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Posts posted by farangajarn

  1. Hello Flakes:

    You were asking a number of questions about Lanna International. I think many of them could be answered if you check the website: http://www.lannaist.ac.th/ I would also encourage you to email the school directly and to talk to the headmaster and/or the primary principal. I think you would be reassured about it not stressing kids etc. Also again, I am only recommending it for you to take a look at as you investigate schools and I am not selling it. Personally while I would think what you read here is very valuable information from a number of perspectives, nothing is better than you yourself going to the schools and seeing for yourself. I would never buy a pig in a poke.

    I saw the negative comments from a poster about a staff member there. I think, if you really believe that has any credibility at all, that you flat out ask the school directly and judge for yourself what you think the truth of the matter is.

    Dont think I have any more to add to this thread so again good luck and best wishes for you and your family.

  2. I would like to preface this to say clearly that I am a teacher there, but I do recommend you look at Lanna International School. It's British curriculuum all the way to IG, A and AS levels and well credentialed. I am American myself, but I must say I like the idea of independent exams and assessments, that are done at each and every year of the school. No inflated or feel good grades. Perhaps more importantly for a child your age, is that, Lanna, while not lovely and lush in terms of physical facilities, really is a very friendly, student centered, family oriented school. This is not a paid announcement in any way, its honestly how i feel. Good luck in coming to Chiang Mai and in having the right learning environment for your child.

  3. A couple of comments. I got financing via the Toyota dealership in HangDong for a new pickup truck just last year with no Thai partner. 25% downpayment. The truck is in my name, the insurance is in my name. The monthly bill comes in my name. No Thai involved. I do teach here so I had my work permit and salary reciepts to use along with bank records. So it is possible.

    On another note, I have a visa credit card from Krung Thai Bank with no secured account at that bank. It has a credit limit of 100,000 baht more than enough for small needs that arise and acceptable for local and internet purchases.

    Perhaps things are changing more than we know in Thailand? Anyway those are two of my personal experiences.

  4. Sorry but I must disagree a bit. I personally financed my new truck via Toyota dealership on Hang Dong Road. No Thai signer on any paper. My best buddies are a farang American who married a great Thai lady. No payment of any kind made at any point before marriage and she actually did a great of ensuring they saved well for the nice retirement they are now enjoying. So I guess it would say its not about being a newbie or an old hand, more like how you manage your life here.

  5. my school is collecting donations for the Love and Care boarding school, a very poor hilltribe school and it would be nice for there. PM me for more info if interested. thanks

  6. Yes, excellent place. There is a website as well, also showing the location:


    Thanks for the webpage Winnie. Personally, I like the place so much I hand out their business cards like I am dealing poker. Many of the Thai teachers at my school have found the place great for group get togethers due to good food, good service, nice ambiance and inexpensive cost. Huli may have been there with his lovely wife more than I but he and I have also eaten t here quite often together. I find the staff quickly remember you and the service gets even better after you have been there. highly recommend for a try.

  7. you might want to sign up for substitute teaching at the international and other schools to get a foot in the door. and also make sure they know you are available for private tutoring. its almost the turn of the semester for international schools, grades will come out and some parents will be seeking tutors. in springtime will be the jobs notices for these schools and first interviews. hope this helps.

  8. hi yes i am interested. I have a husand and wife and small son visiting from jakarta at just that time and it would be a wonderful deal for them. they are nice quality people and a good family I will pm you with my contact details ok? thanks

  9. Mr Eak a handyman at the school I teach at is a really good handyman. He done several fix it jobs at my house from small to big. He speaks English and knows how to figure out whats needed and where to buy it. If you pm me I can give you contact information.

  10. Bought a 2000 Suzuki sport Carribean in 2006 for 165,000. Only two previous owners and came with service records. Got from a teacher returning home after a two year stint here. Still driving it and its going strong. Got new tires, and recently had the battery replaced and the air con serviced. Otherwise only tuneups. No complaints other than fuel consumption.

  11. For my qualifications I was a teacher in the USA, I have a BS.Ed. and an MSW along with a TEFL certificate. My international school would require appropriate paperwork and degrees for hiring. Teaching experience counts for a lot and there is some flexibility about degrees. We do get teacher licenses and work permits and B work visas along with paying Thai taxes. Some teachers are recruited from overseas at job fairs. I have seen very little prejudice about hiring local teachers if qualified etc etc. Pound of flesh on paperwork? All I can say is its nothing like the pounds of paperwork you have to produce in public government schools in the usa due to overlapping country, state and federal oversights and programs.

    ps on the owning the house bit I hear what you are saying but its in my spouse's name with me owning the building and having a 30 year lease on the land (an infruc).

  12. Hi again Well you give me inspiration to consider karate as exercise. I will give it some thought. In the meantime I have given my school your karate information and our secondary principal, Kevin should be getting in touch with your group for doing it as a possible school activity. Thank you for that.

  13. PeaceBlondie ...............western concepts. oh yeah. about six months ago i was visited by a straight but very gay friendly married couple. dear old friends. they met my hilltribe bf. he hosted them at dinner and was totally charming..........and with a total communication block.......him no English, they no Thai. He literally rocked many of their preconceptions of gay and asian identity. before they left they told me that Asia and Thailand felt far more foriegn, alien and different than any of many European countries they had visited. Just shows to go yah.

  14. I am curious to know what people's experiences with international school teaching in Thailand has been. I teach at one in Chiang Mai and I find my job delightful. In the USA I literally left teaching due to the horrendous conditions and did other work. Moving here I did the usual teaching other kinds of schools and so know the debilitating conditions that can exist in many Thai schools..........admin nightmares, lack of work permits, low pay, huge classes. My last few years have been in direct constrast to that. I am 57 and have no age perception probelms at work. Small classes and interested students. What I consider to be pretty reasonable pay, vacations and benefits though some others, mostly directly here from western countries feel its not enough. It affords me a fairly comfortable lifestyle to the extent I have purchased a car and am buying a home strictly on local wages. I feel very fortunate. Of course there are probelms in any school and no job is heaven...........I mean thats why they pay us to do them..........but what are the experiences of others? I havent seen much in this forum on this topic and so am curious. THANKS>

  15. Thank you for the replies. Also thanks to those of you who kindly offerred private invitations. I will be trying to contact you as time permits. Some good ideas like the monkey restaurant and the karate classes for my school. I will tell them about it. As for me I am a bit too out of shape to consider it without a few months of weight loss first, which I am trying to do. LIfe here seems pretty nice, I enjoy the green and the trees, thats it not too crowded and almost a country feel when I bicycle around. Good luck to those thinking of building here. I bought my home from one of the ones already built here and it was excellent value.

  16. wow fast service! Many thanks BB and thanks to you also Peaceblondie! I checked the listings and found things I sure didnt know. If I stumble over something new I will let you know, but I dont get out much. My hilltribe bf still doesnt quite know he's gay after six years of being together. Peaceblondie, my bf reminds me of your comments on another thread about gay labels including gay. My bf really isnt in the closet or in denial or anything like that ...........he really just has no western concept. He's with me coz he likes me is what he tells me.........haha.

  17. My first posting here. I have been in Chiang Mai for some years but have been peacefully settled with my long term bf, so I have not kept up with whats going on with all the bars and gay scene. the pinned listings seem very outdated. Any comments or updates or information to catch me up? Many Thanks.

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