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Compass Call

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Posts posted by Compass Call

  1.   4 hours ago, Compass Call said:

    Or does he actually live in Australia?

    I think he lives in Australia with his girlfriend/wife but his family are from Dublin. 

    So, he has no travel insurance, on holiday away from his family in Australia, seems that other members of his family can afford to travel from Ireland to Thailand and move him to a private hospital.
    Now they want others to pay the bills!!!!!!!.
    I smell a rat!!
    I hope that not too many people get suckered into paying into this scam.
  2. When I wanted to take my wife of 2 years back to the UK to live with me, I went to the embassy in BKK to find out precisely what was required of us. At the time I was living and working in Oman. The embassy official upstairs in the 'Brits Only' section told me to apply in Oman for a visitors visa for her with return air ticket and then when we arrived in UK and had settled (within six months) apply for a settlement visa. The official stated that the BKK embassy was unlikely to accept her application for either a visit visa or settlement visa first time round as this was "Policy"!!

    We duly applied for a visa in Oman and the embassy there could not do enough to help us. We were both interviewed and the visa stamped in my wife's passport within the hour! They also confirmed that the BKK embassy staff were despised in embassy cilcles for their attitude towards visa applicants.

    Three months after our arrival in the UK my wife applied for a residence permit and was granted "Leave To remain In The UK Indefinately" six weeks later.

    It all goes to show - avoid the BKK embassy at all costs - if you can.


  3. My wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) Is older than me and we have been married for 6 years now, very happily. We spent 4 years in Oman and the last 2 years in our own home in England. I go to work daily for 10 hours with Saturday & Sunday off. My wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) does not work but in return keeps house and cooks. At the weekend we shop together and she meets with her friends. Sure we have our ups and downs and we look after each other when one of us gets sick. The thing is, we LOVE each other and because of this we will be together till the Grim Reaper calls. My wife (She Who Must Be Obeyed) saw the movie 'SHE' yesterday - blimey she can't half hit hard!!!



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