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Posts posted by manarak

  1. the problem is with 3BB routing to hong kong.


    using a tool such as pingplotter you can actually see which servers are lagging.


    punctual ping time has nothing to do with it, the problem is packet loss over several seconds, the problem comes and goes.


    3BB technicians sent to you can't do anything because the problem is with 3BB infrastructure.


    the lags are just horrible

    • Like 1
  2. On 3/21/2020 at 12:25 PM, gargamon said:

    Stop listening to Trump. Azithromycin is an antibiotic. Covid-19 is a virus. The other two are unproven as of yet with only anecdotal evidence. Wait for real testing. If you like, stockpile some but don't take any. The other drug refimivir (something like that) that they hoped worked has failed tests.


    Best bet, get a pneumonia vaccination. its pneumonia that kills them so that's what you really need to stop.

    Azithromycin actually also has antiviral effects.

    • Like 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    I thought they came to Pattaya once a year. Have had friends come here complaining they would never come again with all the sailors around. Prices tripled even of you could find a girl. Maybe they dock at Rayong or a larger port?

    your friends must not have been very creative in their choice of venues

    • Thanks 1
  4. how could Big Joke refer the biometrics procurement case to the NACC ?

    did BJ believe that the NACC was clean?


    BTW, which police body in Thailand is able to independently investigate the chief of police?


    why did the PM lean in onto Big Joke?

    and especially, why publicly ?



    " the president of the NACC commission is Police General Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit "


    " National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) president Pol Gen Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit faces a tough test to prove he and the anti-graft agency will handle the case involving Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon, his former boss, without fear or favour. "

    hmmm hmmm


    "On June 15 Gen Prawit signed his name to the order appointing Pol Lt Gen Surachate to the police sub-committee, which is chaired by Pol Gen Weerachai. "

    hmmmm hmmm hmm


    "In December 2017 the National Anti-corruption Commission (NACC) opened an investigation into Prawit's asset disclosures. "

    aah ahh


  5. 9 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    this discriminating attitudes can be found in many areas, not just prostitution.

    thai police will go after foreigners for things that they won't charge thais with.

    the foreign girls were probably not charged with prostitution, I guess they were charged with working illegally.


    if there had been a criminal charge, they would go to criminal court, not deportation.

  6. 1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

    I think that's quite a generalisation. Businesses eager to employ good workers perhaps, but only if you happen to live in an area where those opportunities are.


    Plus it's not always practical for everyone just to move if there's somewhere at the other end of the country that might employ you.

    I wonder how much experience of Thailand's labor market you have.

    It's very commonplace - or scratch that - it's actually the case for most Thai workers that their job is far from home.

  7. 2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    I doubt there are enough vacancies in factories, restaurants hotels etc. to employ all the go-go bar girls.  And there would be even less vacancies in hotels, restaurants etc. if Thailand lost it's entertainment industry. 

    You may think you're taking the right moral stance, but you have to look a bit deeper. 

    nope... you are ill-informed.

    Thai businesses are quite eager to employ good workers, it's easy to find a job in Thailand.
    Of course, these jobs pay much less.

  8. 1 hour ago, jackdd said:

    Then you have not been in Germany yet (but i expect that it will be similar in other EU countries), some professions are exempt in Germany, but for most things you would have to register as inidividual business / sole proprietor.

    According to what i found on Google it looks to be similar in Thailand, a person who wishes to do any business has to register as sole proprietor first at the amphoe.

    But for example the USA seem to be somehow special (compared to Thailand and Germany), there registering as sole proprietor is not necessary.

    well, in Germany, Journalists, Translators, Writers, etc. working as freelancers are exempt from having to register their business.

    but even if one has to register, a private person can still write invoices before registering.

    registering the business in Germany is only mandatory if the work becomes regular. If all activity there was are 2 or 3 orders and then nothing anymore, a registration is not necessary.

    VAT is due from a threshold of 17.500 EUR sales volume.


