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Posts posted by TTTon1

  1. Hi, I didnt mean it to be half a football field, I said it was NOT . Its a normal sized backyard in front of the house. Enough space for them to play.

    With the rest you wrote I all agree with and thank you for your time and work you put into it. I really appreciate that!

    Hi, I just wanted to thank you for your great help and the time and work you put into your posts, it really helped me a lot.

    Luckily i found a dogschool just 15 minutes from my home by accident :o theyve a school, a pool, a lake and an off leash zone. Really makes life better now :D



  2. Hi, im trying to anawer all your points your brought up nienke .


    Im not sure how you define sufficent space, we have a smallish garden but iam sure thats alot more then most dog owners can give their dogs. There alot of space to play and its just not a big garden like half a football field, its decent sized but still small. Hope you get the picture. Its definetly enough to exercise and play but I cant throw sticks for 20 yards.

    Often I see them play for half an hour or so around the house and in the grass so I think the space isnt a problem, at least yet.


    Basiclly that are my thoughts, I try to bring my points across but when Iam talkign about I feel like it doesnt get attention. Very frustrating


    Yes that is true.

    Yet the Boxer is very active and has definetly is own head but is also submissive. And very willing to learn. Defnitely a good customer.

    The Terrier is the absolute opposite yet almost lethargic yet when u stimulate him with very high frequenzy and excited voice or play with him expecially with his mouth hes with you but its possible that he looses interest very quick. What not works with him as food for some reason, maybe I shouldnt let him eat a while before excerising.

    btw I like to excersise with food


    Yes I youre right I never seperated them.

    When I try to train/ play with one dog all get curious and come to me and everything get chaotic. Definetly should sperate them.


    I adopted an old dog back in germany and we trained with him, now my mom takes care and I pay for a daily babyistte who takes him out, she tought us some things and we also had a dog show in TV about problem dogs wich opened my eyes.


    youre absoluetly right. I think one reason is that I dont want to look stupid in front of the kids so I get very serious. I feel like when I do like you say to the dogs the kids think iam kind of stupid and will not take it serious. Thats something unconciuos and I never think about it at the moment but I will change it. At least I have to feel good about myself.


    I never punish them AFTER they did it, I dont say anything and clean it. But when I see it right at the moment it happens I will scream at them with a harsh loud voice and give the command i want them to associate when theyre doing something wrong. Is that okay?

    I know the dogs show know guilt and almost always they do soemthing, play in the garden with toys who arent such, destroy plant or eat food from the trash. I never say anything unless I see the action going on then ill do the same as I do when tehyre pooing in the house. Is that okay?

    I never punish the dog for something they did because I know they wont associate it, sometimes I have the hunch to but I try to control myself.

    Youre right about the submissive behavior thing, makes totally sense and I thank you for bringing this my mind. Very interesting point!


    Yes we can leave them outside yet I feel 1st a little sorry for them when theyre alone all night and day and secondly I feel like nobody can control them and theyll get kind of wild. My office had a window door into the garden yet most of the Time when I work I need AC but I def could try.

    Now theyre already poing and peeing outside 90%+ I thought the boxer and she learned very quick and the others followed her, so basiclly we dont have this problem anymore.


    Thanks ill definetly do it. Do you have information about the prices? I cant figuere it out, its all thai.

    Iam sure that it will help alot because even if I know some thing and try to talk them yet neither nor I can fully understand what we have to do and why how to execute.

    Yet one thing I think I already have the trust of my gf that Iam right about what I say because they come to me when I want sit and poo outside, I heard her talking to a friend about it. Thats good but still it totally lacks in discipline and execution interest etc.


    the last point is definetly something i thought about and what concerns me. Yet it hasnt reached the other people. I try to give them more time and be more patient with dogs and humans. Yet theyre just a few months and Ive seen old dogs changing their behavior so I think I shouldnt force and try to improve the situation slowly and carefully.

  3. Hi Toni,
    1st of all my situation, Iam 21 and live in BKK with my gf. We have 4, yes FOUR and I already regret that dogs. All about 3-4 months of age. A boxer female and 3 males wich inckude a Pittbull Terrier and miniature and a Chihuaha.

    Personally iam pretty unhappy with the Situation and have worries. Less so my gf of course wich I should have known. Theres also quite some frustration building up.

    So we are living in a 2 storey house with a smallish garden.

