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Posts posted by chris2dv8

  1. If you are thinking or have already taught in Asia, you will be aware

    (in most cases) you will only be a warm body in the classroom.

    Please don't be fooled into thinking, it's to educate the children!!

    It's a business, to make money for the investors and teachers alike (Thai) even government ones.

    Don't bother with TEFL or TESOL . Yes, they can give you some insight to teaching,

    however, just get a few hours teaching for an agent (low pay) will give you all you need to get started, and save a heap of cash and time. I know I have been here in Thailand since 1998.

    • Like 2
  2. 3,000 baht fine .... mmmm .... maybe a profitable 'business even allowing for fines sad.png

    He does not seemed too concerned in the photo, looks quite happy.

    Good luck to him.. If he is really deaf.

    If you saw a blind guy on the street you would help. so he is only using a liitle bit of savie. smile.png

    I remamber a progamme years ago in the UK, where they showed a blind man asking for directions, he was lead by the hand with out question. Then they showed a deaf guy and he was snubbed or shouted at ??"£$%% funny sad.png

    So why do you think an obvious farang begger would fly half way around the world to beg ?

    Who is saying he was always deaf :)

  3. 3,000 baht fine .... mmmm .... maybe a profitable 'business even allowing for fines sad.png

    He does not seemed too concerned in the photo, looks quite happy.

    Good luck to him.. If he is really deaf.

    If you saw a blind guy on the street you would help. so he is only using a liitle bit of savie. :)

    I remamber a progamme years ago in the UK, where they showed a blind man asking for directions, he was lead by the hand with out question. Then they showed a deaf guy and he was snubbed or shouted at ??"£$%% funny :(

  4. since the cat is out of the bag ...


    A family friendly shot.

    Her profile and additional photos here ... http://www.missuniverse.com/members/profile/657674/year:2013


    They gotta be pulling our chain.............looks like she just been through a photoshop face lift and needs a good feed.

    I wouldn't be crawling over Miss Thailand who's really natural looking to get to her........I reckon she'd do well working in Kings Corner in Patpong beside the ladyboys

    Doessthis get too english channels. I am fron thr=e UK living here in Thailland HELP please :9

  5. As you will notice I don't normally make a comment, how ever..

    It is very sad about the items being stolen, but why on earth would they move to Bangkok, for what reason would she ask for her old job back??????

    The atm & credit cards she would have cancelled them (we hope) and would get them replaced, the same goes for the passport. A small amount of cash, ok bad luck but if they had 10 mill to buy the house then that cash stolen would be small for them.

    I understand maybe they don't want to live in the house now they have been robbed but their friends are next door, new job etc....

    Don't let the bastards grind you down :realangry:

    Get the house alarmed and secure and remember the jewellery is only jewellery it can be replaced some day.

    Don't change you dreams because of some dick....

    Have a good life

  6. My fiancee said she would help you find her. What would you pay for her to do this? Up to you. Please contact me with your e mail.

    SURELY YOU JEST!!! You think this guys best bet is to start paying other people to help him find her, like she's suffering from amnesia and will fall back into his arms once she remembers what happened? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Good money after bad... NOT THE SOLUTION. I think we all know where she is: Either in Pattaya or lording it up in her brand new house...the toast of the village!

    I agree to a point here..

    I have a friend here, who was scammed in almost the same way. He contacted a good gentleman friend of ours (who is ex-brtish intelligence). Now he not only found the girl but also recovered some of my friend funds.

    I can't go into details, but lets just say. SHE WILL THINK AGAIN !! and remember THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR here. More details e-mail me


    A little footnote to this post-68522-089340900 1278312997_thumb.pn

    Our gentleman friend I spoke with over the weekend, told me that alot of people don't really understand the concept of all this, In the UK 500,000 girls are imported ever year to work, it's bigger than drugs now and here in Thailand they don't need to import because they are already here!!

    Alot of the girls REALLY WANT TO GET OUT, but are tied up with payments too ??? and families don't help. Around 50% of the money goes to the M_F__ (boys in brown,)

    It's time to do something. :angry:post-68522-096816200 1278313661_thumb.pn

  7. My fiancee said she would help you find her. What would you pay for her to do this? Up to you. Please contact me with your e mail.

    SURELY YOU JEST!!! You think this guys best bet is to start paying other people to help him find her, like she's suffering from amnesia and will fall back into his arms once she remembers what happened? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Good money after bad... NOT THE SOLUTION. I think we all know where she is: Either in Pattaya or lording it up in her brand new house...the toast of the village!

