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Posts posted by topsecret

  1. Sondhi of PAD survives shootings

    By: BangkokPost.com

    Published: 17/04/2009 at 07:51 AM

    Car of Sondhi Limthongkul, a core leader of People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), was attacked early Friday around Bangkhumprom intersection, near the ASTV station.

    Mr Sondhi sustained minor injuries, but his driver was in critical condition, according to Manager website.

    Full Bangkok Post article

    Thank Goodness he's still alive. I fear what public reaction would have been if it turned out differently. Thank you red shirts, for your continuing efforts to destroy our country...

    The PAD yellow shirts sent the coutry on the path of destruction when they closed the airport and overthrew the elected government in a silent coup !!

  2. Anyone can legally buy a passport in most countries. In the UK all you need to do is invest 1 Million GBP.

    This wont stop Taksin as he probably anticipated this move before the riots.

    Lets face it if there was a fair and democratic election in Thailand today, he or his party would still win!

    I fear he will be back someday, and there will be revenge..........

  3. I have been here for a few months now and met many foreigners in bangkok.

    I've met some of the Bangkok bangers team which are a great bunch of blokes who I hope to be playing with next month. Meet some really down to earth foreigners also.

    But I have met some really miserable blokes, I'm a pretty friendly bloke and talk to anyone and I have met many miserable blokes and notices that they are usually in group.

    One group of about 9 guys who my friends and I challenged for the table were always puting down Thai's and saying how stupid they are, telling the girls behind the bar to get them a drink in a rude manner. After we beat them for the table they wanted a rematch, after we beat them again they started blaming the table saying how Thai pool tables are all crap etc etc.

    I mean we just left before one of us got set off, I mean plently of people here know the faults here and are aware, but we seem to move on. But I have never seen so many miserable foreigners talking down to the locals anywhere I have travelled.

    Why is this?

    What bar where you in? i bet the <deleted> were English

  4. I'm very confused. What is the army supposed to be doing, celebrating with the reds?

    One thing is for sure, no government has the ability to enforce law & order in Thailand. Somebody better get tough quick or anarchy will break loose.

    What did the PAD expect after the silent coup 4 months ago? Everyone to just say "ok let it be" The PAD leaders should have been jailed for the airport closure. Now look where we are.

    Songkrang festivities have been cancelled. Some Thais i spoke to say this will get nasty tonight!!

  5. The rule is 400,000 in the bank for 2 months OR 40,000 income per month. In both cases it has to be your money only.

    police order 777/2551 point 2.18:


    2: Within 1 year you can enter Thailand as many times as you want, but can not stay longer then 90 days eacht time. (You can leave and reenter the same day).

    Was this BKK suan plu?

    Many Thanks

    Yes Suan Plu.

    Rather than bring in 400K from the UK, I may as well go back to PP and get a Multi entry O visa.


  6. Hi. I went to the Thai immigration in Bangkok with my Thai wife around 4 weeks ago to extend my single entry O visa. They told me that i must have 400,000 in a Thai bank, in my name, for at least 2 months. I asked about earning 40,000 per month and they said absolutely no, and that I must have 400,000 baht. I went back the next day hoping that the answer would be different from another officer but same response.

    We have one baby.

    They gave me a 2 month extension, for 1,900 baht and asked me to put the money in that day and come back in 60 days. As the £GBP - THB exchange rate is so bad I really don't want to do this.

    1/ Is this true everywhere or does is depend on who you speak to?

    When I applied for the original single entry O visa in Phnom Penh, the friendly lady asked me if i wanted a multiple entry O visa. I declined thinking the extension in BKK would be easy enough.

    2/ If I go back to PP for the multi entry O visa, does it last for 12 months or just 90 days with multiple entries?

    Many thanks in advance.

  7. but seems Phuket is moving up on the danger scale :D

    Just left Patong beach in Phuket.. it's definitely going irrational: one midnight motorcycle taxi gave me a lift for 32 baht ( all I had on me) the next night same idea a guy wanted 150baht. I refused to pay but he got so angry I offered him 100baht then he actually attacked me...hit me with his helmet n( sounds like a bad joke hehum)..

