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Posts posted by thaiaway

  1. Conclusion: It's only when you take away the welfare state that young women start marrying old guys they don't like.

    Augh come-on now, are you saying that in the west money doesn't buy younger partners. Just look at the movie- pop-stars and other filthy rich. Just look at Hugh Heffner. Makes a big difference if you drive a Ferrari or any other very expensive car, for picking up girls.

    I can think of better things to do than to compare everything in Thailand to our moral standards (if we have any).

    my 2 cents


    Don't agree. Movis stars and many of the filthy rich are filthy rich for a reason, they have something to offer to a lot of people. Unless you get born rich it takes lots of work, skills and personality to get rich, which is attractive qualities to most people. Also the rich have power which last time i checked females are attracted too. So not same same. You could live on benefits in Thailand and still be considered rich by some people, but that doesnt mean you have attractive qualities.

  2. Still, by and large I find most areas of bkk feel very very safe. Just treat people with respect and also understand that anywhere in the world desperate people may well do desperate things - so be sensible.

    I never, ever feel unsafe in BKK even late at night, but then again i am a big guy and a badass, and the degenerates know theyll wake up in the gutter if the try something. STILL, why treat these shitbag losers with respect, when they dont treat you with any. The touts, "want massage" guys and ladyboys, they need to be put in place. For that reason i dont smile, dont say "no thank you", i now tell them to go hang themselves in a lamppost. That and i carry a weapon.

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