    This doesn't sound like they have sufficient space to exercise (especially for the boxer and pitbull), and thus can get rid of their energy.

    The dogs arent allowed upstairs or to go on the sofa.

    I try to be an authority person and a friend to them.

    I worked very little with them as I found it very difficult for various reasons.

    1. The Boxer is very agile and smart shes willing to learn and like to play.

    2. The Terrier is very desinterested. When I want to give him some food he rather goes and takes the food of another dog, when I try to get his attention he often will punish me with putting me on ignore. It improved a little though.

    3. The Miniature is okay and a little like the boxer and the chihuaha is "stupid" please dont misunderstand but it appears to me this way. Guess its the breed.

    Okay so when I tried to teach them something, like " sit " or (come) here " is often gets very chaotic. I always start with the boxer as she is willing to act with me but the dogs are uninterested as hel_l besided the miniature who is excited but fails to learn. Maybe iam unpatient.

    You took 4 pups at the same time. None of them have learned obedient behavior and, therefore, none can be the good example. As they are together alone lots of time they have formed their own pack within your human-dog pack and, therefore, will 'listen' to each other more then to the humans, hence them ignoring you when you say something (unless you have something, such as a treat, that's more interesting at that moment than their playmates). As you do not have the time enough, and the cooperation of the others, to spend the proper time for their education, it certainly will not work in your favor.

    Different breeds learn in different ways and speed. A lot depends on what they were bred for. And also within the breed you can notice differences. Submissive dogs are more willing to follow command, while more independent (dominant) dogs tend to go more their own way.

    For a training school the best customers are the submissive dogs, because once they go home the chances they also will listen to the owner (see them as higher rank) are much higher than those dogs that may see their trainer as higher rank and therefore obey. But if once home the owner is not establishing his/her higher position, the dog may feel dominant over the owner resulting in a disobeying dog that knows all the basic obedience commands.

    Where are the other pups when you train one of them? Or do you concentrate on one while the others are there as well?

    It is best to train one at the time with the others locked up somewhere else till you have 100% reliable responses to the commands. Only then you can start training with two at the time, then 3 then 4.

    Also keep the training sessions short with fun, not more than 5 minutes at the time, but several times a day.

    Now almost every dog almost every time comes to me when I say " here " and show them my hand like I have some cookie, when they touch my hand with theri nose i praise them. Works well and she, the boxer does sit, not always though.

    It takes time (=patience :o ), training and consistency to get reliable responses. To me it sounds you're on the right track.

    Now what really turns me off are my gf and her daughter plus nephews.

    I told them how to appreciate the dogs and how to punish them. I.e. the shit in the house yell at them a command with a deep voice but what happens is that theyre like " tstststs " pookie dont do that in a soft voice wich annoys the hel_l out of me.

    And the dogs keep doing it and never understand. Then I come and do it my way wich I dont claim is right and often I get annoyed frustrated and overreact, when the dogs pissed or pooed in the room I did give them a beat sometimes when my frustration was really unmeassureable wich I know is wrong but iam really frustarted expecially since when I have to work and I work at home next to my office I hear all this going on but I cant to do anything and I dont want to raise big problems so I let the dogs suffer under that frustration wich bothers me alot. After all iam just a human but I really regret that.

    I can imagine it is quite frustrating for you if the other household members are not consistent in their part of raising the dogs (or don't partake at all).

    However, over-reacting towards your dogs will only result in them fearing YOU. You already notice this happening: <quote> But I feel more like that theyre avoiding me and fear me<unquote>.

    Better is to be very consistent in what you allow and do not allow in a friendly manner. Every time you are with your dogs they meet the same attitude and rules.

    What from my view happened now is that dogs didnt understand what I was trying to tell them i.e. that theyre dogs and not humans, that we love them but that they have to obey to us.

    But I feel more like that theyre avoiding me and fear me but do all the things they shouldnt do when out of reach because when iam not there they dont get the same response from the other humans. This shows in things like this : I always push them away not always pleasently when they jump on the sofa, yet when iam there they still sometimes do it.

    Dogs react to 'safe or dangerous' and 'result or no result'. In case of the sofa it has become 'safe' to jump on top of it while you not there and 'oops, I forgot for a moment it's dangerous' when you are around.

