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Posts posted by Cocobeach

  1. 17 hours ago, Hellfire said:

    help them leave. 70% of them support Putin and support war. The last Empire should be destroyed. Whoever tells you it is only about Putin and the government only - lies. There were numerous polls conducted in Russia right after the war started - most of the Russian people support war and killing civilians. Treat the them the way they deserve.



    That's because they are all fed with their main media propaganda. My Russuan friends who left Rusdia many years ago knows better than to believe their media and do not support war or Putin. They try telling their family back in Russia the truth of the war but family dont believe them. That's sad. 

  2. On 3/2/2022 at 6:52 AM, smedly said:

    are you for real, western countries are providing them with tools to defend themselves, if you have a problem with that then you are part of the "problem".     #####


    On 3/9/2022 at 1:47 PM, worgeordie said:

    That's the BIG problem here 

    regards Worgeordie

    Indeed. The Thai way of teaching is to just obey. Do not even try to be curious or dare ask any question. The sheep teaching. 

  3. 13 hours ago, ArtVandelay said:


    This is the same CDC that was unable to come up with a reliable Covid test early in 2020 at the same time Europe and Japan was testing daily.   And BTW . . the FDA also blocked the use of these other tests, probably out of pride, even though they worked.  

    The same CDC that flip flop about mask and the politically compromised CDC.  The same CDC that do not have any test kit beginning of this year. 

    • Sad 1
  4. 15 hours ago, smedly said:

    are you for real, western countries are providing them with tools to defend themselves, if you have a problem with that then you are part of the "problem".     #####

    Sanctions came a little too late. Russians should be sanctioned before the invasion. But I do agree that the Western counties are providing tools. But what German did in the beginning by just providing helmets was a disgrace. 

  5. 17 hours ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

    I should have included Chile (mostly Sinvac). The rates of infection per 100K population are similar. May be hospitalization and death rate are different. So, the emphasis now must be on hospitalization and death for each type of vaccines as no vaccines can prevent infection.


    And the Philippines all jab with Sinovac. Look st the infection rate, its chaotic. 

  6. 3 hours ago, diddygq said:

    Well, everybody knows China is totally incompetent and irresponsible. I mean they were claiming that it couldn't be spread from human to human weeks after they knew it was. The fact is they silenced whistle blowers like Dr. Li Wenliang. They shut down a city of 12 million but let international flights spread it to the entire world. We are talking about a country who just erases history and lies to their population. So the Chinese Communist Party can never be trusted. 

    Well said. 

  7. On 2/18/2021 at 5:18 PM, HaoleBoy said:

    "Dr Apisamai also said that the private sector will be able to procure its own vaccines, providing the vaccines have approval from the regulatory authorities."


    Anyone know all the different vaccines that have been approved to date?  

    I don't want the Russian or Chinese vaccines.

    Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca and Johnson and Johnson just yesterday. Johnson and Johnson need only one dose. 

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Here's the chart that Biden's CV advisors in the USA Today article linked to supporting their claim that all 7 vaccines -- including Sinovac --  had proven effective at preventing death and hospitalization....


    Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Dr. Celine Gounder, epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, Ph.D., Dr. Luciana Borio, Dr. Atul Gawande and immunologist Rick Bright, Ph.D. are members of the Biden-Harris Transition COVID-19 Advisory Board.


    The latest version of the chart they linked to does NOT seem to include the Sinovac vaccine, despite their article mentioning it.




    But an earlier version of the same chart from the same source did list the Sinovac vaccine, but didn't make the same claims for it... no mention of no deaths in the yellow highlighted column.





    But I guess the question remains, can the Sinovac trials data that's been reported be considered as truthful and reliable.


    Biden is in bed with China. Says it all. 

    • Confused 1
  9. 6 hours ago, cdemundo said:

    I think you are correct.  The problems seem to be:  Hard to predict "imported" infections for two reasons, inability to control movement of people into a nation, strong need/desire to resume international travel in both directions for economic regions.  Additionally, the potential for exponential growth of current low number of infections with emerging variants.  I recall a certain ex-president of the US saying "we only have x number of infections, nothing to worry about" or words to that effect.  Even still your point is good, triage, the worst hit nations should vaccinate first if an international perspective is possible.

    That's not entirely true. China is not going to tell you the number of their infection cases. In fact, they were not going to tell anyone about Covid last year until it got out of hand. And they said no human to human transmission in which sadly a certain health org happily sang along with the propaganda. And they let their citizen in Wuhan travel around the world while locking their own city down. They do not want to report any further covid cases so that investors are not scared and that's just how they deal with bad news.  Watch China In Focus in youtube. There is continuation news about covid cases and vaccine. Archive in the month of Jan and Feb has a lot of update on vaccine.   Stay healthy everyone. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. For anyone who wants to know more about Sinovac vaccine, please go to you tube and find this news outlet NTD China In Focus or just China in Focus. Look for their archive from the last two week.  I dont trust mainstream media.  I was following the Hong Kong protest and stumble upon this media.  It belongs to a news outlet from US but their sister media outlet is in China and Hong Kong. So they have the inside news. I find them truthful and unbiased. Nothing is more important than our health. You can watch the news and make your own decision. You all deserve to know the truth. Stay safe and healthy everyone. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

    The advantage of the vaccine from China is that a dead virus is injected into the body to build immunity. This is considered primary technology, which is also used in hepatitis and polio vaccines. China injected its military personnel and thousands of medical staff with the vaccine and no serious side effects were found,” he said.


    Just look at who is telling you no serious side effects were found ????

    Like I said if you want real news. 

  12. Why do Parents here on their child Ed Visa has to prove an income of 500,000 Baht in a Thai account for 3 months?  Why can't it be an account from abroad?


    I have a Dutch permanent residence but a Malaysia passport.  When I try to get a prove of income and assets from the Dutch Embassy they refused to provide me a letter as i don't have a Dutch passport.  


    Wouldn't it be sufficient that I can prove my Account is indeed mine.   What about a letter from the Bank?


    Thank you and good luck with the interview.

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