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Posts posted by JOATMON

  1. Tipco 100% for sale at Tops with members card for 49Bht, they have the blood orange as well, limit of 6 per customer. I am slowly working through the flavours, the Kiwi was a bit ordinary though....

  2. transistors, switches and the like raw materials can be found at BangMorh near The Old Siam shopping center, the other area is at Khlong Thom same same. I would not guarantee computer boards though, but then again I don't actively look for them, so they may be there. Hope that helps

  3. a credit card......

    the bank has told me no WP no account, so go figure, you say its not needed, the BANK says it is, who to listen to?

    I dont want to work here, that is not why I want it, it just seems it is required in so many areas to establish a mainstream lifestyle.

    Alot of banter over a simple question really, can I get one or not? What does it matter to either of you if I get one? Am I stealing your jobs or something? I really can't see why this attack started, is this what its like here.

  4. I think you're going to get a lot of people saying that love will conquer all and you should look at the person not the gender. I agree with this in theory, but there are practical aspects you must consider, one of course you mentioned was kids. Adoption is a difficult process and can test the metal of even the strongest of relationships, and will not be made easier by her being a previously male. As you are young, you may not appreciate this bit as yet but here goes. When you are old and gray, you tend to look back on your life and the choices you made as a young pup. If you have something REAL with this person, you will for the rest of your life regret breaking it off and think yourself stupid for having caved in to 'society' and lost the chance to be happy... thats what its all about...being happy, satisfied. If she satisfies you, you are done.

  5. well the specific reason is I would like to be able to get a motorbike so I don't have to hump my butt 4km to school each day. I would like to open a bank account so I don't have to keep cash on me. I would like to get a telephone line, internet without having to use cafes..... and the list goes on, are they specific enough?? or do you feel that just because I'm a student I should live like pauper. If I didn't need it then I wouldn't have asked.

  6. Bathing a cat is not so hard really...but if you are not willing to take a scratch or two, or possibly even a bite, then do not even try.

    It does help to get them accustomed to it when young. They still do not like it, but will tolerate it a bit better.

    They really do not need much bathing, as they will clean themselves pretty well if they are healthy and happy. It is a good way to "jump-start" a cat that is being lazy about grooming, though.

    I have never heard the theory that "the saliva is what you are allergic to"...that is interesting.

    some clarification

    Why are some people allergic to cats' fur?

    It's not the cat's fur that causes allergies. It's a protein (FEL D1) in the cat's saliva. When a cat grooms itself, it deposits this protein on its fur (and the protein then may be transferred to upholstery and carpets). Some cats have less (or more) of this protein. There is no way to predict which cat in a litter, if any, will be less allergenic, though females seem to be the lesser allergenic. Bathing a cat to reduce the amount of protein in the cat's fur has traditionally been recommended, but research may be tending to negate that conclusion. Instead, wiping down the cat using a damp microfiber cloth to remove visible dander may be more effective. I've also been told that a product called Allerpet, rubbed into the cat's fur, can help reduce the dander.

  7. I tend to agree with eek, the first thing your cat does after a bath is lick itself dry, the saliva is what you are alergic too, when dry becomes airbourne. The better way to control these issues is a regular brushing (outside) a regular cleaning routine for the house and antihystamines.

    If you have to bathe them. If your cat is young its easy to start them off but if they are an older cat, they are going to hate you, for an hour or so. Originally I started to take my older cats into the shower with me everyday, getting them used to the noise, water and splashing etc. do not bathe them, until they are completely relaxed with the process, then accidently wet them a bit more every time, it takes months of patience.

  8. 1. Put both lids up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water.

    2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.

    3. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids. You may need to stand on the lid.

    4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the loud noises, the cat is actually enjoying this.

    5. Flush three or four times. This provides a "power-wash" and rinse".

    6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the here and the front door.

    7. Standing behind as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.

    8. The cat will rocket out out, streak through the room and run outside where he will dry himself off.

    9. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.


    The Dog

    No seriously.... there are HEAPS of sites on the web on how to do this. No 1 make it as calm as possible, use a net laundry bag and thick gloves.

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