    As for the toilet training, punishment after the act does not make them associate that it is their pooping and peeing in the house that is not allowed. What they can learn is that if there's poop or pee in the house (no matter from who the poop or pee is, it can even be yours) is dangerous as soon as you come in the picture. Many people think their dog shows guilt when they come home and the dog has done something in the house. First of all, dogs do not and cannot show guilt, that's a human trait only. Dogs show submissive behavior in an attempt to stop the (possible) aggression of the other one. In normal social dogs this normally does the trick. Therefore, when a dog shows this submissive behavior and the owner still punishes the dog (shows aggression) the dog really gets confused, looses trust in the owner and when the aggression continues (over-reaction on the part of the owner) the dog can show fear-aggression as that's the only option left for the dog to stop the aggression and put itself in a safe place.

    I told them thats its important to praise the dog when he does his buisiness outside and that they havet o go like 6 times a day at this age but I NEVER really NEVER saw anyone doing this NEVER EVER.

    I told them that the dog has to go out up to six times maybe every 2 hours, before sleep after eating and that you can see when the dogs wants to shit or pee that hes walking around smelling the floor or getting exited played etc

    yet I never saw them once taking the dog when any of those happened to take them outside. I cant do it on my own with 4 dogs, I have to work and this happens next to my office. My frustration level is really high and sadly the dogs will be feeling that rather then those who cause the situation by stupidity arrogance and ignorance and not last but leats I feel a big lack of respect.

    I understand how frustrating this all must be for you.

    You are very correct with the praising while they do their business outside. That's the best way to toilet train a dog. When doing inside while you see it a soft Uh-Uh with a displeased face and immediately picking up the dog to put it outside is the way to go, then praise when the dog is doing its business outside. Unfortunately, you do not get the cooperation from the other people in the house.

    Is it an option to leave the dogs outside the whole time you are working and, thus, can't supervise them? Maybe with a door open to only one room where you put their beds, drinking bowl and feed them?

    Iam really serious about and I know it has to be done yet I feel totally alone and it gets too much for me. I feel frustrated and angry and sad at the same time. Yet when I try to talk with my gf I get no understanding.

    What would be my greatest wish is if there would be anyone in BKK who could come here once or twice a week to help with this since its very hard for me to do this all my own, research the net and execute with 4 dogs while taking care what the kids and my gf are doing and trying to teach them etc

    Calling in a dog trainer may do the trick. Then your gf can hear and learn from another one. You could inform at Thong Lor Animal hospital. There works a trainer named Fred Alimusa:

    Best is to go there with the dogs, your gf and the nephews (one dog for one person).

    Not sure if he is still going to people's houses, though.

    The Problem with the second part is that I try to explain to them properly but theyre not taking it serious until I get upset and angry wich I see as my only way to get it into their heads since iam usually a very nice kind and reasonable guy this bothers me alot, I also avoid conflicts.

    Iam very serious about this for my own sake and for the sake of the dogs.

    Ill continue to go through this thread tommrow and iam sure ill get many answers however I have little confidence to get this done without some personal help especially with 4 dogs and little to no help or worse from my gf.

    I can see that you do have all the good intentions. However, you have to work during the day, your gf and nephews are not helping in the education of your dogs, there is not just one but FOUR (!!!) puppies (educating them is almost a daily task), so sure enough frustration level increases. It's not an easy situation you are in.

    Therefore, I do believe concerning the situation you are in, that you may want to seriously consider if it wouldn't be better (for the dogs AND for yourself) to rehome at least two of the pups in case you can not spend the necessary time for their education. Also take into consideration if you can provide the necessary exercise for especially the pit and the boxer. Just imagine how it will be once they reach full size and will play in your house.

    I wish you good luck.


    Hey Thanks for your kind post, ill reply in detail later.

    On a sad note the chihuhaua died tonight, he always gets out under the fence on to the street and runs to the neighbours. In the morning our neighbours braught him to us when hes was not moving and already very cold. About an hour later us finding a hospital he stopped breathing. R.I.P.

    I already thought about to relocate/ give away some dogs but I dont know to who. Id never give them to thai people. Especially not the 2 big ones and the small one is too important to my gf especially when 1 is now gone already. I would consider giving the Boxer or the Pitbull to a goood owner who I know and can trust with this dogs. If not ill keep doing it myself. The space is not too much in house but I dont see it as a problem as usually when theyre getting too wild ill get between them and theyll stop to play. We can put them outside so they can let themselver go in the garden, id also consider going for a walk with them for about 1 hour per day.

    As I said ill get into more details later, not too much time now.

