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Posts posted by kristophon

  1. Sounds very familiar.

    Only after I got a small bite from a soi dog, and I had to take all the series of rabies and tetanus shots, I found out that foreign travel agencies advice travelers to get 2 preventive rabies shots before traveling in Asia.

    India is #1 in rabies infections...and Thailand?...#2.

    I have lived mostly in Thailand for the past 10 years but haven't had a vaccination of any kind for the past 45 years, having realised that vaccination is a massive fraud. Overcoming tetanus doesn't result in immunity, so how can the vaccine create immunity? Also, when given a tetanus after having sustained a bite or oher injury the tetanus would become a problem long before the vaccines protective effect (if any) would kick in.

    Most people unfortunately don't realise that vaccines cause far more harm including deaths than the diseases they are used against.


    I have two friends - one British and one American - who are both married to Thai women. Both couples have two sons, all of then unvaccinated and all of them happy and thriving. It is really quite ludicrous to think that injecting a body with toxic chemicals and biological substances will promote health. But there you go: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

    H. L. Mencken US editor (1880 - 1956) .

    Or any other public for that matter.

    i don`t think you are in a minority their... I doubt most that live here full time will keep up with vacs

    I am the same as you, been here over 10 years and never had any injections. i don`t know whether thats the best way to go or not.. the truth is I just forget about it for long periods of time anyway.. its like going to the dentist.. 'ah sod it, i`ll go next week... ' etc etc

    also most that have had vacs will likely not know when the next is due anyway, loose the book, and it all fisals out...

    so basically, all the more reason to make sure that if u get bit, get to hospital ASAP...

  2. Luckily a couple years ago a 4 meter reticulated python showed up in the neighborhood and has been roaming the woods nearby. The number of soi dogs has dropped to almost 0! I would highly recommend getting one of those bad boys for your neighborhood. He seems to be patrolling about a 500square meter area.

    A python???? You seem to forget the danger it could have towards anyone else in the area.

    I think I would rather take on a dog than a python.

    If pythons do not bite or harm humans, then I take back what I have said.

    i saw a python once out on the road while cycling. its body must have been the diameter of a basketball and by the time its head dissapeared into the bushes on one side of the road its tail hadn`t even come out of the bushes on the other side of the road. it was massive...

    i just stood frozen about 50meters away down the road staring in astonishment...

  3. I do a lot of walking and jogging. Carrying a stick is advisable. But what I found works great is one of those Tasers....the dogs hate the sound of one of them. When ever a dog approaches just push the button and most of the time they will run the other way when they hear the sound. At night even better due to the flash....

    yeah.. again you`ve kind of missed the point.. a taser, or spray is only any use if you have seen or heard the dog... When i was bitten whilst out running i didn`t hear it or see it until it had already bitten uz because it came at me from behind while its mates in front were making all the noise... i was kind of ambushed...

    a stick is the best deterrent and (surprisingly) easy to hang onto even if you are running if its a thin lightweight stick.

    the mere fact that the dog can see u naturally waving the stick about (because you are running) will put it off because they are used to being beaten by the locals. (unless it is a particularly vicious brute of a dog).

    So you don`t necessarily have to have seen it... thats the point of the stick...

  4. It's definitely good advice. There are few rabid dogs in Thailand and you would have to be very unlucky to be bitten by one. I was bitten whilst out on my bike about three years ago. I was in hospital at my own insistence within an hour. Any dog bite should be treated by a professional for reasons of infection prevention as well as the faint possibility of a rabies connection.

    In my case I went to a private hospital, was given rabies injections and had to have my wounds re-bandaged every day for three weeks. Cost me B10,000. My final rabies injection in a series of five was done at a Government hospital and cost me B70 compared with B500 at the Private one.

    My wounds have healed completely and not even any scars.

    When out running or biking, I have learned to slow down and remain calm. It works - but nothing is guaranteed.