    I agree to a point here..

    I have a friend here, who was scammed in almost the same way. He contacted a good gentleman friend of ours (who is ex-brtish intelligence). Now he not only found the girl but also recovered some of my friend funds.

    I can't go into details, but lets just say. SHE WILL THINK AGAIN !! and remember THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR here. More details e-mail me


  8. Just watch the bins on the street for five minutes or so and you will see a thai person going through the rubbish and removing the plastic and metal and even the glass wait a little longer and you will see another.. this is a 24/7 operation and they take it all to be recycled and they make a little cash. Thais have been recycling for years. You don't need any thing like the 'Green Dot'. You don't need to teach what they already know

  9. ...why would you subject her to a bus trip etc ...

    He would not. The OP, spaceshipcrew, never said anything about a bus trip. On the contrary, he wrote about "not to miss flights". It was another member, chris2dv8, who butted in with off-topic talk about travel by land.



    Well I am sorry 'for butting in' But I would have thought a road trip would be far easier and she could stop and go at her wish

    (taking her time) and viewing the country as she travels. I have done many, many border runs and I too enjoy them (I am a traveller) I can also say I have never ever been checked before getting to the border (maybe next time :) )

    And it wasn't off topic as it was to do with getting her visa sorted. I also said road trip not 'bus trip' as a wheelchair person I've assumed (rightly or wrongly) she would have her own transport

  10. A trip out of the country will be needed to get a visa and then the extension will be easy.

    You should take her on the trip to Vientiane but do it by air and pay the overstay at the airport. And then get her the non-o visa at the consulate there.

    What are the benefits of paying the overstay fine at the airport ?

    Someone advised me to arrange it a week in advance, also not to miss flights etc.

    At the airport do they take this so easy ?

    Can I ask.. Why the airport? Can't she just travel by land to the border and pay there then cross over and get another visa and re-enter on another day?

  11. 3 things here I'd point out

    1. Piracy in thailand, most countries don't like but until thailand has an actual system in places that improves the quality of education, jobs, infrastructure, actual wages or basically when corruption is gone, then piracy might go away

    2. Buying DVD pirated copy vs DVD Actual copy, I've done both, to be fair though if its a movie Im wanting to see though I go to the movie threature though as the size of the screen and sound can't replace the experience you get from it

    3. Pirated software, thats one thing I dont go into, every software I've found was either on www.download.com or I got for free as in free speech using linux. why pay for a windows xp pirated copy when I can use linux, why use pirated adobe photoshop when I can use gimp

    On your second point:

    You say you have done both, But not in Thailand you haven't because ALL DVD's are fake here, in fact 90% are fakes in asia. So be warned

    Mind you I buy them all the time and I also D/L other stuff :)

  12. Hi all, I need some solid advice:

    #1 I finished working for a school, my visa expires April 30th.

    #2 another school would like to hire me starting on May 1st.

    #3 How would I go about this? I browsed through the forums a bit, but I seem to get conflicting results, and not really my situation.

    Thank you


    Do I have to leave the country and get a tourist visa again?

    Or should the school provide me with the paper work to get another non b?

    Or I wont have to leave and do all the changes at immigration?(In this case can I extend my stay for 1 or 2 weeks?)

    so many options so little time please help me out!

    I'm sorry but most of the advice you have been given is frankly BS..

    Your new school has said seven days wont be long enough, so the best idea would leave the country (by the 30th April) and as your new school wouldn't have the time to get the paperwork ready for you , then get a tourist visa.

    On the 1st of May you will start your new job and then your new school can do the lot including converting your visa.

    This idea of your visa would be cancelled is again BS. When ever the visa date in your passport expires THAT is the date you can stay until

    DO NOT INFORM immigration, you don't have to, so why do it. :o (the system is not set up to check yet)

    Good luck in your new job. :D

  13. I have decided to quit my job due to differences with the administration however I have concerns about my work permit and my visa.

    I am on a 1 extension and just did a 90 report last week. My employer will discover that I have quit when I don't show up on Monday and will most likely cancel my work permit immediately. Everything in my passport is in order however I have heard that when a work permit is canceled that you must leave the country within a week to seek a new visa. Does anyone have a definitive answer my dilemma?

    How would immigration know if a work permit has been canceled or not?

    NO immigration will not know (unless you tell them :o )

    Run your visa until it expires, why pay when you don't have toooooo

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