real abilities.

    Why should students waste their time with such boring-a**** crap????

    Instead regular and government supported schools are packed with 60-100 students per classroom. And the number might even exceed in years to come, and you have only one teacher, even If it is a farang of whom you expect to take care of this 60-100 student classroom circus spectacle, plus language barrier? What in the freaking world are you expecting, dear OBEC, OHEC????

    And besides a lot of those teaching agencies, as I have recently talked to my British friend on the phone, cheat their clueless Farang and rip them off by not paying then fairly, taking advantage of his lack of Thai language and Thai corruption.

    Dear OBEC, OHEC, WHATEVER YOU CALL YOURSELVES, your system simply sucks and is a pain and waste of time for BOTH: STUDENTS AND TEACHERS

    Oh, yes, and about your English teaching policies: for centuries now, you have encouraged and anguished and tortured millions of Thai students in a subject called "ENGLISH GRAMMAR" in which students created a negative impression towards the language, when each one of them is going through such a grueling battle of grammar rules and multiple choice tests that are not really benefitting their experience level with real foreign people.

    And have I forgotten to mention that in a lot of schools and kindergarten institutes, you have brainwashed your Thai teachers in a way that they beat the hell out of the kids for asking questions, just in order to justify authority and saving face???

    And on last thing: your blood money corrupted education system serves only for one purpose: to reward the high status rich who can do whatever they want and get away with murder and to intimidate the poor people to lower standards...

    Oh happy day...

    Oh, yes, dear OBEC, OHEC, "Students didn't forget how to communicate,… they just have absolutely no reason to communicate with socially corrupt people like you, or with any stubborn teachers that even beat the crap out of them...

    OBEC: Office of Basic Education Commission. OHEC: Office of Higher Education Commission.Why flame?
  3. As a parent with children in Thai schools, I have (strong) views on this matter.

    These are my personal views and not necessarily correct.

    I know many teachers on the board will say that they work hard in their jobs and that their teaching methods and dedication to their job is mainly for the sake of the children's education but I am not expressing my views on the teachers but rather the system which the teachers have to follow.

    If you agree with my thoughts, thank you.

    If you do not agree and my remarks make your blood boil, please re-read the second sentence in this post.

    The problem as I see it is not the subjects or level of education that Thai children are supposed to learn, it is that they do not have time to be taught.

    As soon as my kids are back in school they are preparing for their mid term exams.

    After the mid term exams they then start preparing and revising for the end of term exams.

    From what I see, all children from Prathom upwards take four exams each year (in some cases more).

    I understand that a child's progress should be monitored but not at the expense of their education.

    Besides which, these tests do not actually serve a purpose.

    If the test results were used to show the schools/teachers the students week points so that they could be worked on (improved) then they would have served their purpose.

    However, when the tests are used just to show to the Ministry of Education that the school is doing their job (even though the results are altered/tweaked in the schools favour), then the system fails.

    If the schools have to close during term time due to floods, Swine Flu, riots in the area of the school, etc. then the children do not have enough time to even practice (parrot fashion) for the tests.

    Let's face facts here, school trips, scouts/guides, dancing practice, cheer leading practice and many other important activities are far more urgent than an education.

    If the teachers do not have time to teach the subjects then they set the lesson as homework and it is up to the parents to teach the children at home.

    From my schooling years I was under the impression that homework is a tool to instil a previously taught lesson.

    The problem with expecting the parents to teach the children is that if the child's parents are illiterate then the child will stand very little to no chance of getting an education.

    Never mind, the promise of a computer tablet will be the answer to all of the problems.



    I agree with what you have written. I have been teaching in Thai schools for nigh on 7 years and I have found that educating thre students is mot the primary objective. School outings, competitions and other events are of much more importance.
  4. You can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear. Poor choice of hardware

    Poor choice of hardware ? Could you please explain ?

    I don't say you're wrong, I just would like to have more details about this deal and why do you think the hardware should be considered as the cause of the troubles.

    At THB 2,000 per (after "expenses") tablet I can't imagine we need to know any more details about the hardware!!
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