    So lets see. Firstly you conned the motorbike driver by taking a lift knowing you did not have enough money and subsequently did not give him the correct fare. Then you insulted another (or was it the same) driver by offering him much less than he expected.

    I'm surprised you're still alive!

    Next time ask for the price before you accept the lift and pay the buggers what you agreed. You'll find that they'll stop attacking you. :o

    What a plonker

  8. Anyone care to speculate as to how the PAD will react? Will this be enough to keep them from causing any more disruptions?

    The PAD supported this from the outset.

    I hope he can bring stability to Thailand but the problem is that neither he, nor his party, was elected by anyone!

    The red shirts are not happy that their democratically elected government has been overthrown in what they call a 'silent coup'.

    They won't accept this and more protests are likely!

    It's not over yet!

  9. Extraordinary. They obviously do not want foriegners here for any length of time, only long enough to drop their cash and piss off back home. It begs the question as to whether they really deserve to have us come visit their extraordinary country at all.

    Not true Freddy. They had to do away with the '3 stamps in 180 days rule' as many legitimate tourists were getting caught out. This new 15 day rule is to stop the 'Cheap Charlie' falangs who use the Cambodia border for 'FREE' 30 day visa runs. I've never understood why anyone still does this when a trip back home to get a 12 month multiple B visa would not cost a great deal more (and a lot less hassle) than 12 boring visa runs per year to the charming town of Poipet.

    If you're not prepared to pay for the appropriate visa to stay in Thailand, or you don't have the savvy on how to obtain a sponsor for one, then good riddance!

  10. This is another sad decison by courts that are politcal pawns:

    THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law



    November 26, 2008

    A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission

    THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law

    Already, the criminal justice system of Thailand has been reduced to an utter joke, its agencies and personnel either unable or unwilling to intervene effectively to protect public property and people's lives, or even prosecute wrongdoers. That the security forces can carry out coups on the whimsy of generals and engage in battles over trifles with those of neighbouring countries but not responsibly protect the Government House or international airport is sheer farce. That government agencies have been forced to negotiate and cut their losses rather than insist that the law be enforced is dangerous folly. And that the senior judiciary, which through a succession of highly politicised judgments has played a major part in contributing to the current mess has nothing useful to contribute when lives are at stake and the country is in greatest need of intelligent guidance is altogether shameful. About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation monitoring and lobbying human rights issues in Asia. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.


    I couldn't agree more. I have lost a great deal of respect for this country and it's so called leaders. I feel for the stranded tourists who must be infuriated about what has happened to them.

    Similar circumstance occurred in Germany in 1923 and more recently in Myanmar 1962 as well as many other countries when a few idiots decide they can come up with a better political system.

    Where will this end?

  11. This is another sad decison by courts that are politcal pawns:

    THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law



    November 26, 2008

    A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission

    THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law

    Already, the criminal justice system of Thailand has been reduced to an utter joke, its agencies and personnel either unable or unwilling to intervene effectively to protect public property and people's lives, or even prosecute wrongdoers. That the security forces can carry out coups on the whimsy of generals and engage in battles over trifles with those of neighbouring countries but not responsibly protect the Government House or international airport is sheer farce. That government agencies have been forced to negotiate and cut their losses rather than insist that the law be enforced is dangerous folly. And that the senior judiciary, which through a succession of highly politicised judgments has played a major part in contributing to the current mess has nothing useful to contribute when lives are at stake and the country is in greatest need of intelligent guidance is altogether shameful. About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation monitoring and lobbying human rights issues in Asia. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.


    I couldn't agree more. I have lost all respect for this country and it's so called leaders.

    Similar circumstance occurred in Germany in 1923 and more recently in Myanmar 1962.

    Are we heading for fascism?