    Go straight to hospital, absolutely the right thing to do.



    as I say, I never really got the full story, other than the basics (ie. he was bitten by a dog and it killed him within a month) but I don`t think my colleague died from rabies, I think it was likely a bacterial infection that killed him. he probably just needed a strong, immediate course of anti-biotics but the fact is you just don`t know so u have to take everything they offer up which will include strong antibiotics.

    my colleague left it way to late and by the time he went to hospital the infection had ravaged his internal organs to a point that was irreversible

    the doctors here will have seen thousands of this type of case so just do as they say

  5. Thank you [emoji120] I love running long distances and look forward to long runs as I travel around here but after reading this much changes . Maybe carry a little can of mace/pepper spray for protection ? attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1458541309.738156.jpg

    yeah not sure about the pepper spray... if you are close enough to use it you are probably already bitten.. the stick works best. the thais beat them regularly with sticks so they know to stay away if u have a stick (generally speaking)...

  6. hi.. I have been meaning to write this post for a while because I feel it may come of use to folk somewhere down the line

    Back in early 2015 I was training for a half marathon running in a local village. I am experienced cyclist but, at the time, was not an experienced runner. While I was running through the village there were a group of dogs barking up ahead. I kept an eye on them but I didn`t hear or see one of the dogs that crept up behind and bit me on the back of my left leg just above my ankle. Obviously my immediate thought was... 'bugga'...

    I waved the snarling dog off and had a closer look. 2 puncture wounds that were bleeding but the cuts didn`t seem that deep. My honest thoughts at the time were, 'iy, thats not too bad'.. walked back to a local shop and cleaned the wounds up with tissue and water and carried on with my run.

    when I got home I told the wife what had happened and she said straight away that I had to go to the local hospital to get injections for rabies & tetanus!... I thought.. 'eee thats a bit over the top. they are only small cuts, no need for all that'... but the wife kept on saying YOU HAVE TO GO, you have to go!....so I started to think... 'hmm.. better off save than sorry'

    so off we went to the hospital and sure enough the doctor said i would have to have these injections. its almost a year ago so I forget exactly how many their were but it was alot. some small injections around the wound areas, a few in the bum, and another few in both arms. big needles they were as well so not a pleasant experience. I then had to go back the following week and again after a month had passed for the same same. it did seem at the time alot of bother over nothing much but I`m very glad now that I did follow the wifes advise.

    a couple of months ago a farang husband of a friend of my wifes was bitten by a dog on Koh Samui where he used to run a couple of bars with his wife. i had only met him on a few occasions. he seemed like a good bloke. one of the few decent folk you meet in this place. he was only in his early 60`s, not a big drinker and in pretty good health.

    unfortunately he, like myself, didn`t think it was a big deal, but unlike myself he decided not to follow the advise of his wife and would not go to hospital for the injections. 3 weeks later the wounds had turned green and his leg was swollen and finally he decided to go to hospital. but it was too late. 1 week later he was dead. I`m still not sure exactly what killed him. whether it was rabies or tetanus or just plain ganggreen so have all the injections the doctor advises.

    so i`m writing the post as a warning to anyone who gets bitten by a dog in Thailand (or for that matter anywhere in the world)

    do not hesitate no matter how small the bite. the size of the wound is irrelevant. once that bacteria from that dogs mouth is in


    also if you are running in villages or anywhere outside of your house, always take some kind of stick with you. of course there are no garrantees u won`t get bit but as you run the stick swishing around will put dogs off (unless they are particularly vicious). Cycling wise, I have clocked up many miles and have realised that so long as you keep going and keep pedaling, the dogs can get close but they are never able to time a bite while you are moving. again, there are no garrantees but my advise is don`t panic, keep moving and keep pedaling.

