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Posts posted by bigbrowski

  1. just dropped 19k, although 8k was on Tajima Wagyu beef.

    Hellmans Mayo was high, but like many of my young American friends (38-45) we are not here for the food!

    I love Villa Market!

    Kraft Mac & cheese rules!

  2. I did here that Hampton (Flaming todd) wanted to buy this from Big Mike, but he refussed to sell It to him. Not sure whether that's correct.

    Funny post!

    I am at Freedom Bar with Todd and Hampton.

    Hampton is banned from TV and Todd has never offered to buy a greasey burger joint considering his current business, and Mike would have sold to anyone, hence the current owner.

    Patong6 is Steve-O!

    Nice try!

  3. i wonder if i am the one who's confused or you guys are


    then you mention charlie's

    apples and bananas

    Tell you the best way to find it, notafruitsalad...

    Go to Freedom bar, ask to speak to Charlie. Tell him you want a burger, and then ask him to draw you a map to "New Big Mikes".

    He will sort you out.

    You need a new screen name.

    How about notasmartfella, or isafreggintard.

    Think before you post!


    HA !!

    My suggestion for his new screen name sharp-as-a-marble

    Stevie-Q screwed up my order!

    I would buy this place just to put it out of its misery, and that flattop, fridge and etc would look great on the wall in my bar next to that big 4 ft. 1/2 burger sign Mike made!

    50,000bht for the Old Big Mikes sign! Someone tell steve !


  4. i wonder if i am the one who's confused or you guys are


    then you mention charlie's

    apples and bananas

    Tell you the best way to find it, notafruitsalad...

    Go to Freedom bar, ask to speak to Charlie. Tell him you want a burger, and then ask him to draw you a map to "New Big Mikes".

    He will sort you out.

    You need a new screen name.

    How about notasmartfella, or isafreggintard.

    Think before you post!


  5. YES! ! ! Freedom Bar!

    This burger deserves a new thread!

    I am another American and Burger Lover completely embarrassed by this situation! How can you screw up a hamburger when you are from Colorado/Arizona/Louisanna/New York or wherever "NBM" claims he's from! Met him once and he seems Canadian with a really short fuse that needs serious medication, not Sang Som!

    If anyone wants a great burger, Charlie's is the place.

    Big Mike would be so ashamed of what his joint got turned into.


  6. Not a Diver are you BSACBOB. ?

    Well spotted that man :o

    i suspect his point was, its kinda hard to dive in CR isn't it?

    but on a serious note, i love 'real Thailand' too. i just came back from a trip to Khon Kaen and love the people and night-life there and love not always feeling like a f'in tourist.

    however, the south is green, comfortable moderate climate, good air quality. i've never been to a few months of the year when the air is unbreathable and the climate is unbearable. correct me if i'm wrong.


    Unbearable? PLEASE elborate further!

  7. Not a Diver are you BSACBOB. ?

    Well spotted that man :o

    i suspect his point was, its kinda hard to dive in CR isn't it?

    but on a serious note, i love 'real Thailand' too. i just came back from a trip to Khon Kaen and love the people and night-life there and love not always feeling like a f'in tourist.

    however, the south is green, comfortable moderate climate, good air quality. i've never been to a few months of the year when the air is unbreathable and the climate is unbearable. correct me if i'm wrong.


    Unbearable? PLEASE elborate further!

  8. give me a bell - call me

    there are crisps within the boot - the tater chips are in the trunk

    the lorry driver is pissed, he's weaving all over the cloverleaf - the truck driver is drunk, he is driving on the sidewalk

    I have lived in the YUK for a few years but the food and weather sucked!

    Any swimming pools?

    Golf Courses?

    Beautiful women?



  9. This will be a multiple entry thread as not all questions can be asked without sounding retoracle. sp

    Where do the American speakers reside?

    There is a beach there?

    Need 3 br 2 bth A/C near alleged beach, any avail?

    Nursery for 2 yo boy?

  10. Well. i tried the chili dog/newyork dog and they still taste awesome. Good to know.

    Also to whoever the old thaivisa member that was there today trying to hit on my gf saying she looks nice and showing a weak amount of baht. Might want to keep trying to impress little bargirls instead of girls who's never had a boyfriend making less than 100$ us an hour, she's still laughing at the pathetic masterpiece of a fat old dude trying to hit on a woman that's accompanied by showing 6k baht

    This is what I really love about this site. Everyone is a critic. But most of you wouldn't know good food if it fell out of the sky, fell on your face, and started to do the hustle.

    I have had everything and it is allpretty good. As far as Living in Thailand, I love to have a burger or a coney dog every once in a while because when I eat Thai food, well let's just say I barely make it to the hong nahm sometimes.

    4 day old Dead Sand Crabs on unripened papaya, burning so hot! Yeah right, that's why I am here. I wouldn't trust the thai's to make my bed.

    I think we should have more places like Mike's Steve-O's.

