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Posts posted by ittybittybobcat

  1. How do the philippines compare? Naturally I have an extreme love of bars, so cost of drinking, cost of living, cost of women :D:D:o

    I was hoping to get a few peoples insight of a comparison (pros and cons) of the two on the bar level AND on the other stuff. Aswell, if anyone knows the visa situation in the phils compared to Thailand?

  2. I saw this topic and just had to read it from begining to end.Great topic.So many people have no idea how to use a squat toilet.I have meet people that have said to me "how can you like to sit on it more then a regular toilet"?WHAT????They had really sat on it.NASTY.I do prefer a squat.It is easier and cleaner.Her is a photo of one that is welllllllll interesting.

    At least it has a roof... our next door neighbours doesn't.. and we live on higher land :o

    totster :D


  3. Has anyone experienced a proper Muay Thai match and can anyone recommend a good Bangkok boxing stadium? I've heard prices are high for foreigners at Lumpini and it's now no the real deal there.

    I will be doing a month of vigorous training at the Muay Thai at the extreme sports cafe too, so if anyone can let me know what it was like there. I've heard that its one of the best in town.

  4. urrghh english hoodies


    thai hoodies


    Now there aint no counter arguement for that! :wai:

    What do you mean? I like the top one, she is waving at me.......... :o:D:D:D

    That's a "she" ?? :D

    Yes, that is what they are producing in 'Great' Britain these days. Sad isn't it!

    Fortunately, where I come from the women look like this. :P


  5. Do you really need an anwer to this question? Purlease!

    Thailand is a country as an international courtesy only. Thailand really is an amusement park run by mafia. Mafia in brown uniforms. Mafia in plain clothes. Mafia in positions of authority.

    If you get into trouble here, DO NOT call the police, or you risk being the one going to jail - be it a road accident, a robbery or any other matter.

    As long as you understand that you have left the world of civility and social evolution behind and are swimming in a sewer of criminality and stupidity you can have a good time. It's called a vacation.

  6. Thanks for the links PattayaParent.

    There's some interesting stuff already discussed, and it seems that I must seek out professional advice on this issue.

    Proving non-dom seems essential to avoiding inheritance tax, but a somewhat complicated process! I do not own property in the UK, but I still have bank accounts and a relative's postal address that I use - so I suppose that I must sever those ties completely.

    Hmm... now can anyone recommend a good accountant?

  7. not sure which forum to post this in, so am posting here.

    have lived in Thailand for a few years now, and in order to exempt myself from UK tax, am curious how to go about it. Does just having lived away (ie, not spend 90 days in the tax year) automatically qualify you as non res? or must you fill out P85 form? has anyone living out here filled out the P85 form?

    How does one establish a non-domicile status, which i believe is different to non res? and is it important to do so in terms of inheritance tax? how difficult it it to establish domicile status (here in thailand) to prove to the inland rev that you are no longer domiciled in the UK?

    i'm confused about the issue, and should probably speak to someone who knows about these things, but i thought i'd try here first to see what other's experince is. any thoughts welcome. thanks.

  8. i'm looking to rent a condo in bangkok. i'd like it to be around the 20,000b price range, clean and nice. would like to be close to transport. i plan to study muay thai, so if it's close to a boxing camp that'd be great. don't want to be way out in the boonies. woulds also like to be close to restaurants.

    can anyone recommend a condo? area to look for accommadation?

  9. OK, so after 9 months here (9 great months!) it's time for me to move on. I'm feeling the call of the wild, (well, sort of) like it's time to kick up my old heels, board a train and go on a new adventure. I like staying in places for extended periods of time, but never outstaying my welcome. The thing is, after Chiang Mai, I've no idea where to go next! I feel as though I've been spoiled, by the ease of life here!

    What I'm looking for is a 'Chiang Mai' in the mountains, or a 'Chiang Mai' by the sea. A place with all the comforts and ease (and cheapness of Chiang Mai!) but in a more natural environment. A place where you have a variety of restaurants, wifi, comfortable accommodation that is secure and reasonably priced no beach shacks thanks!). Not too much hastle with visas, and a populace with a fairly reasonable grasp of English. It would also have less concrete and exhaust fumes than chiang mai; a reason perhaps, for my need to move.

    Oh, and it can't be in Thailand. (I know I could probably find what I'm looking for in Pai, or Mae Hong Son or Nan - but I don't like to get stuck in a country too long. Variety being the spice of life and all that). I'm keen to experience all that Asia has to offer, and don't want to see out the rest of my days here in Thailand just yet!

    In thinking about other locations I figured it would be fun to find out what other people's recommendations are. I realize that everyone is going to have a different idea of paradise, but what I'm looking for are those special places - you know the type of place, somewhere you can get stuck in for a few months, a hidden gem of a place that has it all. Having been so comfortable here in Chiang Mai, makes finding those other places all the more difficult! Bali would be an obvious contender – except I've been there. So I'm now thinking further afield – the rest of Indonesia? Malaysia? India?

    So, recommendations on a postcard, and please, don't just say, just jump on a bloody train and find out for yourself! I'm just interested in hearing about other places, that's all. In places that are charming, cheap, easy, and one of those hidden gems that you can easily get stuck in.

    Thank you

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