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Posts posted by Moo2cm

  1. So, after they announced he was 86'd (that's an American restaurant industry term for banned, or taken off the menu) he refused to leave. So, instead of calling the police and having him trespassed, their security beats him up. The club owners should be permanently banned from operating nightclubs. Self-help evictions are not acceptable in the hospitality industry.

    Remember though, the Pole might be one of these guys who turns into a major-league A-holevampire.gif when he's got the drink in him, plenty of 'em around!!

    Then again, maybe not.

    (Seen on a T-shirt a while ago: "Instant A-Hole - Just add alcohol").


    I know... right? I saw a dog with his head freshly smashed in the middle of the road and a tear came to my eye. Then I thought this is probably one of those <deleted> dogs that chases me when I jog.... so, good riddance ehh? Dont feel bad there wiil be several others like you that will reply. Makes me glad I'm not human.

  2. Hi,

    I had one done in Chiang Mai. I think the email is [email protected]

    The Dr. is fantastic, hair by hair no plugs. No one I've pointed it out to would believe

    its a transplant. 7 years later it's still the best looking hair on my head. (I just filled in a receding hairline

    above the temples) nothing to be ashamed of, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

    They do an HIV test first, if you pass and can pay it's a go.

  3. This is not only about the abuse of the visa system but also about deterring illegal working and identifying criminal elements, particularly those peddling drugs.

    If you are a law abiding person then what is happening should hold no fears for you.

    This is only what happens in Western countries in any case.

    You're exactly right. Good points, well made.

    Most of us having nothing to worry about

    Nothing at all to worry about. I am looking forward to when they crack down on the real law breakers, those foriegners breaking the spirit of the Thai law

    and owning property by various means. Seems a lot more serious than extending a holiday. We can all rejoice then.

    Just kidding. We will never all rejoice.

  4. I applaud the police for rescuing these poor girls, and I hope the system will lock these evil traffickers up and throw away the key. The sun does not want to shine on these creatures ever again. This will send out a strong message to other cruel-hearted ruffians everywhere.

    very true but spare a thought for those that have 'forged' passports - that they will be treated kindly and compassionately not having to endure yet more 'pain'

    Thailand is not good at this. Often victims are found and have some 'document transgression' then get another dose of ill-treatment because of this

    God help them... hope it works out and they find a way out of their hell

    Yep, Lets hope they don't just move them all to the "shirt" sweat shop down the road.

  5. How many people making the worthless comments will be affected by this new, and make sense, law?

    No, sorry, you don't know what your talking about. If you think a couple now need 1.600,000 Bt to be worthy to live and spend money in Thailand

    then ask for that. And if you are going to mess with peoples lives who have been living in Thailand for years by not grandfathering it in then be up front and say so.

    It's the same old story... they came for my friend and I said nothing..... I guarentee you that however you are in Thailand you can be affected by the prescident of

    not grandfathering in. Oh.... tomorrow, you need 3 million baht in the bank at 1% interest... so sorry it's policy now.

    Ok, I guess we are clear, IMO who had the worthless comment.

    I'm not quite sure what you are implying...that Thailand is not a sovereign country and thus has no right to ever amend its residency requirements for foreigners? Do they even have the right to have any requirements IYO...or are we back to the days of Western extraterritoriality and unequal treaties?

    They can and will do what they want. Enjoy.

    • Like 1
  6. How many people making the worthless comments will be affected by this new, and make sense, law?

    No, sorry, you don't know what your talking about. If you think a couple now need 1.600,000 Bt to be worthy to live and spend money in Thailand

    then ask for that. And if you are going to mess with peoples lives who have been living in Thailand for years by not grandfathering it in then be up front and say so.

    It's the same old story... they came for my friend and I said nothing..... I guarentee you that however you are in Thailand you can be affected by the prescident of

    not grandfathering in. Oh.... tomorrow, you need 3 million baht in the bank at 1% interest... so sorry it's policy now.

    Ok, I guess we are clear, IMO who had the worthless comment.

    The law is the law, if a person doesnt like it, they can always go back home. Thailand was never meant to be a retirement village.If you were back in your own country and some old age pensioners from another country who move there complained about govt. policy, what would you have to say about that?

    most likely I would agree with them. But I would understand what I was talking about before I started talking at the big peoples table.