  9. 6 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Oh I see, let’s dispense with courts and trial by jury, over 800 years of common law and the principal that a death should be investigated and those believed to be responsible tried in an open court of law before a jury of their peers - because you think you’ve seen courts return wrong verdicts.


    Since when do we allow the possible impact of justice on the life of the accused to determine whether or not they face trial - poor poor them.


    This abuse of diplomatic immunity is an affront to justice.


    As Jingjing has pointed out, it may very well go unchallenged but please quit with the weak justifications.

    The Law is the Law, international treaties are a superceding part of it. there is no point is throwing 800 years around - why not invoke old Rome's law then?


    Diplomatic immunity doesn't prevent the investigation.


    There is no such thing as an abuse of diplomatic immunity - either people have immunity or not - if they have it, they can invoke it.

    Abuse of diplomatic immunity would be to bestow it onto people who shouldn't have it - this can be discussed here, but then it would be an abuse by the USA, not by the suspect. Also, I believe the UK gets to approve the list of persons who will have diplomatic immunity in the UK, so if immunity is given to too many people, maybe start the finger pointing at the UK government.


    If the terms of immunity should change, then the UK needs to renegotiate international treaties  to modify the terms and prepare for British citizens with immunity being prosecuted in foreign countries - hopefully not in some middle-eastern country with 800 year old laws...


    And you didn't understand my explanation - it's from the "suspect's" standpoint. Invoking diplomatic immunity is a personal decision and all I said was that in that situation and under some circumstances it was not only understandable why the person made that decision, but also that in case of her innocence it is ethically not wrong.

  10. 6 hours ago, Yinn said:

    This the story about a 77 year old caucasion woman pimp in Pattaya. And guy that maybe kill her and throw her in a klong got take her money.


    But you make the story for a “thaibash” about famous Thai mentality.

    Good job sir.


    And you say the wife of caucasion criminal always tell the police right? Or not? A lot of criminal, but the wife not know. Because caucasion mentality superior right? 

    no - mentality is not a negative or positive word.


    Thai women are usually very loyal to their partners as long as he treats her well. I have seen many examples of Thai women turning a blind eye or even helping their criminal partners.

    it is how it is, no Thai bashing here. I even think loyalty in a couple is a good thing.


    regarding Western women, there are many cases of them doing the same, but it is less common. I guess many would just go away instead having a criminal partner - if they have a choice, of course.

  11. 1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

    So, she stayed with him after knowing he was a criminal ? Tell the police or accept the money for a new hairdo and nails ? Hard decision

    For Thai partners, what is important is how a person has been to them. If they believe they are treated well, they will ignore any other things, even criminal, and even help where they can. Thai mentality.

  12. 4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    A disgusting example of the abuse of diplomatic privilege.


    Put aside the fact she’s avoiding a possible prison sentence, what she is actually doing is depriving the family of her victim justice and help towards the closure they need.

    yes... although I reckon there are 2 ways to consider the situation.


    one way is to consider it abuse of diplomatic privilege - but what do we really know about what really happened that caused the death of Harry Dunn (RIP)?


    I have seen enough court cases to know courts too often don't deliver justice. If this was a true accident for which the defendant bears very little or no responsibility at all, I can fully understand why diplomatic privilege was invoked. I would do the same, just to be on the safe side. Again, I have seen too many innocent people sentenced in accident cases, they got their lives destroyed for several years. The lucky ones spent thousands and thousands on lawyers and stressful years in court before being declared not responsible. It's sad, but I don't trust the courts to uphold justice. They will instead apply some version of the law, some win some lose, but in the end nobody wants to be that one person that loses because of a bad lawyer or a judge who is stupid or in a bad mood or simply thinks you look dodgy.


    The driver knows whether she bears responsibility or not - I don't know what happened.

    If she's not responsible for what happened then I see no ethical issues in avoiding investigation or prosecution, I wouldn't understand why one should undeservedly be exposed to unnecessary legal risks that can possibly ruin a (another) life as a consequence of that accident.

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