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Posts posted by gymboxgirl

  1. OK, so it might be time to finally admit that I'm getting old and I've subjected my skin to waaay toooo much sun, and it might be time to take some action on those age spots (when and where did they come from!!!) and sun damage. :(

    As I was walking past a couple of skin / dermatology places in Airport Plaza (Chiang Mai) the other day I got curious about what was on offer in terms of: dermabrasion / chemical peels / laser treatments. I've never really thought about having such treatment before, but if they are safe and don't do any long term damage I guess I don't see why not.

    There are a bunch of these skin / acne / beauty places, pretty much all next door to each other... They all have glass fronts and loads of treatments on offer, from fillers and botox to lazers and dermabrasion.

    I've no idea which is a good place, or if they all offer the same level of service. But, having just read another post of TV, about a horrific botox experience in Chiang Mai, I was wondering how can one judge a place over another... ie: are there better lazers to use than others? Are there gentler peels...? Are there things you should check for before signing up...?

    Has anyone had such treatments in Thailand, and had good, long lasting (side effect free) results.

    Has anyone had treatments (in particular in Chiang Mai) and can they recommend a particular place to go.

    I haven't decided yet which of the treatments I should go with, as I thought I'd get some background first. So any opinion on which is better: laser, dermabrasion or peels.


  2. Does anyone have a tel number for a songteaw driver or tuk tuk guy who I can call? I kinda live out in the boonies, and it's always good to have a number at hand especially when I have friends or relatives visiting who don't drive. Reasonably priced and basic English would be good.

    I have the number for Chiang Mai Taxis, but for some reason can never get hold of them at night. I always seem to wake someone up and he kinda grumpily tells me there are no taxis. No idea what time they stop running...

  3. I know this threat is about catching a Songteaw out on the street. But what if you call one (like you would a cab) to come and pick you up from your house?

    How much would you expect to pay from say, SanSai Noi to town?

    I have one Songteaw driver, who I have the number for, charge me 200 B. Is that unreasonable?

  4. Ah, good idea, thanks for that gotlost.

    eek, I hope your connection is better now. nothing worse than unreliable internet! Especially once you've signed up for the yearly contract!

    Am getting so many mixed reports that I really don't know what to do.

    A lot of the threads seems to be about BBB, not so many about TOT. I don't know if that's a good sign, or merely means that TOT is so bad that users on not able to be on Thai Visa, LOL :blink:

  5. I am thinking of getting internet put into my house, close to Rimping, Mee Chok, in Laguna gated community. I have no idea who to go with, at this stage, as it seems that all providers are unreliable. I've noticed a few threads recently complaining about their connection being terrible. So was just wondering if anyone had advice, on who to go with / steer away from. I'd rather have a reliable 2 meg connection than an iffy 6 meg line.

    So, I really need a good, reliable connection, and I want to also download torrents. A lot of my work invoves uploading large files.

    Any ideas?


  6. Ate there last night, and have to say it was the worst food I've had in CM...

    The rice was hard (crunchy) and cold, and kind of clumped together, like it had been standing out at room temp for the last couple of hours. This is probably the easiest way of getting food poisoning and a bad case of New Delhi belly.

    I told the Indian owner, and he said "that's how Indian rice is, it's different to Thai rice"...

    uhhh, having spent a LOT of time in India, I don't think you could make ANY excuse to justify just how bad it was, and the only person he was convincing with that was himself! He swapped the bowl with another, that was exactly the same as the first. Yuk. Disgusting! i didn't touch it past the first mouthful.

    The chicken was dry, and tasteless. The pakora and popadams tasted chewy, as though they had come out of a microwave.

    Waayyyy to much salt on everything.

    this is not the way to build up a regular clientel, and no way to stay in business. In a town full of such good restaurants and great tasting food, it's hard to have a meal as bad as this one was. :o

    Avoid, avoid, avoid!

  7. I should have said. Alan Hall is the chairperson of Chiang Mai ex pats club. Tom is employed by Alan Hall and does work for the expats club. Tom is widely touted as a lawyer but in fact he is not a qualified lawyer. We have been having trouble with these two goons for nearly 2 years. Their actions have forced the closure of the school on Koh Sukorn, that we built.

    David Wenman

    Seems like a few clubs are involved in ripping people off. see the post currently on the CM forum entitled "Chiang Mai Friends Group, Are they worth their fees?" posted by "shepsel". 4000 US for newbies to have a month's rent, and a couple of hours Thai lessons!!! Boyoboy, I'm in the wrong business!

