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Posts posted by Kanaka

  1. Maybe the married mother of one worked as a bar girl because her thai husband did not support her or her child. The "friend" the told the swede was a jealous coworker. The swede obviously had no notion of the thai way of non confortation, made a drunken scene in public and commited the ultimate error of making a thai lose face. It would be wise not to be a drunken farang without understanding the culture. The police will take the side of the farang( but not to seriously) because the money comes from them.

  2. :o thanks George for printing the article. Kinda puts your life and troubles into perpective. I am an american living in Hawaii and I understand that perpetuating native indigeous cultures is crucial to the definition of humanity. If we allow the helpless to be plundered and eliminated then it is only a matter of time before all with a sence of diversity will be treated likewise. The story make3s me fell very sad.
  3. Its no coincidence that the U.S. sercurity adviser Tom Ridge is coming for a visit. DRug wars are just an excuse to take and deny rights to law abiding citicens. Are you under goverment watch because your neighbor thinks it cool to get high.? Are your child safe when some power freak govenment thug decides to start asinating people in front of your house? Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Be carefull!

  4. :o

    I've been looking to buy a small business in Chiang Mai. My problem is that I don't know the rules. Do I need to go through all the procedures and financing as if I was starting a new business? Is there any articals I can refer to on the web or this site ? If there is anyone who has gone through buying a business who can share their insites? Do I automatically receive any visa or financial advantages by being a business owner? If anybody has answers to any of these questions please help me out.

  5. I have been to Thailand three times in the past year always on a short trip less than 30 days. Next time I would like to stay 3-6 months. From what I understand, a person can get an ED visa if they have a job lined up and a simple letter from the school principle and administrator. Supossedly there is a demand for english teachers. Does anyone know how to find out or make inquiries about these jobs. I know they don't pay much but I am not concerned about the money. A chance to do some good , be a part of the community, and enough time to really get a feel of the country is foremost with me. I will bring enough money with me to take care of my extravangances.

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