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Posts posted by texasfarang

  1. Okay things went very bad with my ex-employer. While they did accept my resignation (and they accepted it for 30 days instead of 90 days) they apparently have taken on themselves to make sure finding a job in their area, if not in the country, will be next to impossible (so I am told).

    so here are my two questions

    1. Is it possible for them to put me on a "jobs black list" even though they accepted my resignation

    2. Is it possible (or easy) for them to put me on the national black list if I have not actually legally done anything wrong.

    Any experience with this?

  2. You don't have to do anything but leave.

    There is no longer a requirement to turn in your work permit.

    When you leave your extension of stay will end so you don't need to go to immigration. You only have to go to immigration if you want an extension.

    If you had a multiple entry visa it would still be good and you would not have to leave.

    Okay so just so I understand it right, when I leave my extension gets cancelled and I won't be hit with an overstay. I am jut confused because the visa is attached to the job and saturday morning when I am planning on leaving I technically am unemployed, I won't be hit with an overstay. Wow, that is easy. Thanks. And then when I am in Cambodia I just apply for a tourist visa and then come back for 3 weeks to sort things out (and do that thing wherfe I am not miserable and not stressed...what is it called again?))

  3. I am quitting my job on July 10th (a friday). Now due to the distance between my province and the nearest immigration office it may be physically impossible to

    1. Cancel my work permit

    2. cancel my work visa

    3. leave the country (I will go to Cambodia to get a proper Tourist visa so I don't have to worry about the 15 day rule and can pack and enjoy my last few days in Thailand at my leisure)

    all in the same day.

    I was planning on doing the paper work on the friday and leave for cambodia the next day but I desperately want to avoid overstay fines and 2000 baht 7 day visas if possible

    I don't mind jumping through hoops but I am quite confused as to which hoops need jumping through. How is this done by the books? Thanks.

  4. I have to get a Non-b visa and I was thinking about going back to my hometown in America (which very luckily for me has a Thai consulate located in it) to do it but after reading through many threads I have become quite confused. Here is what I understand and I hope someone can clear it up for me :

    If a get a non-b in:

    Cambodia or Lao: I can get a 1 year non-b right off the bat

    Houston: I get a 90 day non-b and have to convert it into a 1 year non-b by going to cambodia or lao

    My eyes are glazed over and my computer has started to mock me. :o

    Thanks for your help.


  5. I guess the only annoying bit is that they did not go out of their way to publicize the information. When I was in Shanghai I would have gladly gotten a tourist visa (I am here for an extended vacation between jobs). I don't mind jumping through hoops it would be nice to know which hoops are needed to jump through. Now the only question is can I get a toursit visa in Cambodia? Or are the tourist visas also 15 days also (this question has been answered a few times but I got confused by all the non-answers thrown in)

  6. I have noticed most of these articles in newspapers and elsewhere fail to mention something:

    1) Most of the world is experiencing a decline in international tourism , and none of them have PAD protests

    I think someone in the tourism ministry said "Oh lets say we will have a x% rise in tourists this year" and now that the prediction is not going to be accomplished everyone is finding scapegoats. But I think the real reason has nothing to do with PAD or even the economic hiccup. I just think Vietnam and Cambodia are trying harder than Thailand to get tourists and when they get them , the tourists get a better experiance.

    But obviously I am in Thailand and not Cambodia or Vietnam so you can see which country I prefer.

    rambling yes but I am trying to listen to a baseball game while I type this :o

  7. Okay I know I am opening a dangerous can of worms, but perhaps not, if one of the 15 hour course costs 60k and a proper Med in TEFL costs 80k at Chula why aren't people flocking for that...I am just asking because I am taking a year off from the LOS to work in China (where they seem to not mind my degree from an American Top 100 university) so I can earn enough money to go and study at Chula and then teach in LOS again....To think I gave up a Uni job so I could work out in the countryside to give those kids a fighting chance only to find out it would cost 3 months salary (erm not including the culture course, somtam license, and auspicous day supplemental charge...) to do it

  8. Hi all. I live just outside of BKK. I kinda of share the view of many of my neighbors (I am in a factory town full of people from issan as well as the south) and when anyone mentions the problems in Bangkok I say "Oh Mob mak mak" , swing some punches into the air, and then talk to them about more pressing issues,no one here seems to care . Most of these guys make about 4000k/month and I guess they somehow cannot connect to either side really. But they do like it when I say "Mob mak mak" and swing in the air, not as much though, as when they try to get the new guy in the factory to talk English.

    Total time spent:

    Protest related discussions: 35 seconds

    Trying to get new guy to talk to me in English: 45 minutes

    couldn't find the answer for that on the poll though

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