  7. Kawasaki KLX 250 FOR SALE
    Good condition
    October/2009 Registered
    One previous farang owner
    Tax and insured to November 2015
    Registered in Thai name for easy change
    60000 baht
    recent new rear tyre, recent new battery, custom Tsukigi racing exhaust fitted, engine roll bars, hand protectors,
    custom mirrors, regularly serviced with service book. All paperwork kept.
    Located South West Udon near Tesco Lotus express (the new small Tesco)
    Tel. Jeab - 0933544456


  8. message to the OP and anyone else who is interested

    starting yesterday I have decided to loose a few pounds as the old weight has been creeping up a bit recently. diet since arriving back has not been gr8 and its time to get back to normal

    i weighed in yesterday at 87.5kgs and target 74kgs by xmas. I`m into cycling and its a struggle in the wet season but i want to be fit for the dry season for the local bike races.

    to do this you need to use

    (commercial url link deleted by moderator - PM poster if interested)

    i`m not trying to promote this sight.. i just use it and it works for me. the site in itself is not enough. you have to really want to loose it. but the sight helps you focus by turning the whole thing into a project.

    i`m signing up for 3 months for £27. so basically its peanuts. you can use it for 24hrs free so just give it a go. its straight to the point and fad free.

    you will need a set of kitchen scales as well. the wife picked me a 1kg kitchen scale set on the market for 270baht.

    any questions welcome

  9. yes.. in my case i ran away from the endless dank cloudy miserable rainy days...

    but yes... unfortunately I have come accross quite a few <deleted> in this place.... best thing to do is keep yourself to youself, mind your own business, enjoy the weather, the lifestyle... and be happy

    It's not the weather that's miserable, it's you. Personally, I enjoy a slightly dreich day from time to time, when you can get good value out of your gloves, and perhaps a coat and hat to boot, not to mention boots. If you can't hold your head up high and be joyful because of a bit or rain and cloud, perhaps you need to strengthen your spirit. In Scotland, we have a lot of strong spirits.


    what are you here for then?... the fanny?....

  10. yes.. in my case i ran away from the endless dank cloudy miserable rainy days...

    but yes... unfortunately I have come accross quite a few <deleted> in this place.... best thing to do is keep yourself to youself, mind your own business, enjoy the weather, the lifestyle... and be happy

    It's not the weather that's miserable, it's you. Personally, I enjoy a slightly dreich day from time to time, when you can get good value out of your gloves, and perhaps a coat and hat to boot, not to mention boots. If you can't hold your head up high and be joyful because of a bit or rain and cloud, perhaps you need to strengthen your spirit. In Scotland, we have a lot of strong spirits.


    hmmm... yes... actually, most of those <deleted> I mentioned previously are actually scottish..... what a strange coincidence....

  11. Farang point of view:

    Thailand is a third world county, but with a few " hi-so" families that have managed to loot their own country in order to buy mansions and exotic cars. And every piece of technology Thais use , from mobile phones to high rise buildings to Ferrari cars, was brought here by farangs. A lot of generational wealth, so no need to worry too much about paying respect to some idiot kid who inherited everything he has. The Red Bull heir springs to mind.. :-)

    Hi-so point of view:

    We are the ruling elites of Thailand, and always have been. How amusing to see these farangs come here on their cheapie holidays , and form relationships with dirt poor farm girls. Good thing the farangs are supporting them so we don't have to......

    Eyes Wide Open point of view:

    Most of us come here from egalitarian societies. Meaning we are all exactly the same on a social basis, it is just that some people have more zeros in their bank books. This fact does NOT make them a superior person !!!!!

    So it is always a bit amazing to come here, and in essence see a feudal society where the peasants bow and scrape in front of the liege lords.

    Feels sometime like we are in the 16 century.....

    yes... it is all very amusing... for me marrying my farm girl was kinda my ticket here. to be fair to her i never would have done what i have done if had just been me on myself. i understand it for farang wanting to make a life in thailand.. but for gods sake don`t take em home with you!!!...

    basically what I`m saying is, marry a dirt poor farm girl for the right reasons... not for any notions of love, sentiment or for someone to have great conversation with....

    at least if you marry a thai in thailand, and buy property, OK, it might be in her name but believe it or not, you have rights as the husband in thailand. if you have problems (which you will Inevitably will) the bloke is always the one taken to the cleaners in the UK, especially if their are kids involved.