  11. My son, is also 12. If it weren't for his involvement in diving, I too would be screaming.

    I work as a Hard Hat Diver or Mixed Gas Diver and Scuba for Rec. My son took to it like a fish to water.

    I don't suggest you dive right into a class for diving.

    First, as a daddy diver, I took my boy snorkeling. For hours. The swimming wore him out.

    Expel the energy, or suffer the frustration. My Ex-Wife, who is Thai, just let him mope around

    and never do much. Now, he rides his bike all over the Coast in search of perfect snorkeling spots.

    He is a shy boy, but really enjoys the exploration of it all. I encourage him with books about the Andaman

    Sea Life, and I encourage him to always document and draw what he sees. It is a long term project,

    but his hands are always full. Assign tasks, and assign research. Gear toward Surveys of Fish, any dead ones,

    try to see when and what they eat. He loves it, and I can't get him to visit with the family anymore. He is always

    gone to the beach.

    :o jb

  12. no I can't give more information, I'm not trying to pass on gossip or looking for any either - and I know nothing to give lead. I just want to know if there is a recent history of drug related deaths that could possibly be linked to bad drugs. This forum gets read - please ask around, someone may have heard something, please pass me anything anyone hears.

    Thanks for those who take this as the seriousness it involves


    :o Seriousness it involves? What are you, joking? You can't give out any information, but you say you're not trying to spread gossip? You know nothing to go on, yet you bring it up anyway. Not saying why or for what reason, and you expect people to pass on to you information related to people using drugs, and a percentage of those people possibly using bad ones and dying from them?

    Are you here to score drugs, and just trying to avoid the bad ones that kill people? Seems to me that you are merely a troll, trying to spread rumors about drug abuse in Phuket. Where there are people, there are drugs. There are drugs everywhere. All drugs are bad. And you posting this topic makes me think you are either a reporter, or a user trying to score safe drugs that won't kill you.

    I take this very serious. I have a 12 year old son, and we had to leave Pattaya because of the drugs in HIS school. I know there are drugs here, and like any parent, I would do harm to someone offering them to him, but you are silly if you think it is bad drugs that kill, and that good drugs only get you high.

    Good drugs as well as bad drugs kill people. Dodgy? Why don't you go and ask the POLICE, troll!


  13. I would like to suggest to the Admins that PETITECHEVRE get banned from this site.

    This member is obviously racist, and considering the rules, he has broken too many to go unnoticed. Having read his threads, he uses fowl language and constantly makes negative statements about Brittish and other countries.

    His posts are useless, and only stand to p!ss people off.

    My friend was banned from here for far less.

    Anyone care to second this?


  14. While I agree with you post 100%

    Theres no need to blame the dog for its pedigree.. I have had 'mutts' and they were the best, well trained, well behaved animals out there.. In fact I think the inbreeding of many pedigrees isnt healthy mentally and its known physically for many.

    Agree with everything else, only that mutts are not the problem, owners, training and control is the issue.

    Please allow me to re-phrase. Although I have never had a mutt, I know they can be good and loyal dogs. What I was saying was that mutts are normally free, so letting them run wild is the sign of a free dog. I paid 30k thb for each of my babies, and would never allow that.

    The user THAIGERD has Rotts as well. Ask him if he would allow them to rampage the neighborhood, unlooked after.

    Nothing against mutts though. But anyone with a Pedigreed Animal would take better care to see that it was not stolen.

    Treat your animals with care, and they will be great pets. Let them run amuck, and they will not respect you. Dogs, like children, NEED structure. Petite Chevy needs to go to dog handling school.


  15. So how did you dispatch them ?? Did you go out and humanely shoot or dispatch them quickly or did you poison them to a slow lingering painful death like a coward ??

    A coward sits back and does nothing. Sitting back and doing nothing makes one a coward. Someone who calls people names on a Forum is a coward. I can appreciate the question. I wouldn't know the first thing about poisoning a dog, where to buy poison, or how much and by what means.

    No. No poison involved. Look, I can understand that some people feel differently, but it is always the same thing. No one wants to do anything until something happens. It's like the death penalty. You might be against it, until something happens to you, or someone you love. Most of the posts following mine said the same thing. "I love dogs, but if one bites my kid...."

    When we dispatched these mutts, it had already happened. Did you see the part where I said 5 kids had already been bitten? Probably not. You seem like you just want to pick a fight.

    We didn't just run out, after drinking too much and start running them over. I am talking about a pack of at least 3 generations, if not 4. A 15+ pack consisting of a hierarchy, an Alpha Male/Female and no collars or owners. They gather at night and roam the streets howling, fighting, barking, and dumping the trash bins.

    We tolerated this mess for over a year, and complained to the police and the City, but with no results. I am going to avoid gory details, but we solved the problem. I would love to rid the streets of these mutts, and would participate again if I felt threatned, but I would not use poison. There is no dignity in suffering.

