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  1. Here attached is some compilation done a while back. 2023 09 Retirement Homes Thailand.xlsx
  2. It seems official on their site now Friday, July 28 Holiday-King Vajiralongkorn's Birthday Monday, July 31 special public holidays Holiday-Special Holiday Tuesday, August 1 Asarnha Bucha Day Holiday-Asahna Bucha Day Wednesday, August 2 Buddhist Lent Day Holiday - Buddhist Lent Day Saturday, August 12 birthday Her Majesty the Queen Her Majesty the Queen Holiday-H.M. The Queen Sirikit’s Birthday (Mother's Day) By the way my brain is fine and I have lived in Thailand over 40 years....(Khao Pansa never falls on the same days)
  3. Called Chiang Mai Immigration as I had an appointment for July 31st, they told me to come on August 3rd as July 31st will be closed. Made new appointment. What surprises me is that my appointment for July 31st seems to be available on the booking list eventhough they told me it would be closed.
  4. Have you tried this one in Khon Kaen ? KHON KAEN – NORTEAST VACCINATION PROGRAMME Public Health Khon Kaen vaccination programmes for Walk-In service for booster vaccination, details per below:- Wat Nong Wang Community Medical Center (Phra Aram Luang) Time: 8 -11 AM Day: Every Friday (except public holidays) Vaccine: Pfizer Address: 613/5 Rop Bung Alley · In Wat Nong Waeng Tel: 043 227 695 Regional Health Promotion 7 Khon Kaen:- (ศูนย์อนามัย7 ) Update weekly on Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/PRHPC7KK/
  5. Well I have been crossing at Huai Khon for the past 6 years and always got Visa on arrival, but when they reopenned after Covid, the VOA disapeared. I khow there was stories of Bikers having problems there, but with a car I have never had any problems. Here attached the list of Laos and Cmbodia Land borders offering VOA
  6. Joe, Unfortunatelly, things have changed on the lao land borders, there's now only a few that can deliver visa on arrival, I was in Huai Khon a few weeks ago and was refused passage as they do not deliver Voa anymore. Upon asking for info, I was told that only a few are able to deliver Voa now.
  7. This option was already available in section 86 of the land act of 1954 modified last in 2008, just some "cosmetic" adjustments....
  8. I have used these 3, now I mainly rely on Umpol Air or Air Yen/
  9. I believe the website your looking for is "glo.or.th/home-page#"
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