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Posts posted by bman413

  1. I have been moving through Suvarnabhumi airport since it opened, while not perfect, it is no worse than many airports out there. Between the $18.00 Guinness at the Irish Pub in Dubai International, the poor menu choices and the fact the restaurants close down at JFK, the complete breakdown in baggage handling in Heathrow, the difficulty in getting to Boston Logan, the poor design of De Gaulle and the immigration wait at Houston, Suvarnabhumi is not too bad.

    Food is always overpriced in an airport, so are electronics and anything else you want to buy, the toilet facilities are close to operating theatre sterile compared to some of the toilet facilities I have seen in the US, Dubai and Schiphol airports.

    I usually do not chime in on these posts, but my one observation is that if many of you hate Thailand so much, why not leave and go back to your own countries, or go to another country?

  2. Don't these idiots realize that most of the soldiers are just poor kids from the sticks? :)

    That's probably why they were targeted. We shouldn't immediately assume this was the work of Red Shirts.

    so did Hello Kitty or Mickey Mouse do it? Dude....c'mon

    if it: looks, sounds, smells, and tastes red....betcha it is

    Did the Red Shirts do it? Did government agents do it trying to blame it on the Red Shirts? Did Thaksin shoot it? There are myriad possibilities including one that plagues militaries the world over. NEGLIGENT DISCHARGE. This is not an issue that happens at go go bars or soapie massages. It is an incident in which a soldier negligently fires his weapon that may or may not cause injury or death. The Thai military still uses M 79 grenade launchers. The Thai military is not the most professional or well trained force in the world. It is a conscripted military that does not want to be there. rather than bickering and making accusations like a bipolar chronically PMSing woman why not wait for the facts. Just my 2 cents. If you think I am full of it, continue making wild accusations and firing each other up.

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