  8. Hi all,

    been thinking of trying out microlighting, and noticed that a company offering it here in CM runs out of Doi Saket - CMSky Adventure.

    It's not cheap... so if anyone who has done it can comment on the experience? safety record and the like... I'd appreciate it.


  9. Hi all,

    been thinking of trying out microlighting, and noticed that a company offering it here in CM runs out of Doi Saket - CMSky Adventure.

    It's not cheap... so if anyone who has done it can comment on the experience? safety record and the like... I'd appreciate it.


  10. Hello,

    I saw an advert for a BKK kickboxing gym that advertised that if you studied muay thai there you could qualify for a 1 yr visa.

    Does anyone know if that is true/correct? If it is, does anyone know the formatlities of it? How many hours you must put in? Etc

    I love doing muay thai, and would happily study full time if it meant that I could qualify for a visa.

    Which gyms offer the course? More importantly - is there one in Chiang Mai?

    The other options, as far as I know, for a 1 year visa, are to study Thai language course or Buddhism?

    Has anyone out there done this? What hours do you have to study in order to qualify for the visa?

    Again, does anyone know anywhere in Chiang Mai offers those courses?



  11. Hello,

    I saw an advert for a BKK kickboxing gym that advertised that if you studied muay thai there you could qualify for a 1 yr visa.

    Does anyone know if that is true/correct? If it is, does anyone know the formatlities of it?

    Which gyms offer the course? Is there one in Chiang Mai? How many hours you must put in? Etc.

    The other option, as far as I know, for a 1 year visa, is to study Thai language course.

    Has anyone out there done this? What hours do you have to study in order to qualify for the visa?

    What language school in Chiang Mai offers those courses?



  12. Wow! WOOW! WOOOOW!

    Found Aden today, can't believe I haven't been before! What a great shop - everything from wheat grass juice, coconut shampoos and natural soaps. Awesome! I can get my fix of wholesome foods.

    I bought some 100% organic coconut oil. Thanks N!

    I notice on your post that you recommend freezing it. Is that for all types of oil? Only, the jar I just bought says to store at room temperature once opened. I'd hate for it to go off.

  13. Aden on the Nimmanhemin road, just before the T-junction with lights has it.

    Depending for what you need it, you can also go to a local market and buy coconut milk (kati) for 20 baht or so. The plastic bag with the milk you put in your fridge. The oil with some white stuff will go to the top and hardens up. That's your oil. Easy and cheap.


    Thanks Slip and Nienke, I will check there.

  14. You have the definitive answer in your link.

    A website can be made up, by anyone, for any purpose. You think that just becasue I found a website saying that I have a 'definitive answer' - you trust the internet so easily GD!!! How about if I posted a webpage saying the opposite (of which there are many on the web) what would you have said about me then???

    I think that you're shit-stirring.

    I've told other people on this forum to get a life... but I think you've just taken the biscuit GD. What a pathetic response to a genuine question. You can sit at your computer and type rubbish because it's anonymous. would you say that to my face if I asked you in conversation??? (God hope I never have a conversation with you, that's all I can say!) Go back to your bar stool and drink your Chang and please stop with your 'thinking'.

    If anyone IN Thailand if they can tell me if they know coconuts are or are not sprayed, Id really appreciate it. Please, no more inane stupid comments like that one.


  15. I'm wanting to buy some cold pressed 'virgin' coconut oil, does anyone know where to get in CM?

    Chemists/pharmacys around town sell it in small clear plastic bottles for around 200B - which is a tad too expensive. I'm sure it must be for sale somewhere in bulk, for cheaper price.

    Does anyone know where?


  16. It really seems to be that some people on this forum need to get a life!

    Blinky Bill you are pedantic, boring and pathetic. Grow up, get a life, or just go away somewhere else. What a tosspot response that was. The OP posts a valid question and you blah on in your annoying way, and then correct his grammar! Please!

    Silent job, don't think there's much in the way of opportunity for mixing, though I have spotted a bunch of records and decks (I think?) at the Glass Onion. Don't know how willing the Korean owner would be to let you use them, but he's a nice chap and very affable.

  17. Thanks for the answers, I will check them out.

    I too would like a female to do it, so if anyone knows any lady doctors who they can recommend that would be great.

    I know the biting on the lemon look as it probably the same one as I have on my face when I'm having it done. ugh. :o

  18. I was wondering if any long term female residents have had pap test here in Chiang mai, and if anyone can make a recommendation about where to have it done?

    I would prefer a female doctor to do it.

    About how much does it cost?


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