    Collar or no collar. If your dog happens to wonder off, don't be suprised if someone kills it. And as for the Soi Dogs, they serve no purpose. They should all be rounded up and put down by professionals.

    But come on people, we are all just p!ssing in the wind. This will never change, but it sure is fun to talk about.

    For LivinLOS: ** We made food traps, and shot them with guns and then made Laap Maa' (Laap Moo, only with Maa') :o mm mm mmmmm Tasty!


  16. I am sorry, but I am all for ridding the streets of these soi dogs. I mean, if you have a dog, and you love your dog, (as I do, I am a huge dog lover) don't let it run around without a leash. Sai Yuan is mostly Muslium, and they hate dogs. Maybe it has something to do with fearing them or being raised to.

    I am not Buddhist. My son is not either. We support killing the soi dogs. I apologize to all the PETA members out there, but where I lived before, there was such a huge problem with them at night, fighting, howling, barking..etc that we participated in getting rid of them. 5 Thai children were bitten, and the rest were terrified to play in the neighborhood. Our Thai neighbors thanked us over and over, and constantly brought us fruit.

    It is stupid and disgusting to allow these mutts to roam around the streets. I know a lot of farangs that actually adopt them, or take them into their homes. That's fine. By all means. But control your new pet. I will be da*ned if I am going to let my son get bitten by some mangy mutt. We have 2 female (full bred) rotts and they are wonderful pets. Harmless, and very friendly. Like big kittens. But they are ferocious when it comes to soi dogs.

    A friend of mine has a Razor Back Pitt and she keeps her dog inside at all times, (even sleeps in the bed with it) unless she goes to the beach. But when soi dogs come around her, her dog goes apesh!t. I wish I had a .22 with a scope and a silencer, (so not to wake the neighbors). If I did, there would be a lot less Soi dogs.

    You have to ask the questions: Where was your dog and what was it doing when it got poisoned? Was it in the yard, minding the guard post, or unleashed roaming the streets, checking out the scene? What time of day was it? And lastly, where were you at the time of the poisoning?


  17. We are all speaking about the boys in brown I assume. These guys have no idea how to sort out the real from the fake or the legal from the illegal. I am from the US, and the police there have radios and computers to check validity. Here, get real. Regardless of what you say or do, you're getting a ticket. My old driver had three license plates for his car, all illegal. He would just change them around depending on the task at hand.

    This is a system that has no norm. It changes daily, and the police are just doing what they have been told to do. They are not thinking, reasoning, or judging. They are just doing what they have been instructed to do. They have not been given an explanation, a reason, or a justification; just an order. So regardless what you do or say, you're getting the ticket.

    This is a place where dive trips are planned by people who can't swim and fear the water monsters. To expect anything more from this place is like p!ssing in the wind. 500 baht for a ticket is silly, but you have no choice but to pay it.

    I know people (farangs) that have found ID cards that are not theirs. They use these for the ticket, and then throw the ticket away and never get bothered. There is no Super Thai Traffic Database, or warrant division.

    With that being said, I don't suggest it to anyone, but I look at it like this:

    I live in a country where I pay zero taxes. I don't pay them in the states either.

    500 baht is tax. Regardless of what the offense is, it is a tax, and there is no way around it.

    Just pay the fine, consider yourself unlucky that day, and rest assured that these traffic stops are few and far between. They are only to raise money for the big bosses. Not to inforce any type of law.

    Police don't care about safety, or your well-being. Hence, 4 helmetless thai's on a beat up Honda Wave in the fast lane, speeding Cement Trucks through a school zone, and 9 year olds on jacked up 110cc's with a lawnmower exhausts heading in the wrong direction.


    May I suggest the back roads.

  18. At Chalong Circle, take the road to Kata. Just past 7/11 there is a strip of shop houses on the left. There is a Dental Clinic in there and they are fantastic. No bags.

    I had a Root Canal there and actually fell asleep in the chair.

    Only problem is my Dr. liked to listen to a particular musician that I despise.

    I have never fallen asleep in a Dentist chair, but I did there.

    And they are really good with the Pain Medicine, the sucky thing, and rinsing.


  19. Hello, (this may need to be in another thread)

    My name is Jason and I just moved here from Pattaya. I work as a Deep Saturation Diver and have just landed a great job with a fantastic rotation. I have always wanted to have a hobby, but before this job, my free time was reserved for heavy alcohol consumption. I have sole custody of my son, 12, and he and I are looking for a hobby we can do together.

    We tried a garden back in Pat, but bugs, birds, and various and sundry critters ate all of our growth.

    I have looked at indoor growing, and have become interested in Hydroponics. My favorite things in the world are Beefsteak Tomatoes, and Black Eyed Peas. I saw a hydroponic place in Phuket, but I have yet to stop by. They have a sign with lettuce, but I am more interested in other vegetation.

    Okra, Field Peas, ... Does anyone know about hydroponics here in Phuket?

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

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