  12. How selfish can you get worying about your own finances over the future of a country.

    such comments are reminiscent of the grey faced socialist dinosaurs who presided over some of the eastern european communist states as they slowly sank into oblivion.

    the finances of businesses operating here are inextricably linked to the future of the country.

    thailand needs businesses that are successful , and needs those who are prepared to risk the investment needed to start up those businesses.

    I agree, small to large businesses ARE the future of any country. If our biz goes bust as a direct result of the protesters closing the airport, how many other businesses are going bust? People lose jobs, cant pay rent, cant buy food, hire taxis, can't pay for school for their kids etc. etc. Governments, inept or otherwise, cannot collect enough taxes to run social services. PAD protesters will go home only to realise they have just contibritued to their own financial downfall.

    My 'Land of Idiots' quote was directed at the PAD, Government & Politicians of this country, however after reading some of the replies to my post it appears that a sizeable minority of falangs also fall firmly into the idiot category.

  13. What a cry baby !!! Thailand is better off without a whinger like you .Sounds like you are wishing for a blood bath .

    I've just seen 5 years of hard work go down the toilet!

    We run/ran a legitimate teaching agency which placed hundreds of teachers within Thai schools.

    117 schools, to be exact, and countless Thai students will no longer have an English teacher this coming term due to an unprecedented number of cancellations from our teachers.

    I've spent years helping Thailand, not whinging.

    Also i have a two month old daughter and a Thai wife so the last thing I want to see in Thailand is a blood bath.

    If you'll read my post again you'll may get a measure of the problems facing ALL business owners (foreign and Thai) right now and the general sentiment as a direct result of the airport closure.

    Cry baby? Piss off.

  14. Thailand shouldn't be referred to as a "Land of Smiles" any more. The 'Land of Idiots' is far more appropriate. :o

    When terrorists (of any description) take over a country's main airport, a government must react swiftly and decisively. However the PM's request for the police to remove the protesters by 'gentle means' typifies the absurdity of the Thai Psyche (i.e. trying to save face at all costs and don't offend the guy who's beating you over the head with a hammer as he may get angry) :D

    The PAD have now officially put me out of business. I have lost millions of Baht because of this latest development but I may recover by moving my business, and jobs, elsewhere. So I'll get over it, but how many Thai businesses are on the verge of financial ruin or bankruptcy?

    Personally I detest the PAD Idiots, but I have now lost any hope I had in the current government to restore law and order.

    No matter what happens, I fear there will be bloodshed in Thailand on a scale never seen before in modern times. The seizure of Suvarnabhumi airport will be the tipping point for an economic cataclysm that Thailand will never recover from. :D

  15. Do we have to start in with labelling PAD as terrorists in yet another thred, they are nothing of the sort.

    Using terrorist means to over throw a democratically elected government means they are terrorists.

    The PAD have now put me out of business. I'll get over it but how many Thais are on the verge of bankruptcy?

    Perhaps the country will soon be known as the 'Land of Idiots'. The PM's request for the police to remove the protesters by 'gentle means' typifies the absurdity of the Thai Psyche (trying to save face and not offend anyone) when faced with a seriously confrontational situation.

    When terrorists (of any discription) take over a country's main airport, a government must react swiftly and decisively. Gentle means are no longer an option.

    Personally i detest the PAD, but I have now lost any little faith I had in the current government to restore law and order.

    No matter what happens, I fear there WILL be bloodshed in Thailand on a scale never seen before in modern times.

  16. It was on the BBC today

    ASTV: British Embassy Revokes Thaksin's Visa

    PAD leader Sondhi Limthongkul announces on PAD stage that the U.K. embassy has revoked the visas of both Thaksin and Khunying Pojaman Shinawatra.

    The PAD leader cited a Manager newspaper's report that the embassy has revoked both fugitives' visas. The order reportedly takes effect today.

    TOC / 2008-11-08

    Interesting that PAD leader Sondhi Limthongkul knows more than the BBC and even the UK's Home office - Press Office.

    And, isn't ASTV/ and "a Manager newspaper" related to Sondhi ?


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