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Posts posted by as2100dk

  1. Regarding monthly budget and data requirements, I am planning to buy an unlimited data plan.

    Post-paid or pre-paid... haven't thought about it yet; what's the advantages/disadvantages?

    Regarding True; they seem to have a lot of hotspots in Bangkok with free wifi, but as far as I have heard the coverage outside BKK is not good. Correct or not?

    Have a nice day out there ;-)

  2. Decision on wifi only or 3G+wifi really depends on your needs...

    I have a 3G+wifi iPad 1 but then for the iPad 2, I only got wifi...

    Are you always on the move? If you are, 3G+wifi is for u! Assuming you are going with that... TRUE (IMHO) is the best option because you get a "relatively" fast 3G network and all the major malls have TRUE wifi. You get unlimited TRUE wifi when you sign up with them... I think its still the same. Am on that with my iPhone4 now... and I just tether the iPad to it when wifi is not available.

    Sorry... sounds a little confusing...

    Thanks roadrunerboi,

    No, it doesn't sound confusing... at least not more confusing than the mobile/network market in my home country ;-)

    Are there any disadvantages choosing the 3G + Wifi... except being more expensive?

    Is it possible in Thailand (like in my home country) to buy the iPad including a subscription (for instance at TRUE) and then pay a monthly rate (supposedly with a minimum contract period)? I mean so I don't have to pay the price of the iPad all at ones? Hope THIS is not too confusing ;-)

  3. Hi there,

    I'm moving to Bangkok later this year and now I'm considering which one of my bikes, I should bring along. Mountainbike or roadbike?

    Of course I could bring both, but I think it might be too much of a hassle... or what do you think? As for now, I have not found out how to transport them?

    Both of them are worth more than 100,000 THB each (so it's decent bikes). Should I sell them before moving to Thailand and buy new ones (or second hand) there to avoid the transportation issue? It seems as if the prices of good bikes in Thailand are high though...

    I do not wish to start a discussion of what kind of cycling is "best" ;-)

    But I would like to hear some thoughts/experiences about what kind of bike I am likely to get most joy from and use most often while being in Thailand/Bangkok?

    Thanks in advance!


  4. Hi there,

    My girlfriend is in Thailand. Unfortunately I am not... yet!

    So we stay in touch by sms, phonecalls and Skype. However we are having some problems with Skype and/or the internet connection (hers).

    She can see and hear me very clearly. But her video is very unclear (and starts and stops) for me on my computer and the sounds is also not good.

    I guess it has something to do with the speed of her internet connection? I was just thinking that if this was actually the reason, that my video on her computer should also be unclear - which is not the case.

    Any good suggestions? I guess upgrading her internet connection would be a solution... but will this solve the problem? Any other suggestions?

    She lives in Bangkok.

    Thank you in advance!

  5. Hi there,

    My girlfriend is in Thailand. Unfortunately I am not... yet!

    So we stay in touch by sms, phonecalls and Skype. However we are having some problems with Skype and/or the internet connection (hers).

    She can see and hear me very clearly. But her video is very unclear (and starts and stops) for me on my computer and the sounds is also not good.

    I guess it has something to do with the speed of her internet connection? I was just thinking that if this was actually the reason, that my video on her computer should also be unclear - which is not the case.

    Any good suggestions? I guess upgrading her internet connection would be a solution... but will this solve the problem? Any other suggestions?

    She lives in Bangkok.

    Thank you in advance!

  6. Hi there,

    I would like to work up a tan while being here in Bankok. This will probably qualify me as crazy or weird in some Thais´ opinion ;-) And even in some farrangs´.

    Are there any good places in Bangkok for this? I mean public swimmingpools or private (if not to expensive) or somewhere else?

    I am staying close to Victory Monument so it would be nice if it is nearby. There is a small and very nice park a 5 minute walk from my apartment, but the pond doesn't really qualify as a swimming pool ;-) And I don't really think that the park's visitors would appriciate me lying around sunbathing.

    Thank you in advance!


  7. Hi there,

    I would like to work up a tan while being here in Bankok. This will probably qualify me as crazy or weird in some Thais´ opinion ;-) And even in some farrangs´.

    Are there any good places in Bangkok for this? I mean public swimmingpools or private (if not to expensive) or somewhere else?

    I am staying close to Victory Monument so it would be nice if it is nearby. There is a small and very nice park a 5 minute walk from my apartment, but the pond doesn't really qualify as a swimming pool ;-) And I don't really think that the park's visitors would appriciate me lying around sunbathing.

    Thank you in advance!


  8. Hi there,

    I would like to work up a tan while being here in Bankok. This will probably qualify me as crazy or weird in some Thais´ opinion ;-) And even in some farrangs´.

    Are there any good places in Bangkok for this? I mean public swimmingpools or private (if not to expensive) or somewhere else?

    I am staying close to Victory Monument so it would be nice if it is nearby. There is a small and very nice park a 5 minute walk from my apartment, but the pond doesn't really qualify as a swimming pool ;-) And I don't really think that the park's visitors would appriciate me lying around sunbathing.

    Thank you in advance!


  9. Primarily for use in BKK when having to meet people at different locations, going on sightseeing and when discovering new places.

    I'm thinking of buying a small motorcycle (scooter) so it would be nice if the device is one that can be kept in my pocket or bag while a voice from the GPS gives me the directions.

    But I also use BTS, taxi and my own two feet for getting around.

    The iFox Navigator NV-100 has a good price. But is it worth anything? And/or should a buy another brand?

    Looking forward to some helpful replies ;-)


    Alan, from Denmark, living in BKK

  10. Hi,

    I have just moved to Bangkok. For how long a stay I don't know yet. This is my first topic on this board :o

    Coming from Denmark I am used to having insurances (paid for by oneself). Both an insurance in case of an accident and also a liability insurance (don't know if this is the right term. But it's an insurance that will insure me in case I am the cause of accident for other people or things).

    I have been thinking of different worst-case scenarios. Me crossing the street causing a big accident and having to pay for getting cars repaired and taking care of (i.e. paying) for the treatment of injured people. Or me myself getting injured. Or getting robbed from. I am also thinking of buying a scooter when I get my workpermit.

    So bottomline is: where can I buy good, reliable and preferably cheap insurance? I can of course buy a travel insurance from Denmark but that is TOO expensive.

    For your information: I have got health insurance from my employer here in Thailand.

    Thanks in advance!

    /Alan from Copenhagen, now in BKK

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