  7. What if you have a joint bank account with your wife with 800.000 THB?

    I have a joint account with my Thai wife and need a minimum of 1.6 million baht in that account in order to qualify for my 1 year retirement visa extension.

    So it`s only fair that the same rules apply to ex-pats married to ex-pat wives also regarding joint bank accounts.

    I can remember some years ago Immigration introduced this rule, then after a few months and after a few thousand farang married couples of little wealth left the country, the Government done a U turn and changed their minds. Only fair, 2 foreigners staying long term in Thailand should be independently assessed regarding their financial status for remaining in the Kingdom.

    800000 baht ($25000) is peanuts in today`s terms and quite honestly for the individual farangs who cannot afford to have this amount as savings in a bank, well, tough, they can find somewhere cheaper to plonk their butts.

    Or another way to look at it is your giving $50,000 to the Thai government. If your ending your life here and deposit $50,000 for the pleasure of living here for the rest of your life with only the hassle of reporting where you are every 90 days and renewing a visa once a year ,then that $50,000 is there until you die, and of course as you say that's chicken feed so your heirs won't even bother to try and get that back from the banks/gov.

    BTW: since the money is left on deposit, it's a means test... and at some point we are all excluded by a means test. Peanut's indeed

    • Like 1
  8. Fair enough. If you cannot afford you should stay at home. There are enough 'cheap charlies' here already.

    Well, once you been there for a while and you see the tide is turning against you more than you care for, you might change your mind.

    true enough Thailand is filled with foriegn halfwits. yep, yep, yep.

    you might even stay there so long you see a leader cracking down on foriegners because they love their own people so much... go

    scurry off to some foriegn country for their own protection...yep yep, yep. good laugh on your post. Thanks.

  9. Happened to me 3 times, no big deal, if you do wake up think yourself lucky because some people aren,t that fortunate. First time was actually my dear loving wife !! second time from the Thermae, sleeping pill ground into paste and applied to the nipples, and the last time, drunk as a skunk, in Patong Beach and entirely myself to blame. Now I am a wiser man, with nothing left to steal smile.png

    For those who think it can't happened to them.... I was in a bar, not in Pattaya, named "The Lovely Bar" You walk insde and sit down in the AC... the bar tender/girl and I were the only ones there. She served me a beer and we were talking and she kept telling me to drink more of my beer ( I was slow drinking it) after she said that 3 times... I paid my tab and left the last half of the beer. I made it home and woke up 5 hours later feeling drugged and shivering, couldnt remember the drive home. No I hadn't been drinking,I didn't have the flu, and if she hadn't said so many weird things about drinking more of my drink... I don't think I would have made it home.

    I wasn't getting a 200bt massage or whoring, and what was supposed to happen to me when I passed out there in the bar I will never know. I don't have any proof I was drugged either.

    Yea, it could happen anywhere. Yea, Sum num na.

  10. Dont wish to Blame the Victim , far from it ..But , its certainly true if you want to live here , no matter how much you may think you can " Take Care of Yourself " you just have to Ignore , Shut up .. and look away . It shouldn't be like this ..There are 1000s of reasons why it shouldn't be ..But this is how it is . Just go about your Business ..keep your Nose Clean ..But forget the Western View , Took me time also , But avoid all Conflict and " What will be ..will be " ..No matter how strong , you will Never Win . Simple rules , but just how it is ..and It "aint " going to Change , not in the next 50 years anyhow ..You are here for a reason , Take your mind back to That reason .

    I wonder how "Ignore , Shut up .. and look away" would have helped this 70's year old being blugened to death in his bed?

    I'm sure we can all think of something.

    Certainly Not Justifing ...But thats Not what happened . You will never beat Punks like this ..No matter how strong you think you are .

    "The reconstruction was held at a building site close to the scene of the crime as the family of the deceased asked Police not to re-enact the crime in the victim’s home.

    As the victim slept, the two assailants, Khun Anuchai aged Khun Siriwat, broke-into the house in search of valuable items.

    At the time, Mr. Morfella was asleep and as the two men entered the 2nd floor bedroom, they saw him in the bed and used a stick to repeatedly strike him. The victim screamed for help as one of the suspects placed a pillow over his head while the other continued to beat him until he died"

    What do you know about this crime your not saying? If your saying one should learn not to scream for help as your being beaten to death... how does one practice this skill?

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