  12. yes.. at the time 1no. range rover sport in the UK was about £40000 (bottom range).. they are now about 50K....

    thats 40000 x 50baht (which was the rate at the time) = 2million baht

    a range rover sport in thailand cost 8million baht at the time

    8m divided by 2m = 4no. range rover sports

    PS... a hi sol rokkin rolla is just a fake hi sol person that has been mugged by the thai government for tax

    So it was based on a base model land rover, no mention of BMW or Mercedes?

    Sorry for all the questions, but what is a hi sol?

    same equation applies to mercs and bmws... which is unfortunately why i can never have one here

    hi sol... is basically slang for a rich/posh maybe even middle class local...

    So, you'd be generally surprised by the current list prices of BMW and Mercedes? (see attached pics)

    As for your "hi sol", I do believe you're getting confused with the term "hi so" (sans "l") which appears to mean the same thing, or I guess, society in general agrees with this definition...

    same same ever so slightly different

    yes thanks for that information. I`m always interested to see what the current prices are... truth is, if I didn`t feel like I was getting ripped off, I`d have one... (well, my favourite would be the range rover sport deisel, just trying to check the prices. Last time I looked it wroked out about 4 ranges rovers in the UK for the price of 1 in Thailand). Lets see if its any different now. I will report back soon.

    yes it does appear that prices may have come down slightly or at least stayed the same since I last checked (which was a good few years back)

    i think prices in the UK will have gone up since then so the rip off factor is not quite as bad as before but still it is a complete rip off.

    it does seem that the lower class models are your best bet if you want to keep the rip off factor to a minimum (but personally I`m not interested in the base models anyway)

    but you are not going to get a new BMW or a new Merc for anything less than the cost of 2 of them in the UK

    a few selected models listed with the rip off factor alongside (my personal favourite highlighted in red, unfortunately these have the biggist rip-off factor)

    Merc A class (bottom of the range) - 2.2x

    Merc SLK 200 - 2.5x

    Merc CLS - 2.3x

    Merc SL 350 - 3.3x

    BMW 320 sport - 2.1x

    BMW 528 sport - 2.5x

    BMW 640 - 3.1x

    BMW 730LD - 2.7x

    If you have the money and plenty to spare.. fair doos.. have... but I`m buggered if I`m going to be ripped off for me hard earned wonga...

  13. yes.. at the time 1no. range rover sport in the UK was about £40000 (bottom range).. they are now about 50K....

    thats 40000 x 50baht (which was the rate at the time) = 2million baht

    a range rover sport in thailand cost 8million baht at the time

    8m divided by 2m = 4no. range rover sports

    PS... a hi sol rokkin rolla is just a fake hi sol person that has been mugged by the thai government for tax

    So it was based on a base model land rover, no mention of BMW or Mercedes?

    Sorry for all the questions, but what is a hi sol?

    same equation applies to mercs and bmws... which is unfortunately why i can never have one here

    hi sol... is basically slang for a rich/posh maybe even middle class local...

  14. kristophon

    What's a "rockn rolla"?

    Apart from the name of a Guy Ritchie film starring the delcious Thandie Newton..

    To be fair to the "haves", a lot don't drive, they have a driver.

    As for your "research" care to share your results?

    yes.. at the time 1no. range rover sport in the UK was about £40000 (bottom range).. they are now about 50K....

    thats 40000 x 50baht (which was the rate at the time) = 2million baht

    a range rover sport in thailand cost 8million baht at the time

    8m divided by 2m = 4no. range rover sports

    PS... a hi sol rokkin rolla is just a fake hi sol person that has been mugged by the thai government for tax

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