    Thx again

  4. Hi, glad I found that thread.

    1st of all my situation, Iam 21 and live in BKK with my gf. We have 4, yes FOUR and I already regret that dogs. All about 3-4 months of age.

    A boxer female and 3 males wich inckude a Pittbull Terrier and miniature and a Chihuaha.

    Personally iam pretty unhappy with the Situation and have worries. Less so my gf of course wich I should have known.

    Theres also quite some frustration building up.

    So we are living in a 2 storey house with a smallish garden.

    The dogs arent allowed upstairs or to go on the sofa.

    I try to be an authority person and a friend to them.

    I worked very little with them as I found it very difficult for various reasons.

    1. The Boxer is very agile and smart shes willing to learn and like to play.

    2. The Terrier is very desinterested. When I want to give him some food he rather goes and takes the food of another dog, when I try to get his attention he often will punish me with putting me on ignore. It improved a little though.

    3. The Miniature is okay and a little like the boxer and the chihuaha is "stupid" please dont misunderstand but it appears to me this way. Guess its the breed.

    Okay so when I tried to teach them something, like " sit " or (come) here " is often gets very chaotic. I always start with the boxer as she is willing to act with me but the dogs are uninterested as hel_l besided the miniature who is excited but fails to learn. Maybe iam unpatient.

    Now almost every dog almost every time comes to me when I say " here " and show them my hand like I have some cookie, when they touch my hand with theri nose i praise them. Works well and she, the boxer does sit, not always though.

    Now what really turns me off are my gf and her daughter plus nephews.

    I told them how to appreciate the dogs and how to punish them. I.e. the shit in the house yell at them a command with a deep voice but what happens is that theyre like " tstststs " pookie dont do that in a soft voice wich annoys the hel_l out of me.

    And the dogs keep doing it and never understand. Then I come and do it my way wich I dont claim is right and often I get annoyed frustrated and overreact, when the dogs pissed or pooed in the room I did give them a beat sometimes when my frustration was really unmeassureable wich I know is wrong but iam really frustarted expecially since when I have to work and I work at home next to my office I hear all this going on but I cant to do anything and I dont want to raise big problems so I let the dogs suffer under that frustration wich bothers me alot. After all iam just a human but I really regret that.

    What from my view happened now is that dogs didnt understand what I was trying to tell them i.e. that theyre dogs and not humans, that we love them but that they have to obey to us.

    But I feel more like that theyre avoiding me and fear me but do all the things they shouldnt do when out of reach because when iam not there they dont get the same response from the other humans. This shows in things like this : I always push them away not always pleasently when they jump on the sofa, yet when iam there they still sometimes do it.

    I told them thats its important to praise the dog when he does his buisiness outside and that they havet o go like 6 times a day at this age but I NEVER really NEVER saw anyone doing this NEVER EVER.

    I told them that the dog has to go out up to six times maybe every 2 hours, before sleep after eating and that you can see when the dogs wants to shit or pee that hes walking around smelling the floor or getting exited played etc

    yet I never saw them once taking the dog when any of those happened to take them outside. I cant do it on my own with 4 dogs, I have to work and this happens next to my office. My frustration level is really high and sadly the dogs will be feeling that rather then those who cause the situation by stupidity arrogance and ignorance and not last but leats I feel a big lack of respect.

    Iam really serious about and I know it has to be done yet I feel totally alone and it gets too much for me. I feel frustrated and angry and sad at the same time. Yet when I try to talk with my gf I get no understanding.

    What would be my greatest wish is if there would be anyone in BKK who could come here once or twice a week to help with this since its very hard for me to do this all my own, research the net and execute with 4 dogs while taking care what the kids and my gf are doing and trying to teach them etc

    The Problem with the second part is that I try to explain to them properly but theyre not taking it serious until I get upset and angry wich I see as my only way to get it into their heads since iam usually a very nice kind and reasonable guy this bothers me alot, I also avoid conflicts.

    Iam very serious about this for my own sake and for the sake of the dogs.

    Ill continue to go through this thread tommrow and iam sure ill get many answers however I have little confidence to get this done without some personal help especially with 4 dogs and little to no help or worse from my gf.


  5. Hi, iam german, 21 years young.

    I live in BKK and the thing iam propably missing most is playing Football so here iam looking for a group whos is playing football in BKK willing to welcome new members or just finding some like minded people.

    In either case please post in this Thread.


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